For Valentine’s Day, last February, hubs bought a two hour trip to Puffin Island, in Anglesey. Up until May, Puffin Island is teeming with …..well, puffins, along with a host of other seabirds, with grey seals, dolphins and porpoises thrown in for good measure. For one reason or another, we simply haven’t managed to get there. Last Saturday we finally made it.

We were out at the crack of dawn and drove for hours through the thickest mist I’ve seen in years! Somehow we managed to arrive at the Jetty on time and we wondered, quite smugly actually, where everyone else was. The departure time came and went, but the boat, the captain and the other people didn’t. Hubs made a call, and it turned out that we were at the wrong Jetty. It had been had changed the night before and we had missed the email notification.

So, off we drove and finally arrived at the correct Jetty. We were too late of course. We had missed the boat. Or rather, we’d missed the small inflatable speedydingythingy! IMG_6548

Hubs failed to mention “speedboat” when he talked puffins!

So, a pleasant chap listed our options, we could re-book the death trap or take another boat out to Puffin Island, an hour and a half later. I tentatively enquired about “the other boat”  that he was referring too!


He pointed, I looked and sighed……Oh yes, I’d much prefer THAT boat! But it’s slower, says the pleasant chap…

So we get to see more, says I! Hubs, however was dead set on the speedydingythingy, but eventually gave up the ghost. So what to do for an hour and a half?


We were hungry after all, and had a fantastic, outdoor table overlooking the harbour!

After a solid breakfast/brunch/early lunch, we headed back to the Jetty only to hear that the boat couldn’t sail for another two hours due to the mist.

We did finally set sail, and of course the puffins, along with most of the birds had long since departed, still, it was an ethereal experience, sailing in the mist, with grey seals silently swimming alongside.


There were still plenty of birds to see, cormorants and shags are still abundant.


Other news this week…finally the log burner is being fitted; the whole house is a mess as a result, but how cosy it will be when it’s all sorted!


The old fireplace? It’s now in the courtyard, I just need to sort this area out a little.


Buddy has now taken to sitting on a chair next to me if I’m using the laptop..


More birds and hogs have been released, thankfully WITHOUT incident!




So far so good, some of the youngsters are still hanging around which is fine  by me, they can have all the time they need.

Talking of birds, I have a lovely story.


Sorry about the blurry picture, I had to take it through the window.

Now….Special Pige came by last week ……with a pal! Here, SP is inside the birdhouse, the new pal is on the top.

I only have one feral pigeon in the garden, as SP is the only one out of hundreds that I’ve released, that has hung around. When she arrived with her friend, I went out to feed her, hoping to avoid a repeat of the kitchen debacle last week! Quick off the mark I am now! New pal immediately flew off, SP remained, coo-cooing at me.

Every day now, they come to feed together, they are obviously a mated pair. How lovely is that? It’s like my very own version of Born Free…..only SP is obviously a pigeon as opposed to a lion. I wonder if she’ll turn up with chicks next spring? Not at all bad, given that she came to the rescue as a tiny featherless chick that was raised by hand eh?

And finally…..


I was asked to review these Vegetable plants so far cabbages and broccoli have arrived. I’m also expecting kale and cauliflower.


So out I went, weeded the veggie patch and popped the plug plants in. I’m hoping they grow in time for Christmas!





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  1. Darn that breadfast looks scrumptious! I like the sound of the eerie and mysterious boat journey surrounded by silent seals gliding through the water keeping an eye on you all in yon boat… What a day of waiting around though….. But you persisted and got your boat ride afterall and not in the whizzy little one… I’m totally with you on that one… slower is better and gives much more time to appreciate the eerie misty bits! xxx

    • Thanks Arose, the breakie was delicious and sailing through the mist with the silent seals made up for all that waiting around, I am a huge fan of mist, it’s so transforming and mysterious! Oh yes….slower any day! xxx

  2. Now I do like the look of the boat you went on and what a wonderful mushroom on your plate …

    Nice to read your story too.

