The hedgehog hunter and an unexpected offer


Tomatoes….in November!


This week I’ve found four baby hedgehogs, well….when I say I found them maybe I should explain….

Sam has a new mission in life. Hedgehog hunting!

Now, often on our evening walks he rams his head into the thicket of the undergrowth, then whines and wags his tail, and he’s always right. I delve in [I’ve taken to wearing gloves as my hands get ripped to bits] and each time I come out with an underweight hedgehog. All four hoglets weighed less than 300 grams, none of them would have survived the winter. When a hoglet is found, Sam walks home with his head held high and has the hugest square smile on his face, and he keeps looking at me as if to say, “Aren’t I a clever boy mum?” Of course I tell him he is!

So guys, keep an eye out for the littluns, there seem to be lots about.


 The Christmas cards I painted for the rescue are now all on sale.

Talking of the rescue…

Yesterday I took a phone call from a woman who said her rabbits’ back leg was hanging off; she asked if we would pay for the veterinary care. I explained that we couldn’t do that but she MUST take the rabbit to a vet asap. I told her where the local PDSA centers were and explained that if she was unemployed they would treat the rabbit and accept a small donation. She said that was out of the question as both her and her husband were employed, so I suggested that she ask her vet if she could pay in installments, but no matter what the rabbit MUST see a vet as it would be suffering and the longer it remained untreated the worse the outcome would be. She then told me the rabbit seemed OK as it was sitting up, and slammed the phone down.


The book I illustrated for the rescue re caring for and respecting animals has now been printed too.

Now Yesterday was horrendously busy as staff are still taking holidays, so there were only two of us in and there are literally hundreds of animals to muck out and medicate, so when the phone rings endlessly it really does slow everything down……so, the woman rang back, this time she said she had spoken to a vet and it could cost up to £400 to treat the rabbit, and she asked again if the rescue would pay for it, I explained yet again that they couldn’t. I stressed the importance of getting the rabbit to a vet, even if only to put it to sleep….she agreed that that may be an option and slammed the phone down once again.


She rang back four more times until I got to the point were I wanted to scream, time was going by and still the rabbit wasn’t being cared for. In the end I rang the manager and explained the situation and my concerns. The manager decided that an option would be for us to take the rabbit off her, but she would have to sign it over and wouldn’t get it back, as clearly, she either couldn’t or wouldn’t pay any vets bills, so any future care may be neglected.


I’ve finally finished illustrating the little cat book, Tickety-Boo.

So…..I rang the woman back again and put the manager’s suggestion to her. She went absolutely crazy and called me cold, cruel and uncaring, stating that her rabbit is a much loved family pet and that she would never let us have it. I pointed out that the much loved family pet was still in pain and currently had a leg hanging off….and that four hours had now passed without the poor thing receiving any medical treatment….I also pointed out that she had chosen to have the rabbit and had a responsibility and duty of care towards it, again the phone was slammed down. I must say I was getting really annoyed by now and was worrying about the rabbit. Anyway, half an hour later the phone went again and the woman told me curtly that I could have her rabbit.

Twenty minutes later she arrived in a brand new car, dressed to kill, with the rabbit crushed into a plastic crate that was actually smaller than it was. She refused to come in, so I had to go out to her, but at least she signed it over. The rabbit was rushed to the vet; it’s back leg was smashed in two places, I don’t know yet if it can be pinned, it may have to be amputated. Sighs… wasn’t neutered or vaccinated either.  Strangely enough the woman had no idea how the injury had happened.


So, the unexpected offer….


A few days ago, the manager called me into her office and asked if I would become a trustee for the rescue, well both rescues as there is one in Liverpool and one in Wales. I was very honoured but I’m not sure what I have to offer, as trustees are supposed to actively promote the rescue and look towards it’s survival in the future amongst other things….


And how much time would be involved? I must say I don’t know much about being a trustee but have been reading up on it. Apparently I would have to meet the other trustees first and discuss what I would be bringing to the table, [What WOULD I be bringing to the table???]  and then they get to vote on whether they want me or not….gulp! How awful and awkward it would be if they voted NO……I see I shall have to have a long think about this….

And finally….


