Shine on…

Oh what a glorious time we’ve had! Over the last seven days we’ve had a mini heatwave and the plants, animals and people are simply loving it. My fruit bushes are romping away, as is the Rhubarb…….which then, amazingly, turns into this.

Courtesy of my wonderful neighbour Barbara, not at all bad eh?

The fruit trees I bought a few months ago are finally in leaf, and one of them even has fruit on it.  

The Laburnum has burst into flower….. 

And the back, lawnless garden has become a small copse….

The meadow area of the lawn is growing away….although not many wildflowers there yet….but fingers crossed!

And my lovely friend from the rescue got married. She is the most un-fussy bride you’ll ever see. Her dogs, and her guests dogs were invited, and they all behaved beautifully. AND….the sun shone down on her all day long.

We’ve been able to enjoy several fabulous long walks to the pub with the dogs who are finally beginning to behave ….

Erm……Except for His Goofyness of course!!!!

And Curly cat’s in heaven, she’s had lots more attention as I’ve been out weeding in the front regularly.

Talking of Curly cat, I must say she is the oddest, most trusting cat I’ve ever known. She owns, and always sits in the front garden and when I walk the dogs she allows me to take them right up to her while they’re on their leads. She seems to know that I won’t let them hurt her and lately has begun to meow softly at them, as if she’s trying to make friends. 

Now, before I let the dogs run in the front I always shut the gates and then take Curly cat next door, and she understands this routine perfectly. The minute the dogs go in in she pops back over the fence. Well, over the last two days she’s totally changed her behaviour.

I nearly died the other day when I looked up from gardening to see her sat in the veggie patch while the dogs were galloping across the lawn!!! That time they didn’t see her, but yesterday we were all out having a BBQ when I suddenly noticed the dogs sniffing under a bush while wagging their tails. I went over and was amazed to see Curly cat sat there. And no hissing or spitting either! I quickly took the dogs in but now I’m a little nervous about letting the dogs out as I’d hate them to chase or tumble her. Maybe Curly cat is befriending them, if that’s the case, she may be indoors one day soon!!!!

And finally……my very first Jackdaw chicks! I have to tell you that these birds are the NOISIEST I’ve ever fed. When they call for food, it’s utterly deafening!!! By the time they quieten down, the old ears ring for hours! I’m rather relieved I haven’t had to care for them at home yet! And … would NOT believe how much these birds can eat in one sitting. 


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  1. Thanks Linda, it’s lovely to finally see a little greenery and flowers….if only I could get that cat indoors. today we were having a BBQ and Curly strolled in again…..but this time the dogs had crashed and were sleeping.

    It’s hard work with the littluns….but so rewarding when they make it.xxxx

  2. Your garden is looking so green. I’m enjoying seeing the development over the weeks. Also to hear that Curly Cat is getting used to the dogs. It would be a relief if CC felt able to come indoors when the dogs are there and the weather is not so good. It’s amazing to see your baby birds as you nurture them. You certainly have a concern for animals and gift to bring comfort and healing to them which must be satisfying despite the emotional aspect involved and the hard work.

  3. Good to hear Curly is coming around. Thse garden and the bride look wonderful and those chicks are incredible.

  4. How come you are having lovely sunshine and we are having overcast grey skies and now rain. (Stamps her foot) It’s not fair. You have obviously been working hard in the garden, it looks a treat. Can I ask why Curly cat is called Curly when she obviously isn’t. Nice to hear she is making an effort with the dogs – maybe they can all live together in peace and harmony. Love the jackdaw babies – they look like they could eat a meat pie whole. lol.

    • Lol….the last few days have been grey and overcast here too, we had the sunshine before that, and it was good while it lasted.

      I call the cat Curly because I don’t really know if it’s a boy or a girl, and it always curls around me every time I go out! I have suspicions that it may be a neutered tom but have got in the habit of calling it, she!

      Hahahahha….I have NO doubt that these birds could polish off a meat pie….even two!xxxx

  5. Wonderful how it is all bursting forth at last after keeping us in suspenders all this time! It is looking all very green and lush round here too – lots of things to slap yer round the legs when yer walk along the paths….. need to get my shears on things – again!

    Glad the dogs are growing up a bit…. though I suspect Sam will always be a bit of a one… standing on tables and all that…..!! It will be wonderful if Curly could come in the house and snuggle up with the dogs – perfect and so lovely to see them all snuggley and nice… hope that all comes to pass!

    • Hello Mrs!!!! LOVELY to hear from you.

      Lol….sounds rather painful on ones legs all that slapping!
      Oh Sam….I give up, if he can get into mischief he does, everything I do finds him sticking his huge nose in……and he does what he likes and ignores me when he’s having a spot of fun like digging my veggie patch up or worse! Oh I do wish I could get Curly in….still there’s hope!!!!

      Now….been reading your blog and am MOST excited about the travelling Icon course….and SO glad the kitchen job has gone.