    Have a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

  3. That was a lovely story to start with new energy my day…
    You will love to have a cheminee with fire burning in the cool winter nights! For us is as well a way to warm up the atmosphere, specially when we have below zero outside. But as far I remember, in GB you don’t have very rigid winters, or am I mistaking?
    Our cats love to sit on the sofas beside the fire-place… and listen to what we discuss or to the kids and my husband playing their instruments.
    Last Sunday our oldest cat Annibal, who was with us for almost 18 years, rejoiced the “Light” and was liberated of his material body… This was again very very hard for me and I cried for days. Even if I follow the buddhist philosophy, dear Dina, my cats are like kids… Now (everything is dictated by a very High Law) Massimo’s collegue asked if we know somebody who is willing to take a abandoned cat he found somewhere in Italy… This poor thing: guess what, we will take her with us. She isn’t replacing the loss of my adored Annibal, but we will have one more child.
    I love to see how animals get attached to the humans who gave them love: pigeons are showing to you their love back, isn’t it? And if next Spring the couple will arrive with some chicks… that’s delighting! Here live still goes on more or less quietely… a lot of music, love to the world and quite great sorrow for all the terribly sad happenings specially in the middle east and arabic countries. I do have such grief in my hart since there aren’t only the humans suffering but as well all the poor animals left and abbandonned to their fate. I wish you a serene week end dear Dina! Claudine

    • Oh Claudine, I’m so very sorry to hear about Annibal, what a great old age for a cat to live. I know you love each of your little friends, and I know how hard parting with them is, I am sending you love and comfort. What a lucky cat to be coming into your home, yes….it always seems pre-ordained doesn’t it? As you say, a new feline will not replace your beloved Annibal, but how wonderful for that poor little stray to find you and your sweet family. I hope your pain eases over time. Huge hugs.xxxxxxx

  4. It does seem a bit sad to go to Puffin Island and not see puffins. I saw them years ago on Flamborough cliffs in Yorkshire. They are so pretty. Still you had a lovely trip and didn’ t have to risk the dodgy- looking dinghy. I laughed at the idea of a fry up before tackling the waves. I would certainly have seen it again.
    I would love a wood burner, how cosy.
    Pigeons- brassicas? Does this combination really work?

    • I know….fancy missing the puffins, I shall certainly make an effort to see them next year! How lovely that you got to see them though….
      I didn’t think twice about breakie….what a pair of fools we are! Thankfully the water was fairly still.
      I know what you mean about pigeons and brassicas….and I release more each week! Some of us NEVER learn!xxx

  5. Am I the only one who thoroughly enjoyed my two trips on an RIB, Rigid hulled Inflatable Boat? Once in Falmouth harbour looking for Dolphins, but saw 4 migrating Ospreys instead and once on the Cromarty Firth still looking for Dolphins but saw Porpoise instead. Once in the boat, you hold tight and it’s just like riding a horse as you skim across the waves! We have since seen lots of Dolphins from the boat coming back from the Scillies.

    Sorry you didn’t manage to see any Puffins, hopefully next time you will. We managed to see hundreds when we were on our way to Scotland a few years ago when we had a break in our journey and visited the Farne Islands off Northumberland, well worth it!

    You will be so cosy once your woodburning stove is installed, it was the first thing we did when moving here 25 yrs ago, best decision we ever made.
    Glad Pidge has a mate now, but protect your brassicas or they will end up like lace curtains, they are pigeon’s favourite!

    • You certainly are brave taking that speedboat twice, and WOW what wildlife you saw, that must have been a treat!
      Seeing the puffins must have been magical, I really must go back next year….and maybe take the speedboat! You’ve talked me into it!!!
      I’m really looking forward to using the log burner, everyone who has one speaks highly of them! Thanks

  6. I was so surprised to hear that you have puffins. I saw them in Alaska, but had no idea that they are that widely spread. They’re wonderful birds, just as cute as can be.

    Speaking of silly geese, I’m a silly goose. I looked at your last photo and thought, “Whatever is that beautiful turquoise bloom, there on the right?” Then, I enlarged the photo, and discovered it’s the tie you used to support or bind something.

    I love that special Pige has a mate. I have a pigeon pair that’s been around for two years, at least. Maybe three. The male is a beautiful copper color, and his dear is black and white — very striking. It’s such fun to have these little peeks into worlds that are so very different than our own (and yet similar in so many ways).

    • Puffins certainly seem to get around, yes, they can be found along quite a bit if the UK coast, it’s a shame we missed them as they are, as you say, such cuties!
      I was laughing re you thinking the garden twine was a bloom, I often make those mistakes too…
      Well, there you go, we both have a set of mated pigeons, although your male sounds more colourful than mine. Thanks

  7. I was so excited when I read puffins…… favourite bird.
    What a shame you missed the boat. None the less the trip sounds as though it was an amazing experience. Apart from that brunch looked good.

