Destructible, indestructible dog toys.

I had a real scare a few days ago. Sam, the greediest dog I’ve ever had, refused his food and went off to be sick. Some of you will remember the occasion, a few months ago, when he ate an indestructible plastic bone, and had to have surgery which was extremely serious. Thankfully he survived, but the cost came to £1.400 and we didn’t have pet insurance.

I felt sick!!! I quickly checked his toys and found the bone pictured above, nearly gnawed away. The annoying thing is how expensive these practically indestructible toys actually are! I expect them to last more than a few days, this one cost £10, some cost even more!!!

After a few anxious hours I discovered [sorry guys] that Sam was vomiting apples. He’d been gorging himself on the glut of apples I leave in the borders for the overwintering birds. He was soon back to normal and gobbling his grub! Phew! Was I relieved.

I’m amazed that these two haven’t come a cropper yet as they NEVER stop playing. All day and most of the evenings they’re tumbling each other, quite roughly too. Most of the time they look like one eight legged, two headed dog as they’re rolling around.

Recently, Sam ran straight into the greenhouse at speed, he didn’t realise the doors were closed and nearly broke his leg! The same day he tossed Annie into a brick wall and she lay stunned and dazed for a few minutes, then miraculously was up and running again. Oh to be young.

The pair of them are also complete contortionists. Some of the positions they get themselves into are truly mind-boggling. Annie particularly likes to stand on her head and play fight. I’m amazed she doesn’t break her neck.

Sam is 15 months now, and Annie 13 months…….when will they slow down?????  Having said that, I remember my old wolf plodding alongside of me for so many years and hope they run and play for years and years to come! Time passes so quickly, so I intend to enjoy the antics of these two. Yes!



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  1. WOW; just looked thru your “posts” Was originally going to apologise for my sad little posts and not taking time to Blog. Sure glad I ended up here.A relative visits with a 2yr old”mix” and our 9 yr old Lucy becomes a pup for the day. You are so right in enjoying the moment before it passes.Keep up the fantastic work.
    Kindest Regards

  2. Pingback:Your Questions About [get Your Dog To Eat]

  3. They are very energetic dogs !!! I can’t stop laughing looking at their pictures, lol 😀

  4. I recognize that look of bared teeth and glaring eyes — my two boy cats tussle like your Sam and Annie. It’s a wonder they don’t do more harm to each other, but I guess they are just playing. Ouch, that vet bill sounds extremely painful! Hope you don’t have too many more of those!

    • Lol. I’d love to see pics of your boy cats doing their thing!

      I keep thinking I should get pet insurance, I had another scare with Annie the other day…..then I think, no, they are getting more sensible.xxxxx

  5. You wouldn’t believe they were innocent puppies, they look so vicious! Must have been quite a scare with the apples! xx

    • Thanks Leigh-Ann. It was TERRYFYING, I really thought Sam was going back for another op, and it is a really serious one at that. I have to treat them like toddlers who are always into something they shouldn’t be.xxxxx

  6. I know this is a really serious post, and I can imagine you were terrified after the last awful episode… BUT I cannot stop laughing at the picture of Annie! She’s all mouth!!! hahahaha xxx

  7. Wot a pair of gnashers !
    They both look like they are having great fun.

  8. I did enjoy this, the second photograph of the dogs really made me laugh.
    What a pair, I am glad Sam is o.k.

  9. My sweet dog kept me busy during his first couple of years, I can’t imagine 2 frisky guys at the same time! LOL. They do bring joy in one’s day though, don’t they?