      I have my fingers and toes crossed for daughter, I REALLY hope all goes well and that nothing is wrong. How awful that she is getting messed around with the appointments. So….waiting to hear that all is well….AND I do think of you often….hugs xxxx

  6. So many wonderful pictures and stories here. Of course, Curly touches my heart. But those pictures of the chicks were fantastic, and I’m so happy to hear that the garden is coming alive with all the sunshine and warmth. Sounds like good days are finally there.

    • Thanks Shimon, you would really enjoy feeding those Jackdaws… is such a pleasure. They really are something special, they’re so lively and boisterous. They fight over the food and even try to take food from each others beaks!!! It’s a right mish mash trying to feed them together, especially first thing in the morning when they do seriously deafen you.xxxx

  7. Rhubarb crisp – yum! Your garden is looking good!

  8. Goodness! I almost forgot whose blog I was reading — where had all the bare branches and unrelenting brown and snow?? Look at the lushness in your garden. I love the softness of the meadow growing at the edge of your lawn.

    Isn’t it lovely when our animals get along? I suspect you’re not quite sure how the dogs and cat will do since you seem wary of letting them have too much time alone. Curly cat must feel safe enough that she doesn’t streak away at the dogs’ approach.

    And the outsized mouths of those Jackdaws! They look like a pretty demanding bunch. If they had hips, I’m sure their wings would be akimbo.

    Great post, as usual. Love to you and the garden and those dear pets.

    • Lol, I’m rather surprised by all the sudden greenery too, the Spring was so late it’s just jumped straight into Summer, I was actually getting used to bare trees and hedgerows.

      It’s the best when all the animals get along, I’m really hopeful for peace and unity as Curly certainly mellowing, she’s even nice around Herbie when I’m cleaning his hutch.

      Oh those Jackdaws…..they are SERIOUSLY high maintenance, every ten minutes they start screeching and gaping while flapping their wings, they don’t get left waiting long!!! They can fly now and every time their cage is opened one or two escape and give us a merry chase around the unit!!!

      Thanks Nikki, and love to you and yours.xxxx

  9. It’s lovely to see the sunshine and everything looking so green and lush in your garden. And that’s wonderful about the dogs coming to the wedding, too – I’m glad it was such a happy day. The photo of the bride and the dog is terrific. Great news that it sounds like there is a new harmony between your gorgeous dogs and Curly. And I love the photo of those Jackdaw chicks, they know what they want!

    • Thanks Wendy, sunshine does produce a burst of growth doesn’t it….I’m hopeful for a good summer this year, anything would be better than last year!

      The bride and her dog do look simply gorgeous, she’s a fantastic girl so I’m delighted that she had such a good day. I’m looking forward to more dog friendly weddings…..they are such fun!

      Here’s to peace between cat and dogs!!! Yay!!!

      Oh my….Jackdaw chicks sure are something, and they have such piercing stares and ice blue eyes!!! xxxx

  10. How wonderful life is looking and sounding, Snow Bird! The gardens look absolutely lush and Miss Curly looks like the Queen of Contentment.

    I’ll share that I’ve always had cats and dogs indoors and together, and at times their relationship has been comfortably indifferent; at other times, they’ve become buddies. Never violent.

    My kind of bride…our 4-legged buddies deserve to be with us when our lives transform…when I’ve been with the dying (a gift I’ve often been given as a chaplain and now, as a death midwife), dogs are keenly aware of shifts and their presence is sooooo lovely.

    Oh, Snow Bird; you gift my days with your lovely posts. The jackdaws are enspiriting, if deafening! What grand work you do on this planet, coaxing life forth and into joy. Thank you, once again. And love, always.

    • I’m determined to get Curly and the dogs together as she is getting older and I don’t think she will cope too well with many more cold winters. The biggest change is with her, she is certainly becoming friendly towards the dogs of late so there is plenty of hope. The dogs are boisterous but not aggressive so as you say it’s likely to work out….fingers crossed eh?

      Oh yes….deffo my kind of bride too, I thought it was wonderful to have her dogs around on such a special day, and it was so nice to stroke lots of dogs all day.

      I’ve heard that dogs sense death, how eerie is that….I sensed death 10 days before my father died, it was such a powerful, weird feeling in the house, and it disappeared after he died, I also sensed it with one of my dogs….

      Goodness me, you must need such serenity and strength to be a death midwife….you must tell me more about that, how lovely of you. Oh it must be such a comfort to have a dog close in your final moments….I hope I have that privilege.

      Thanks Kitty.xxxx

  11. What big mouths they have! Dogs at a wedding how lovely!

    • Lol….they certainly have, and the amount of food that gets shoveled in is truly incredible!

      Ahhhh….you can’t beat dogs at a wedding, it does make a lovely change.xxxx

  12. Those Jackdaw chick mouths look like bottomless pits – no wonder they eat so much!

    Your garden is transforming, it is without a doubt, fecund.

    I like the developments with curly cat. Is she beginning to own you now?


    • Lol….bottomless pits….I love that, so APT!