    What a great story……so nice to have a happy ending. I think you may end up with a garden full of pigeons 🙂

    • Oh….how I love puffins too! Hopefully I’ll get to see them next year, and at least we got to sail in the mist which was rather lovely. Brunch was filling to say the least!
      Lol…yes….I may end up with a shedload of pigeons!xxx

  8. I’d love to see puffins, even if I did have to go out in an inflatable dingy! Sounds like a fun day even if it didn’t go completely as planned. You may end up with a flock of pigeons in love with you! Watch out!! 😉

    • I rather liked the mist so enjoyed the day, it was certainly a tale of the unexpected and I was glad to finally sail, even that seemed a remote possibility….I must go back next year…on a SLOW boat and see those puffins!
      Lol….I may just end up with a flock of pigeons! xxx

  9. I love that first picture – it makes the sea look so tranquil. What a shame you didn’t see any puffins – I don’t think I have seen one out in the wild either. Your breakfast looks huge – I’m surprised you didn’t sink the boat!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lovely story about the pigeons looks like you have a friend for life. Oh the joys of installing a wood burning stove – been there, done that – ha! Hope your late veggies make progress – at least there won’t be any slugs about to chomp at them.

    • I just love the sea and all it’s different moods, sailing in the mist was so lovely, somehow mist muffles all other sounds. Lol…..I’m surprised we didn’t sink the boat either!!!
      I do hope I have a friend for life, and get to see the kids!
      I can relate to your decorating, albeit mine is on a much smaller scale…..oh the dust! But oh the pleasure we shall have, just like you when it’s all sorted!
      Ermmmmm……slugs are STILL abundant here!!!! Thanks

  10. Aw no ! What a shame. Mist and puffins have conspired against you. Maybe it will be third time lucky?
    I like the photo of the silhouetted birds on the island though. Beautiful.
    I’m interested that you are putting in a wood burner. You must post some photos once it’s installed. I have heard they keep the not super hot. Lovely for winter.
    I had to laugh about Buddy. You will be teaching him to use the computer next ! LOL
    And Special Pige bringing home a mate. How lovely is that ?
    Just one question – I notice you were both eating eggs on the photo of the cooked breakfast. What are your feelings on the cruelty of the egg industry ? I was so horrified about the way male chicks are ‘disposed of’ that I haven’t eaten eggs since. Or were they both hubs’ plates LOL ?
    Good luck with the cabbage and kale. They will be some good winter crops for you to harvest.
    As ever a lovely and very interesting post
    Thanks for sharing xxx

    • I did enjoy sailing in the mist, that was lovely, but I must try and get there next year to see the puffins. The stove is now in, but the furniture is still dotted around the house! Hopefully I’ll get around to sorting it all out over the next few days, it will be lovely to finally have it roaring away! Buddy is trying to help me type! He even watches the screen, and they say dogs have poor eyesight!
      If SP turns up with chicks next spring I’ll be over the moon! It’s lovely to know she’s living life as she should!
      Yes, I was eating eggs, I know about the males, it’s utterly barbaric but only happens in big companies. If I eat eggs out I always check they are locally sourced and free range, these were listed on the menu as such and I still double checked. I rarely eat eggs in cafes etc if no listed info, we only eat eggs from the rescue at home as we have to remove them in order to not be overwhelmed by chickens. There’s about four hundred, roosters included.
      I have my fingers crossed re the plug plants especially as snow has now been forecast! Thanks Keggs….p.s…have you sorted a new blog yet? I’m having problems even accessing the old site, so let me know via email here if you start a new

