Last week I awoke to a winter wonderland. Everything was transformed and blanketed with a thick layer of snow. Nature sure does put my art to shame!

I trotted out to feed Curly cat, who was not at all impressed. She kept on giving me the slow blink as though this was all my fault. She gobbled her meal down, and then, without so much as a backward glance, tiptoed gingerly back to her shed.

Even clearing her a path across the lawn and clearing the snow from around her quarters did little to improve her mood. Seriously sullen she was!

 The dogs were hysterical. They’ve never seen snow before and literally barked insanely at it. Totally bewildered they were. It was so funny watching them walking in it. Annie kept leaping up in the air while Sam pranced about in the most ridiculous manner trying to catch the falling snowflakes. I couldn’t get a pic for laughing.

The pristine snow was trampled in minutes. But oh, what fun they had!

Who needs grass when you can have a white carpet of snow eh???

Sadly, the snowy lawn didn’t last long with these two!

They had an absolute  ball galloping in the snow then they both fell in the snow covered pond. I left them to it and set about sorting food and water for the birds. As fast as I put hot water out for them, it froze. I pity the poor birds in this weather.

My poor daffodil shoots may suffer some ill affects after this freeze. One actually has a flower about to open ……this is the problem after a mild winter, everything is beginning to shoot up and then really struggles to withstand the sudden severe frosts.

And quite frankly, Duggy seems to be losing the will to live! Chilled to the bone he is!





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  1. Haha expected from dogs and cats, cats only stand there and wait for the master to bring him in and dogs are running wild. nice picture by the way 🙂

  2. Ah, there’s no competing with nature… just the effort to enjoy it, though at times that can be very difficult. Sorry that you’re four legged friends are suffering from the cold. Sometimes I even suffer indoors, so I know what they’re feeling. Pictures really get the feeling across. All the best to you.

    • Nature is the ultimate artist, and some of the scenes she creates are utterly beautiful to look at yet as you say, very harsh on the wildlife. I bought Curly cat two new heavy quilts and she hunkered down in them, all snuggy and warm, only coming out for food.
      I’ve taken your advice on board and am seeing some improvement, I’m even fiddling with the setting when taking pictures in the dark, so thanks for your help!!!! xxxxx

  3. The snow looks so pretty. And it must be fun to watch the dogs playing on the snow. You should make video of them 😀

  4. Your dogs really know how to live it up. They remind me of how my sons would react if they awoke to snow on the ground.

  5. The dogs look lik they’re having so much fun!! and I love dougie! xx

    • They had a ball, I think they’re missing it now as most of it has gone, although having said that it is snowing most days, just not sticking. Duggy is a right old charmer.xxxxx

  6. I am just loving your pictures, especially of the two dogs…daft as brushes! My lulu is just the same despite the old bones and problems. They certainly know how to have fun. Hope you had some fun too…well not racing round the garden, although trying to catch on camera must have been a challenge!!

    • Lol, thanks Karen….yes daft as brushes they are. I bet you’d lose Lulu in snow her being so white an all!!!

      It’s funny how even the older dogs suddenly get a new lease of life when a few flakes fall, kids at heart dogs are!!!

      It was hard to get a pic, they’re so fast, they just kept passing me in a blur!!! xxxxx

  7. Wonderful pictures…lovely to see your dogs having so much fun. My dog has definitely rediscovered his puppy behaviour in the snow. And poor old Duggy, I have to laugh at him – but he’s just not a healthy colour!

    • Thanks Wendy. It is such fun watching them enjoying themselves isn’t it. Dogs do seem to love the snow and become really pingy around it!

      Hahahahaha….Duggy is looking a little yellow….too much booze!xxxxx

  8. It all looks beautiful. The running dogs brought a smile to my face.

  9. What a fab update, the dogs do look like they had fun.

  10. lovely pics! the dogs racing about are wonderful! Have to say I’ve really enjoyed seeing the dogs round here tearing about in it 🙂

    As for Duggy…. he definitely needs some warm clothes on poor chap! Love the shot of dog in the lead in photo 7! Exellent shot! can really imagine the whole thing! 🙂 xxxx

    • Lol….the dogs do seem to LOVE the snow, it’s been funny watching our local dogs too, the cats seem to hate it though!!!

      Annie always seems to be in the lead with Sam galloping after her, Shimon’s being giving tips on how to avoid blurry pics which seems to be paying off with the action shots!!! To my huge relief!!!
      Poor Duggy…..someone actually left him a bunch of flowers the other day!!!!!xxxxx

      • Left him a bunch of flowers?? How hilarious and wonderful!!! :)) Great that through blogginess one can get help from friends over the internet from thousands of miles away… amazing! And having a professional photographer help out with your pics – wonderful!

        Yay… watching dogs tearing about is a real joy…. I saw the sweetest little miniature long haired sausage dog/yorkie (?) going absolutely crazy in the snow – just tearing about and only just taller than the depth of the snow! xxx

        • I must say I was AMAZED to see a bunch of flowers by Duggy, the postman loves him and he keeps the neighbours amused with his awful grinning face!!!

          It is brilliant how we can get help and chat to people all over the place, I often find that incredibly. Good old internet eh!!!

          Lol, wish I’d have seen the funny little sausage in the snow!!!Oinging about!xxxxx

  11. Poor Curly cat, unlike your dogs who clearly enjoying themselves. It all looks very different like this doesn’t it. And as for Duggy…! xx

    • Lol….Curly sure is up there with Duggy and hating the white stuff!!!
      It’s lovely to see the snow as you say it completely transforms everything!!! xxxxx

  12. Splendid images D! Real Winter Wonderland……They clearly lovd frolicking…..Hugs! :)xxx

    • Thanks Ell, they have had a wonderful week playing in the snow and their paws don’t seem to feel the cold at all.xxxxx

  13. Curly has such great dignity; I hope she’ll be warm. I loved the joy of Annie and Sam; it leaped right out of the wonderful photos. Pups sure do love trampling and playing in snow.

    Sorry about your bulbs; maybe some will recover? Your yard looks lovely in the winter, Snow Bird! Although, I’d agree that Duggy looks a tad forlorn. Maybe he needs a Mistress. 🙂

    Thank you for another rich and amusing post!

    • Curly has a whole raft of duvets and cushions in her shed, but I am going to buy some heat pads to put under her bedding, they’re really easy to use, just five minutes in the microwave.
      Young animals certainly know how to enjoy themselves!!!
      Hahahahaha…a MISTRESS????/ brilliant stuff…I’ll see what I can do, he’s already lost a week on the build up to Burn’s night.
      Thanks Catherine.xxxxx

  14. Such fabulous photos, SB!! I love them – and the dogs are hysterical. Lucky animals to have you looking after them! Yup, Duggy definitely needs a duvet … :yes:

    • Thanks Gilly……they are SO funny, the pleasure is there to be read on their faces after a good game of galloping chase! Lol…Poor Duggy…xxxxx

  15. All dogs are the same in snow aren’t they I wonder what it is that gets them so excited. Poor old Duggy does look depressed can’t you find some more clothes to keep him warm.

  16. Oh, those silly silly dogs. But look how delirious they are racing about like that!

  17. Thanks Sam. Yes, the slow blink, always portrays SUCH indignity!
    Poor Curly is a stray who lives in the garden, she won’t come in as she’s afraid of the dogs. She eats in a dog kennel in the front garden and sleeps in a shed in the back. I am sorry for her in weather like this, I’m trying to find some some of heater….xxxxx

  18. samsallotment

    I love these pics of the dogs having fun in the snow. It has been many years since I have had a cat but I remember the slow blink well!

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