An Accidental Orchard

After much pondering, I decided to plant the accidental fruit trees in the courtyard, for now, anyway. It turns out I have seventeen trees, not eighteen, a far more manageable number…..NOT! Seventeen trugs and bags of compost were bought and bins and bins of top-soil from a local Buy Nothing group were acquired. I cut …

Shine on…

Oh what a glorious time we’ve had! Over the last seven days we’ve had a mini heatwave and the plants, animals and people are simply loving it. My fruit bushes are romping away, as is the Rhubarb…….which then, amazingly, turns into this. Courtesy of my wonderful neighbour Barbara, not at all bad eh? The fruit trees …

Bumbly bees….

I like bees, especially bumble bees, which sadly, are now becoming threatened. I heard last night that their numbers are dropping drastically in the North West. But the good thing is that we still have hundreds of bumble bees bumbling around our gardens. This hole in the wall under the kitchen window is always a …