      • Ha, ha. I can just see Buddy typing away!
        It would be nice if SP did bring some chicks to see mummy. Glad you have got the wood stove in already. That will be perfect for the cold winter time.
        Glad to hear that you are rescuing hens at your rescue and so pleased to hear that you have lots of male ones too. As you have said, the males so often get a raw deal. I have read that ‘free range’ in the UK can cover quite a range of conditions, ranging from quite good to atrocious. It doesn’t even mean that they get to go outside. And smaller farms presumably get their hens from a breeder in the first place, where conditions may not be so good. As it can be such a minefield, I just feel more comfortable not having them. I don’t want to support the industry at all. I can understand your having to remove the eggs at the rescue though because you would be over run with them ! I can just picture all those gorgeous birds at your rescue. You really do an fantastic job for all those lovely creatures. Keep up the good work.
        As far as starting up a new blog, I just haven’t had time. Since setting up a Vegan Group in my local town, it has spread to cover the whole of the North of the county. We now have nearly 90 members, which I am over the moon about. It has taken quite a bit of organization to get events set up and other admin things. Luckily I now have a few others on the admin team, which is helping a good deal. I have spent a lot of time on FB promoting the group and am now trying to get some interest at my local U3A for a ‘plant-based’ group. Will see how that pans out. We even visited an animal rescue centre as one of our events recently and I thought of you.
        I think you and I would have a lot to talk about when it comes to our furry and feathered (and other covering) friends.
        Take care. Hugs for all you do xxx

        • 90 members? Fanbloomintastic! Yes, we will certainly have plenty to talk about when we meet up! Sooner rather than later eh? Big hugs right backatcha!xxx

  11. Oh, by your title, I was afraid the whole day had to be scuttled. But with that gorgeous breakfast, I’d’ve driven through that thick mist for sure. Glad you survived the day and got to see a few birds at least.

    Congrats on a low-key release. What an absolutely lovely surprise to see SP arrive with a mate! You must be over the moon. Chicks next spring would be icing on the cake 😉

    Hope your winter crops do really well. The root systems look like they’re raring to go!
    Wow, you aren’t kidding about the dust in the house. As the tidy person, I’m sure you’re looking forward to having everything back in its place.

    • I must say I was beginning to think the day was a write off too, I did enjoy the sail, especially in the mist, that was certainly special!
      It’s always good when a release goes smoothly, and Sp certainly made my day turning up with a mate… hopefully she will enjoy a truly wild life!
      It seems a little late to be planting such small specimens, but I’m hoping they do well. Snow is forecast soon though…sighs….
      Nothing is back in place yet, hopefully I’ll sort everything tomorrow. Thanks

  12. You wouldn’t have got me in that dinghy thing either.

    Is it a bit late to send you those young plants?

    • Missing the dingy was something of a relief! It does seem a little late, but I’ll give them a go. I’m a little concerned about the forecast of snow!!!xxx

  13. What a wonderful adventure to Puffin Island, and an excellent breakfast to boot! Your photos are so lovely, Dina, peaceful and somehow comforting. 🙂

    I love remodeling when it’s finished…just imagine sitting by the cozy fire! Your photo of Buddy is precious. I bet he’ll enjoy the fireside, too.

    I’m so happy Special Pige is leading such a happy life, thanks to you and the Rescue. It would be so wonderful if she visited with chicks next spring!

    Your posts always work magic on my spirit; thank you, Dina!

    • Ahhh thanks Kitty, I always find mist soothing, and transforming, and certainly peaceful!
      Yes, you certainly can’t have an omelette without breaking eggs….I love log burners and can’t wait to have it roaring away with all the dogs around it! Buddy is a sweet little dog and is having a ball with our two, he is rippling with muscles now, and has several playing scars….
      It really is wonderful to see SP now, and to think of all the people in the chain who brought about her freedom, when she should have died. Thank God for rescues eh?? Chicks would be the icing on the cake! Hugs to you, you are always in my

  14. Mmmm…..That Missing Boat!
    We loved Puffin Island…as indeed all of Anglesey….But, of course, we were there in Summer and the weather was Super!
    Delightfully refreshing pics as usual.
    Autumn’s well on the way…to be sure. Get those home fires burning soon. Hugs! xx

  15. I can imagine several short novels about the Missing the Boat episode – in the eerie mist no less and oh that breakfast looks fabulous.
    Darling Buddy could quickly steal my heart. I love it when animals sit with you. Christeve the cat always used to do that.
    Love the story about Pidge and new friend and yes let’s hope there is a lovely surprise next spring.
    Veggies are looking great ans still so difficult for me to grasp that Christmas isn’t that far off
    Sending love to you and all the furies….Janet xxxxx

    • We spent most of the day missing boats!! It was beautiful sailing in the mist though, it has a magical effect on everything…..
      Yes, I’m sure you and Buddy would love each other, given your love of Jacks, he is such a sweetheart, well most of the time… the mouse I tried to get out of his mouth this morning certainly disagrees! It is lovely to have the company of animals, you can’t beat that!
      I would love to see SP and her brood…what a fantastic ending that would be! Thanks

  16. A boat would have been a bit more solid. We have similar wildlife and there are quite a few places from which to see Puffins from terra firma, Shags and Cormorant ‘parliaments’ are not uncommon sights. Plopping through the mist with hazy seal heads popping up around you must have been a memorable experience.

