An attack of the Triffids.

As Christmas draws ever closer I suddenly realise how much I need to do. Presents need to be bought, cards written, get togethers attended….and being the last minute type, I’m finally launching myself into action….well…after a fashion!

The decorations are up in the village and charities are collecting everywhere. This skiffle group are hilarious. They collect for charity and are really good on their skiffle instruments……but…..struth….they really can’t hold a note singing wise. Good on them though!

So, I decided I’d get the decorations down from the loft, a job that usually ends in tears as wrestling the huge boxes down the ladder often proves an impossible task as many things seem to develop a life of their own.

I was also aware that I had to be extra quiet getting them down as Herbie the hedgehog is in the room along with Holly, another hedgehog, that I found eating Curly cat’s biscuits a few days ago. It was a freezing cold night and Holly should have been hibernating.

When I entered the loft, I was struck by how cold and damp it felt. Normally it’s toasty and warm up there. It also smelt really earthy.

As I was crawling around in the dim light I suddenly noticed that all the boxes and things had large pale tendrils growing around them. And I mean dozens of tendrils!!!!  A clear invasion it was, I couldn’t decide if it was triffids or the body snatchers!

Then I realised that the ivy, honeysuckle, clematis and a climbing rose had all infiltrated the loft from the wall outside, so hubs and I had to cut it down a little. He was all for tearing the lot down but I woudn’t hear of it. It’s a great nesting site and shelter for small birds, even the odd bat!

What a mess we made. Took hours to clear it all away, in the freezing cold as well! You should have seen all the spiders and other creatures that were fleeing for their life. An amazing little ecosystem it is. Now we have to get the rest of it off the roof…..definitely a job for warmer weather!

So, back to Holly. Initially, when I brought her in I didn’t know what she weighed as the battery had died in my kitchen scales. She seemed fine, no injury or sign of infection, just small. Finally I sorted the scales and weighed her…..487 grams. Oh dear! FAR too small. To survive hibernation a hog should ideally weigh 8oo grams, so looks like she has to stay with me until spring. The rescue is flooded at the moment with hogs so as I’m mucking one out each day I may as well do two.

Here’s Herbie. He’s doing really well and weighs in at a grand 840 grams. He would easily survive hibernation but because his back legs are paralyzed he can’t curl properly.

And finally…….I’ve made a start putting me deccies up!!! How smashin is that eh?

I’m going to have to find a name for that skeleton….any ideas?????




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  1. Thanks Peter. I can’t subscribe to your Green planet blog, is there any way you could add a subscribe button?xxxxx
    Here’s the link to Shimon’s blog……

  2. Loved your post and the pictures of your residents too. Thanks for supporting my Green Planet blog. Visit again.

  3. It’s a good job you discovered the triffids in the loft, imagine if it had another year to run wild.
    The skeleton in the stocks wearing a Christmas hat did make me smile.
    I wish the hedgehogs well.

    • I know, another year and they would have taken over the house I think!
      Lol, I’m getting rather fond of the skeleton, the hogs are both doing well.xxxxx

  4. The scales looked like you’d put a hot on them! She is neat and has found her hedgehog saviour in you.

    No doubt, your triffids will be back.

    A giggleful read.

    Hm just a momentary thought about the skeleton…Oddball or, goggle-eyed (that was mis-typed as google-eyed).

    • Lol….yes, they do look hot now I look back at the pic!

      I love that….” A giggleful read”….what a SMASHIN expression.

      Oh I say! Oddball…..seems to suit him……really like that!xxxxx

  5. A cheery post, and lovely photos, as always!
    Ivy is wonderful for wildlife, especially birds and bees.
    Sadly it’s been years since I last saw a hedgehog. xx

    • Ahhh, thanks Flighty.
      I totally agree about the ivy, it’s totally invaluable to wildlife, so hubs lost the battle and it merely got prined a little. I’ll have to keep an eye on it in future.

      What a shame not seeing a hedgehog, they are in decline sadly.xxxxx

  6. I’m so impressed by all you know about animals and their needs. Poor underweight Holly! If she doesn’t hibernate, will there be any ramifications? Herbie looks adorable all ready for his winter’s nap.

    • Why thank you Nikki!

