Singing in the rain.

This endless rain we’ve been having has certainly been good news for the frogs They seem to be absolutely everywhere, I’ve never seen as many frogs in the garden as I have this year! Maybe it’s because of this……..

A few monthe back, I decided to spend an evening sitting in the garden around the chiminea, So I trotted out with the dogs to get it going, and soon had a roaring fire blazing away. Lovely!

Then I got the chairs out….

And Daughter out… chiminea

And we settled down with our drinks to enjoy the flames. chiminea

Suddenly it began to rain. We thought it would go off but it became heavier and heavier. Being the tough girlies we are, we decided a bit of rain wasn’t going to dampen our spirits or ruin our night, so we put our hoods up and took a good soaking! The chimmy kept blazing away and the steam was billowing off us!!!!

Gradually we became aware of a series of strange noises. We pricked our ears up along with the dogs and realised the sounds were coming from the pond…….and they were becoming louder! So, Daughter crept up to the pond with the camera in the darkness, while I kept telling her she wouldn’t get pictures of anything.

Then we looked at the pics and saw frogs….lots and lots of frogs…..

Singing their little hearts out they were! P3160193

It was amazing. The sounds were absolutely stunning, so much so we totally forgot about the rain and didn’t even notice when it finally stopped.

We ended up sitting out for about 8 hours, just enjoying the chorus of the frogs…

in the end Sam took himself in to bed and Annie fell asleep on the chair! Poor sleepy puppy


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