    I”m delighted to hear about and see SP’ s progression to mate up. It is a super story. I wonder if her mate will become comfortable with you.

    Hope the DIY isn’t going to be too disruptive. Isn’t it great when all the animals you can free, successfully take the plunge.

    Good luck with the Xmas veggies. xxxxx

    • How lucky you are, getting to see puffins, shags and cormorants from land! I must travel to your neck of the woods one fine day and see what I can spot! It was rather lovely sailing in the mist and having the seals alongside for company. Things always seem so quiet in the mist!
      It’s marvelous for me to see SP mated up and living life as a wild bird, I often wonder what becomes of the birds I release, so seeing her so often is touching. Her mate always flies off, while she remains.
      The house is still an unruly mess, hopefully I’ll be straight in a few days!xxx

  17. I would definitely be on your side when it comes to the bigger boat – I get horribly seasick very easily. The breakfast looks wonderful, but I make a point of having a fairly empty tummy whenever I get on a boat!

    • Ah…now, y’see I didn’t think about eating and choppy waters, thanks goodness all was well, but then we did have to wait for nearly fours hours for the boat and did a lot of walking. xxx

  18. Good for Special Pige; that’s wonderful news. Sorry you missed your boat but it seemed to turn out for the best anyway – a nicer boat and a huge breakfast! Hope your log burner is fitted soon. xx

    • Thanks Veggie Mummy, yes, the mist, the slower, bigger boat made it a marvelous day out anyway. I can’t wait to sort the house and get that stove burning!xxx

  19. I’d prefer the slower boat as well. Shame that you didn’t get to see any puffins.
    You’ll be nice and toasty once the wood burner is installed and in use. I can see all the dogs sleeping in front of it.
    Good luck with the vegetables. xx

    • It was a shame about the puffins, but I did enjoy the mist, it makes everything look so magical.
      Oh…I can’t wait to get that log burner going, I’m sure you’re right and that the dogs will love it. I have my fingers crossed for the veg plants, but I hear snow is forecast….thanks

  20. What an action packed week! It must have been hard to miss out on seeing the puffins but how lovely to have grey seals swimming alongside the boat and in the mist too! Magical! That’s such a sweet story about SP but be warned, pigeons love to snack on brassicas! Cabbages, broccoli and kale are big plants eventually and need a lot of space to grow properly – I put 9 curly kales into a square metre bed and just about got away with that spacing. With 22 plants (and more on the way?) you’re going to be eating a lot of greens in the coming months (although probably not in time for Christmas!). Have a great week, Dina. Caro xx

    • It was rather lovely having the seals swimming alongside, a real shame about the puffins though, must try to catch them next year.
      Oh yes! Pigeons and brassicas!!! We have thousands of wood pigeons, I’ve had to have fruit cages built to protect the plants! I’ve planted the plug plants about nine inches apart, the angle is a little weird in the pic….but I think that may be too close! Yes… will take a miracle for these all to be ready for Christmas, as long as they grow I’ll be happy, I hear we have snow forecast soon, that may see them all off!! Thanks Caro, you have a great week!xxx

  21. Wonderful story re Special Pige. Two beaks to feed then. There are puffins off the Devon coast on Lundy, or at least there are in the summer. No way I’ll be going across to see them though, and that boat is huge!

    • Lol….yes, that would be two beaks to feed, didn’t think of that did I! How lucky you are to have puffins, I’d be on a boat for sure…..but then I don’t mind sailing, flying is a totally different matter! That boat is a damn sight bigger than that dingy, I wasn’t keen on that! Thanks

  22. I think I’d have preferred your boat too, and how lovely that you got to have a leisurely brunch before you set sail, though I’d have been worried that I’d see it again, I definitely don’t have sea legs. How lovely that Special Pige has a mate, though I doubt she’ll abandon you, it looks like she’s still going to hang around.

    • Lol….laughing at your comment re seeing lunch again, I never think of things like that, and the water sure was choppy!
      SP and her mate still visit each day, so I think she will stay around. How marvelous it would be if she arrived with chicks one day! Thanks

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