      No, if a hog fails to hibernate they are still fine. They only hibernate as food is so short and the weather so cold. If a warn snap occurs the hogs will come out of hibernation for a few days and stock up on any available food, as long as the ground isn’t frozen thay can usually grab an earthworm or two to tide them over.

      Herbie is gorgeous isn’t he…..xxxxx

  7. Marvelous post. I enjoyed every line. You are a rare gift to your readers.

  8. I absolutely love your gorgeous posts, full of love for little critters and humour … such a treat! How EERIE to find your attic full of triffids 8| very scarey indeed! The hogs are lucky with a mum like you. May they live long and prosper… Scaffold the Skeleton?????????????????????

    • Awwwwww….thanking you soooooo much for your kind words!

      It was really EERIE finding the long snaking arms all over the loft, for a minute there I was convinced the aliens had holed up in the loft!

      The little hogs are doing really well, Holly is loving her food, not a spec of catfood or mealworm left each morning.

      Ooooohhhhhhh….Scaffold is kinda grabbin me!xxxxx

  9. You do make me smile when I read about your antics and tribulations. Lovin the hogs….if I lived closer I would love to help out at your centre.

    As for the skeleton…..not very creative but old bones!

    Merry chrimble and all that xxx

    • Lol…thanks Karen, antics and tribulations….what a great description! I do wish you lived closer too I think you would really enjoy all the different creatures at the rescue.

      Old bones….I was thinking old boney!!! xxxxx

  10. Lol, yes, these sort of jobs always present themselves at busy times. All cut back and cleared now, apart the ivy on the roof!xxxxx

  11. Phew! I do you manage with all the ‘busy-ness’? 🙄 So much to do…so much already done…..and….Take Care! Hugs! :)xxx

  12. Holly is sooo cute – and I COULD NOT STOP LAUGHNG at the Santa hat on the skeleton!!! xxx

  13. Thank you for this delightful read: Goodness, what adventures you have! Bless you for caring for the poor hedgehogs; I hope they’ll do well and enjoy their cozy winter. I really enjoyed the village pictures; it looks like a sweet place to call home. Hooray for your husband. (Aren’t they terrific when they help us out?!)

    Love your decorations! Love your spirit! Joy to your season…

    • Thanks Catherine, there always seems to be something happening around here!

      I do love the hedgehogs, I feel like I have an affinity with them having cared for so many over the years. They’ll be comfy and cosy now. It’s a good thing I found Holly, the weather has turned bitterly cold now and she wouldn’t have made it.

      Husbands are marvelous….hubs chopped and I cleared! xxxxx

  14. That must have felt very sinister finding all those pale tentacles everywhere! :)) Very creepy and wierd! Poor hoglets with a lot of creepy old earthy tendrils creepiting around! :))

    When I shared a flat with a friend many many years ago and we kept gerbils, one each, in a shared cage….. we got round to emptying the cage eventually which was practically full to the top with shredded stuff… it was also full of creepy old tendrils where their sunflower seeds had sprouted and grown in a great web! They didn’t seem to mind because they like to burrow about anyway….

    Lovely picture of the hedgehog and its little hands!!!!

    And the poor ole skeleton in the stocks with his Father Christmas hat on! You’ll be giving everybody nightmares!!! :)) xxxx

    • Lol, it was really really creepy, especially in the dim glow, I half expected to see a pod hanging from a beam with green oozing from it! I do love that word….creepiting, yes, that’s exactly what they were doing….CREEPITING ever so quitely, sneaking and snaking…..

      I love the story about your creepy tendrils, fancy seed sprouting like that!

      Hahahahaha….I feel sorry for the postman having to see what the skeleton is up to next!
      It’s a fixture now and shall be dressed for every occasion….an empty bottle of champers and a party hat for New Year maybe?xxxxx

  15. Lovely Holly. Smashin indeed 😉 Poor Santa, was thinking about a proper name. Will let u know once one comes across my mind 😉 xx

  16. I cannot believe how fast Christmas is coming upon us. I have sooo much left to do!

    Yikes to the vines actually coming into the house. Who knew that could happen.

    The hedgehogs are adorable!

    • Christmas does sneak up on us doesn’t it, I’m at the drawing up of lists stage….

      It’s astonishing how many of the vines got into the loft, I think they intended on taking over the house!!!

      I love hedgehogs, such funny looking little mammals.xxxxx

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