It’s MY ball!


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  1. Thanks Arose, I do love painting but haven’t done many cartoons so that was all a bit of a challenge, still it was fun!
    Lol…..I don’t think I’m trustee material really….I’m still pontificating re being one….swerving from should I, shouldn’t I, if I commit and hate it….what then….sighs…xxx

  2. wow the poor rabbit…. I do wish you all the best with that….

    I love the books and all your wonderful magical pictures! What a lot of work but I can see how much you must enjoy it 🙂

    And to be asked to be a trustee sounds VERY important and impressive and very flattering! They must have a very high opinion of you Dina 🙂 But I can quite understand your wondering what it was all about and what input they’d expect from you…. all the best with that!xxx

  3. Lol….that made me laugh! Her little rabbit is doing well now and hopefully will find a new home as soon as it has recovered.
    Thanks Suzy, yes I work as a self employed artist. I’m not sure if the cards are available online but if you want any I’d be happy to post some to

  4. That story is unbelievable, some PEOPLE! Scream, grrrrr, I’m giving her a virtual kick up the bum!
    I didn’t realise you are an artist too, those cards are wonderful. Are they on sale online? if so could you let me know by email as I may forget to come back here to check.
    Suzy xx

  5. Some people are just downright cheeky aren’t they? I would never think to ask anyone for financial help… just find a way, and vets bills are never convenient..

    Lol….Sam is a one off, he just adores all animals, everywhere we go he finds cats to wag himself at while they hiss at him ferociously! Would you believe I am still harvesting tomatoes? This has been the best year ever for them!
    Yes, I would like to know more about the other trustees and how they contribute, I hate to waste time so certainly need to know a lot more. Funnily enough I don’t actually like the sound of the word trustee….sighs….Thanks

  6. It’s a pretty amazing story about the rabbit woman. Clearly she doesn’t understand responsibility on any level. I’m just flabbergasted that she dared to ask for a rescue to pay for the treatment. I’m afraid to think what she’d do if one of her children were injured.

    In any case, I’m impressed with Sam’s new skill and those prolific tomatoes of yours and your amazing artistry with those cards! Glad you are researching the responsibilities of the unexpected offer. Consider, too, who you’d be working with and what the group hopes to accomplish. A friend of mine became a board member of a worthy group only to find out the group almost never met and didn’t really function as it ought.

  7. I think your demonstrated commitment and people skills probably made you stand out as a candidate for Trustee. Sadly there are many Trustees who use their position just to pad their resumes, such people are the bane of many organizations. You come across as someone who would throw herself into whatever program was adopted. There are legal obligations, though, so make sure you understand what you are getting into. Are hedgehogs really related to hogs, or is that just a name?

    • Thanks for the kind words Jason. Yes, their are many who are trustees in name only, I don’t know much about the other trustees and what they do, but I will find out, I would like to be active and useful so much thought needs to be given to what’s involved before I sign up, that’s if they want me!
      Hedgehogs aren’t related to hogs, they are a different species, they are often called hedge pigs to, I think it’s because they are very snuffly. Ours live in hedgerows which sadly are declining along with our

  8. Oh, Dina, you’d be a blessing as a trustee, but you’re already a blessing to the Rescue in so many ways, so I hope you won’t feel you have to take on the new role, too, role unless you’d find it interesting and fun.

    I envy your patience with that woman; her leg would have been very close to hanging if it had been I on the other end of the phone. What a horrid piece of work. Prayers for the rabbit…let us know an update if you discover the outcome.

    Your artwork is amazing, such a gift: thank you for sharing. Blessings on your week’s end and all you do to make the world sweeter and more beautiful. Smooches to Sam (and Annie) and–wow: tomatoes in November!

    • Thanks so much Kitty, I only do what I can though. I am giving it a lot of thought as I don’t want to rush into things…I need to find out what the other trustees do and how I could compliment their efforts, it’s important that the charities grow, especially in these hard times when so many animals are being abandoned.

      Sighs….that woman drove me insane! I had to be polite to her to ensure the rabbit got treatment, yet all I wanted to do was yell with frustration. Thankfully she handed it over, it’s poor leg was totally dangling… she could ignore it I don’t know!The rabbits’ leg has now been pinned so hopefully, fingers crossed, all will now be well.

