It’s beginning to look a lot like spring

Spring seems earlier than usual this year. It’s rather odd as the snowdrops, crocus, iris and daffs are doing very little in the sunnier, south-facing front garden but are bursting into bloom in the back. Usually, it’s the other way round. I absolutely love the iris popping up in all the side planters on the …

Life goes on

The house looks like a building site, and men constantly tramp through it, but apart from that, life goes on…. Chloris kindly sent me some seeds, what joy, seeds always put a smile on my face. I already have a Chloris corner, where plants she has sent me in the past are now thriving! I …

Grand plans

And so it begins….the buying of seeds. I always start off sensibly, thinking about what I would really like to grow, then as winter drags on the blood seems to rush to my head and before I know it I’m acquiring packet after packet of seed. But, at the moment I’m still in the sensible, logical stage and …