  10. Thanks D. Very helpful. Yea, I’d never heard anyone say that either, I just saw it on a webpage and was surprised by that!!! Thank you again dear friend. :)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    • Hi Vahid,
      The letter ‘i’ is next to the letter ‘o’ on the keyboard, so maybe when the person wrote ‘in sundays’ they had hit the wrong key and meant to write ‘on sundays’. I sometimes hit the wrong key if I am entering text to my blog via my mobile phone.
      Keggy x

      • Yea, so that’s the case. Such a relief! You know, it’s very important for me, as a teacher, to know if there are some variations. Thanks again Keggy 🙂 xxx

  11. Oh, by the way, I’ve seen some people say “in Sundays” instead of “on Sundays”. For example, “We brunch in Sundays”. Is it correct? And, which one would you choose, as a native speaker, if you were to say something like that. Thanks DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD……….XXXXXXXXXXX

    • Ahhh….now I’ve never heard anyone say….”in Sundays”….The only way I could use “in” here is to say, There is an a in Sunday.
      It’s correct to say, “We brunch on Sundays” or “We go to church on Sundays.”
      Hope that helps Vahid.xxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. They’re gonna make a good couple 😉 Costly naughty dogs! £1.400 ! my salary for 5 months!!! :)) Nice post D. take care :)xxxxxxxxxx

    • They certainly are a lovely couple! Good grief….you certainly work very hard to earn that Vahid… would earn so much more teaching in Europe and Britain…..teachers are in demand here.xxxxxxxxxx

      • Yea, I would. I love to go to Europe, but it’s hard to get out of here for political reasons. I hope to be accepted in one of European universities for the PhD degree in Applied Linguistics. I love the UK, and hope to study there. Maybe, in near future, who knows. 🙂 xxxxxx

        • I wish you all the luck in the world with it Vahid…..hopefully we could meet up if you ever come to the UK.xxxxxxx

  13. Oh my goodness, silly doggy getting stuffed on apples, I’m surprised it wasn’t coming out of both ends!! I love the way you have captured the expressions. Suzy x

  14. I understand that many canines do not grow up (calm down) till they are about 3 years old, then in pairs, they become companions; a bit like us as we mature 🙂

    • Lol…yes it will ake a while for them to mature. They are firm friends now and great company for each other as they are the same age and have the same energy levels so never get on each other’s nerves.xxxxx

  15. What clowns they are – never a dull moment! Brilliant pix, SB.

    • Lol, clowns indeed Gilly. Life is one long game of rough, run and tumble. Now if only they would stop chewing things they shouldn’t….xxxxx

  16. Oh, my goodness; Sam certainly sounds like a character! Glad for the happy ending. When Riley and Clancy came to us, we were told their border collie-black lab. mix would keep them peppy for about 3 years. I’m here to tell you that 11 “extremely energetic” and merry years have passed, and although they now have white fur circling their faces and get tired a bit earlier at night, they wake and jump and run and herd as much as they did at 2 months…long live Sam and Annie!

    Thank you for this day-brightener!

    • Thanks Catherine. Sam certainly is a character.

      I’m glad your dogs still have a spring in their step, long may it continue.

      My two are a mixture of yours, Sam is a doberman/lab cross and Annie is a border collie so we probably see the same traits in our dogs. Sam was starved before I got him from the rescue, so he will eat anything despite being well fed now, it’s as though he retains the memory and hence still obsesses about food. Annie couldn’t care less about her food but also nearly choked on a mystery object recently….
      I’m very partial to a white/grey muzzle…..xxxxx

  17. They are both ‘toddlers’ by human age….:)) We have to ‘teach human toddlers’….I suspect we have to ‘teach.train’ canine toddlers…. 🙄 😉 Hugs! xxx

    • They certainly are Ell, I can’t take my eye of them for a minute, they’re always chewing something they shouldn’t be. Annie nearly choked on a mystery object a few days ago, I wouldn’t mind but I never stop brushing up and am really careful re what is lying around.xxxxx

  18. They sound, and look, like a right rumbustious pair!
    We all wish that our pets could stay young but as you say time passes far too quickly. xx

    • Lol, they certainly are Flighty. As soon as I think they are beginning to calm down they get into mischief again.

      Time seems to go so fast as you get older, I was amazed when all my dogs suddenly got old. It taught me to appreciate them at all their stages of life.

      I hope all is well with your friend.xxxxx

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