      Thanks so much for your kind words, I shall pass on your smooches, any excuse eh!xxx

  9. A good post and lovely photos. You have done well with tomatoes.
    Good on Sam, sadly I’ve not seen any hedgehogs for many years. I like all your illustrations.
    All I’ll say about that woman is people like her should know better.
    Well done on being offered a trustee’s post. I think that you’ll much to offer as one so don’t undersell yourself. xx

    • It has been an incredible year for the tomatoes, one of the best. I must have had hundreds and they tasted great, and STILL they come. Unbelievable.
      I couldn’t get over the woman with the rabbit, how cold can you get!
      Thanks Flighty, I’m still considering the offer, I will need to find out how much time is involved as I would like to do a good

  10. I’m not at all surprised that Sam has become a volunteer at animal rescue. Pets so often adopt the characteristics of their owners. Only my Nechama has been a great disappointment to me in that way. Not only does she refuse to drink whiskey, but she goes out of her way to be insulting when I choose to smoke. I think she’s ungrateful. Maybe I should trade her to that woman for the rabbit. I’m sure the rabbit would be reading the classics in no time, … Well, Nechama does like to listen to Jazz. In any case, I loved reading this post. I’ve been sort of lost for a while now… and I might have missed some of your posts. I hope not. Best wishes always, my dear Dina. xxx

    • Hahaha….Cats eh? Now dogs are far more accommodating! Sam and Annie try to steal the beer and love to eat the fruit I grow for myself, I haven’t had a single strawberry this year as they have snaffled the lot! I don’t think Nechama would take to kindly to living with the rabbit woman……you can’t even stop her from walking with you so somehow I don’t think she would go, she’s clearly the boss! Thanks Shimon, I hope you are feeling less lost these days. Love and hugs to you…

  11. Thank goodness that the rabbit is out of that woman’s care (or non care). I was only commenting on my own blog recently, after my bunny post, about people taking on animals without giving it much thought. Rabbits can live to quite an age and people get fed up of looking after them, and then there’s the expense to consider too, their care does add up. It’s about time that people were vetted before being allowed to keep pets. I do hope the rabbit’s leg can be saved and that he gets a new home with people who will look after him properly. Well done to Sam finding all those hedgehogs, you’ve trained him well. The rescue obviously value you asking you to become a Trustee. They’re very lucky to have you.

    • Yes I totally agree about rabbits, they are the most neglected pet in the UK, people get them for the kids and leave them to rot in tiny hutches, it’s heartbreaking. Homes and owners are vetted by the rescue before ant rabbit is re-homed, and hutches etc have to be checked first, so at least we know how our rabbits will be living.
      The little rabbits’ leg has been pinned so fingers crossed it works.
      Sam is taking the hog hunt ever so seriously!!! He simply loves them.
      Thanks so much for your kind words, I’m still deliberating!xxx

  12. I love your cards and illustrations. What a talent! And you have a talented dog too, seeking out baby hedgehogs. It is wonderful that you have so many in your area. I seem to live in a hedgehog black hole, I haven’ t seen one for years. And yet they used to be a common sight round here.
    I expect that you have been asked to be a trustee for a very good reason. They know that you would be a good one. None better.

    • Why thank you Chloris! Yes, my Sam is simply the best hog hunter, his tally is now six and one that he found dead, poor thing…..the rescue are sick of me bringing them in, the hoh hospital is now full to the brim!
      Do you have a hog rescue locally? They would give you some to release in your garden…..
      Thanks for your kind words re being a trustee…..I’m still pontificating! xxx

  13. How lovely that Sam has become a hog hunter – we don’t have hedgehogs round here so his skills would unfortunately be redundant. As for that woman and the rabbit – how on earth did it’s leg become hanging off. I’m surprised she just didn’t dump the poor thing with that sort of attitude. Good luck with your Trustee ponderings – it sounds like it will be a lot of extra work for you – hope you make the right decision. Have a lovely weekend.