      I love the fact that Curly is mellowing…I have HIGH hopes!!! I think she’s always owned me! Oh yes!!! xxxx

  13. 🙂 summer is there…
    and the cat does like it!
    Serenity :-)claudine

  14. Lovely to see your cat catching the sun, my cat Bob loves sitting on my kneeling pad too! Nice that Curly is starting to be brave around the dogs. Glad you could enjoy your rhubarb at last. My fruit bushes are doing well this year too.

    • Awwww, you must post a pic of your Bob sitting on your pad, it seems to be a common thing with cats, maybe everyone should post pics of their cats on pads!!!

      Oh my, the rhubarb was gorgeous. Hopefully you’ll have lots of fruit, I look forward to reading about your harvest.xxxx

  15. A Summery Post…if ever there were one….Fabulous! Shine On….
    Delightfully cheering pics….love the bride and her dog…..Hope she didn’t take the dog to bed with her….:)):))
    Enjoyed reading…imbibing this post….. Hugs! :)xx

    • Thanks Bushka, we have had some truly delightful weather, it’s overcast and wet now but I think the garden needs a little rain so can’t complain.

      Lol…, her dogs have a cozy basket in the kitchen.xxxx

  16. I love the unfussy bride who doesn’t mind the fact that she is cuddled up to a lovely lurcher with her wedding dress on. I’m glad the weather was good for her. xx

    • Thanks Sam, her lurcher is absolutely adorable…..and was hugged to bits by everyone. I must say it was lovely have dogs roaming around and running in the garden. Mine are still too lively to attend a wedding sadly….xxxx

  17. Your garden does really look lovely – and I’m wondering how you’re going to keep your green meadow looking so good with the dogs 😉 Sounds as if Curly is changing her attitude to the dogs! It’s so funny the way she sits on your kneeler.

    • Lol, thanks Gilly, it’s a nightmare trying to stop the dogs trampling the meadow…AND the veggie patch….AND me new wildflower border and herb garden. Fortunately they’re not out in the front as much as the back or I wouldn’t have a blade of grass there either!

      Yes….Curly is mending her ways, it would be lovely if they could all get along.xxxx

  18. Lovely to hear all about Curly, it would be great if she could come indoors. I think dogs and cats eventually learn to live with each other, even if they’re not keen, they’ll respect each other and leave each other alone. I’ve never heard of a wedding where dogs were invited, how wonderful. I think the bride has got her priorities right, so pleased that the sun shone down on her happy day. The rhubarb crumble looks delish. I’ve only planted my rhubarb crowns out this year so I haven’t been able to take any stems from them, but I’m sure I’ll be able to harvest a few next year, something to look forward to. No wonder those jackdaw chicks are so noisy, just look at the size of their mouths.

    • Thanks Jo, I do agree about dogs and cats living together, I was thinking of bringing her in and keeping the dogs on leads for a few evenings, she trusts me so that may be a way to get them all used to each other…..I’ll keep my thinking cap on.

      The wedding was absolutely lovely, lots of people took their dogs and there was no problem at all. My friend loves her dogs and wanted them to be part of her wedding, one was even a ring bearer!

      Now….my neighbour bakes the most FABULOUS pies and cakes so I always rush round with the fruit as soon as it’s ready, then the whole street ends up with a share. That Rhubarb crumble was gorgeous!

      I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get some Rhubarb this year, you never know!!!xxxx

  19. Hahaha those Jackdaw chicks are hilariously terrifying! Very cute though. The weather has been so lovely, I’m sad to see it disappear. Let’s hope Curly and the pups make friends soon, it would be great for her to be in the house x

    • Lol….the funny thing about the Jackdaw chicks is that they are totally tame while being fed, yet when you clean out their cage, they revert to wild and think they are being threatened, so attack us. A good thing.

      Wouldn’t it be lovely to have Curly sat all comfy and warm on a chair…..xxxx

  20. A most enjoyable post, and pictures, as always.
    It’s all looking lush and wonderful, and it sounds like Curly is mellowing!
    Sadly I don’t see jackdaws hereabouts just crows and magpies. I can hear these two young ones saying ‘Feed me!’ xx

    • Thanks Flighty. I do love the front when all the big trees green up.

      I really do think Curly is mellowing, I’d love her to come in, especially if we have another cold winter and drawn out Spring…..fingers crossed!

      What a shame you don’t see Jackdaws, they are such intelligent, lively, VOCAL birds.xxxx

  21. Our cat actually chases the dogs, she lies in wait for them and then pounces when they pass by! We also had a cat who used to sunbathe on top of the dogs.
    I’ve certainly seen my plants shoot up in the heat wave this week!

    • Wow, a cat sunbathing on a dog!!! Struth, what IS the world coming too. We always had cats and dogs when I was growing up, if the cat is there first the dogs don’t have a problem. I think our two may still be a little lively but a few scratched noses would soon sort them out.xxxx

  22. It’s amazing how much the garden has leafed up… the pic of the jackdaw chicks is so funny. Yep, they’re hungry all right!

    • A bit of sunshine sure does bring everything on! Lol….oh yes, Jackdaw chicks are always ravenous. They’re even bigger now and one flew out of the cage today ….hopefully they’ll start feeding soon.xxxx

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