Coming to life

The first sunny-ish weekend had me sowing seeds, not that it lasted long, the temperatures have plummeted again. I was astonished to see lettuce, rocket and broad beans all germinating within three days! It’s always such a pleasure seeing those first little miracles of the season. Throughout the winter I’ve been harvesting spring onions and …

All things bare and bountiful

Birds, branches and bedraggled beech nuts. Wilting hibiscus. Sodden leaves and boisterous dogs. Raised beds and bird sown yew tree. Entangled vines. Iris seed pods. Glowing dogwoods. Fading, papery hydrangeas. In other news… I’ve been out and about rather a lot recently, but my favourite’s are… when the “Whatever the Weather Girls” took themselves across …

And so it begins

I was passing a nursery recently and was pulled, magnetically inside, I rather surprised myself as I left with begonias, which I’m not terribly fond of and PURPLE potatoes, I know I said I would only be growing Charlotte and King Edward…..but come on….PURPLE potatoes, I owe it to myself to give these a whirl, …