    • Sam is a really super hog hunter, he absolutely loves ramming his huge head into the brambles, how he isn’t scratched to bits is beyond me! Hog numbers are really dropping sadly, so many people say they haven’t seen one for years.
      I’m sure the woman knew exactly what happened to the rabbit, she seemed rather shifty about answering and avoided eye contact, maybe she stood on it….
      I am still having a good think, thanks

  14. Aww, Sam is a WONDERFUL hog hunter :o) You have him well trained Dina :o)

    That woman has made me SO angry, I think you must be a very special person to keep your cool with her after discovering why she’d rung. People like that disgust me. I’m so relieved that she did (finally) relent and sign over the poor rabbit into the rescues care. I know that it’ll be getting the best care now despite it’s awful injuries.
    Your paintings are beautiful and I’m sure will raise a good amount – bless you!
    I can understand your hesitancy regarding becoming a trustee, though I’m certain you would certainly be an advantage to them with knowledge, compassion and hard work that you already give to the rescued animals.

    I’m keeping an eye open for juveniles of course and when I popped out into the garden about an hour ago there was one of the huge hogs I’ve already weighed and marked along with three wood mice feeding their faces! What joy :o)

    Keep up the good work Dina.
    Rose H

    • Lol….he sure is good at finding them, I’ve never had a dog do that before!!! His tally now is six!
      You have to keep your cool Rose, it’s really hard but it’s the only way to get people like that to do anything….I can’t believe how a person can be so callous. especially when the animal is in front of them suffering, why bother getting a pet at all, at some point they all need to see a vet! The rabbit now has it’s leg pinned so hopefully if all goes well should have a new start.
      Fancy your gig hog being out….it must be mild…..probably missing the banquet you provide!!! Thanks

  15. Lovely to see the dogs playing together no doubt with a lot of encouragement from you to share the ball! Well done Sam in finding the hoglets that need your help. It will be interesting to hear whether you decide to become a trustee for the rescue centre. You have a lot to offer and I’m sure you’ll want to make sure you have plenty of time to chill out after a day at the centre and also have time for your art work which also benefits the organisation.

    • They LOVE that ball, it’s called a boomer ball and is used for loins and tigers to play with, it is made of plastic so is virtually indestructible. Sam is incredibly good at finding baby hogs which is good as they are becoming rarer by the day.
      I am really looking into what’s involved re being a trustee, I’d hate to become one and contribute nothing. Thanks

  16. That woman is a lunatic! At least the rabbit is getting the care it needs. Your compassion, knowledge, and art skills would enrich any organization. How wonderful that Sam has become a hog hunter. Even your animals are caring for other animals! Maybe Sam will adopt the rabbit, too. 🙂

    • There was something really odd about that woman, I don’t get some people at all, nobody forced her to get a rabbit so why would she refuse to have it treated…..sighs…
      Thanks for your kind words, if I took the post I would like to be constructive for sure! Decisions, decisions eh…
      Lol….Sam is a one off, I’ve never had a dog like him before, he loves all animals, he even wags his tail at bulls and is utterly confused when a dog snaps at him!
      I think Sam would be a much better owner of the rabbit! Thanks

  17. ‘Scuse typos- the joys of commenting via an touch screen keyboard. Xxx

  18. You kept a saintly and firm dispositionin a very difficult situation…it must have been enough for a cathartic scream! The injury to the rabbit sounds an odd one, as odd as the loving family of the pet.

    Dog is well trained to spot hoglets in need; there cannoy be too many dogs able to sniff them out.

    Trustee: it is a legal term with attendant responsibilities. To ensure your comfort with the offer, it would help to know what the trustees in the situation you have been offered may be liable for, as well as what their written terms, conditions and duties actually are. How do the trustees tie up with the regulation of the charity (as per the requirements of the Charities Acts for example)?

    Lovely pics.

    • I had to remain polite with the woman as I was the only thing between her and her rabbit being treated, it’s maddening at times remaining civil……sighs….I am quite sure she knew what had happened to the poor thing.

      Sam is familiar with hedgehog scent as he loves to “help” me muck out Herbie hog each day, it’s odd he should start finding them in the wild, and always little ones which is odd, he’s never found an adult yet.

      The manager has provided me with mountains of reading material….all of it deathly dull but as you say I do need to be aware of what I may be liable for and what duties etc are expected of me. If I took the post I would like to be useful but worry about how much time may be involved. Thanks

  19. Love the ‘hog hunter’….Brill! Especially the walk home….Ha! Ha!
    More often than not one can perdict the sort of people who own animals…like Brer Rabbit! Awful!
    All the best with your joining the Board of Trustees! You’ll be an asset! Hugs! xx

    • Lol…..Sam is SO proud when he finds a little hog, makes his day it does, you should see him strutting!
      I am still pondering whether to become a trustee, I need to know a lot more about what’s involved…..thanks

  20. How awful about the woman and the poor injured rabbit! She was so rude and ungrateful! The rabbit is better off out of her hands. I hope it recovers!

    • I am delighted that the woman no longer has the rabbit, it has now had it’s leg pinned so we are hoping for a good recovery. Thanks

  21. Oh dear, such as news of the selfish woman and her poor rabbit, unfortunately I read them from all sides. It shakes my heart, do realize the men can be so cruel and indifferent to the suffering of animals. I still wonder why they keep animals if they don’t want to take care of them with love… I hope they can save the bunny paw.
    The purveyor of hedgehogs, Sam, is very good! Worth considering some little tidbit for him… you have a precious helps to save little lives…
    Your garden is fantastic and to have tomatoes in November is amazing! Here in the south, we had a miserable summer with a lot of rain and our tomato plants have produced very little… too many tomatoes ended up in the ground half-rotten because of the rain.
    I think the offer of your boss to become a trustee is well earned… well, even I don’t know exactly what it means in your country, I understand that it is a worthy engagement with regard to the cause of animals 🙂
    The illustrations in the book and Christmas cards are wonderful! I see you’re very talented too…
    Can I ask you a favor, unless it cause you problems?
    Can you send me your mailing address (regular postal address) to my e-mail I’m quite romantic person and even if I use the PC… I do love to write upon a card or paper…
    Thanks Dina, peaceful evening :-)claudine

    • There are so many terrible stories out there aren’t there….I really loathe hearing about anything suffering needlessly, be it animal or human. Some people are just plain callous.
      The little rabbit has now had it’s leg pinned and hopefully will make a full recovery if all goes well.
      Sam is so good at finding little hogs, he knows what they smell like because of my Herbie hog who he loves. Sam is amazing with other animals, when I hand feed chicks he lays his head on my knee and just watches them, he is never aggressive towards any of the animals I bring home..
      What a shame about your tomatoes, each year is totally different isn’t it….
      I am giving much thought to becoming a trustee, I have a mountain of paperwork to work through.

  22. I Love the cards and the book ‘ Our Animal Friends’. plus the illustrations for the next book….my oh my you have been busy!!! I think the fact that you have provided these beautiful illustrations is enough for you to be elected as a Trustee. I am sure that they will sell very well and raise lots of much needed money for the shelters.

    The rabbit woman sounds annoying to say the very least – people like her don’t deserve to have animals!!!

    Sam is fabulous – May he continue to rescue many more little hogs :):)

    Thanks for another fantastic post xxx

    • Thanks for your kind words Janet, I do hope the cards sell well……I shall have a good read up on being a trustee and give it a lot of thought….it seems the kind of thing that shouldn’t be jumped into!

      I quite agree, there are so many people who chose to have a pet then shirk their responsibilities!
      Sam has found a few more….he certainly has a nose for

  23. That woman – unbelievable that there are people like that. She must have known how the rabbit got hurt. What an unpleasant experience for you and especially for that poor little rabbit … here’s hoping that some surgery and some TLC from you will give it a better quality of life.

    Hub is a trustee of a homeless charity here. I think the job is very much what you make it. They would be LUCKY to have you, SB!!!

    • I’m quite sure she knew how the injury happened, it amazes me how people can leave an animal to suffer for so long, most vets are understanding re big bills. It has had it’s leg pinned so if all goes well it will now keep it’s leg.
      Ahhh thanks Gilly, I am spending a lot of time looking into the pros and cons….the rescue has given me a few months of reading material!!! xxx

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