
 I was surprised to see honey bees, flies and ladybirds all over the fatsia flowers, it is nearly December is it not?

It takes a while to adapt to these long dark nights, but in a way I’m rather grateful for them as I now spend a few hours each evening sorting cupboards and generally trying to get the house back into shape. There is NO way I would be sorting food cupboards etc if I could be playing out in the garden… silver linings eh…


This has to be one of my all-time FAVOURITE pictures, hubs and I were walking the dogs at the weekend when I spotted our shadows on the old raised railway line. How strange is this? We look like ghosts!


These sand sculptures in the village had me smiling too, what talent the guy who did them has, brilliant they are!


I bought these books at my local charity shop, a girl needs a good stash at this time of the year, after all I will eventually run out of cupboards etc to sort! I am a total sucker for the garden short cuts….of course there aren’t any, but one can always live in hope!


What are those horrible old boots doing in my greenhouse???

Now if you look at the bottom shelf you’ll see my water cress, I’ve had that for years, I bought it from the green grocer and noticed that some had roots on so I popped them in a bowl of water, with a little compost in the bottom. All I’ve done since is top up the water, and hey presto, a totally free, endless supply of water cress!


One of my wrought iron crows snapped in the wind so I popped it on top of the old stump in the back garden…he doesn’t miss a trick now! Maybe I should put a wildlife camera on him…..time to draw up my Christmas wish list.


I enjoyed a roaring chiminea with hubs and cooked chestnuts on it for the first time, GORGEOUS they were, and the smell of them cooking was wonderful.


Hub’s mum turned 85 last week, I can’t get over how young she looks…..she’s such a hoot and loves a good laugh with the girls. The family gathered for a meal which was a great way of spending a Sunday.


I managed to sort one half of my veggie patch, I still have beets, spinach and kale growing and the garlic and broad beans are coming up nicely.


I really need to sort this half now, there are carrots, leeks and potatoes still in here amongst the weeds……there’s always SO much to do isn’t there?

And Finally….


In the rescue this week I’ve been hand-feeding this little hog. The poor chap came in a few months ago and each week he lost weight and became sicker. For the last month everyone has battled to save him, he’s had every treatment you can think of, to no avail. Recently, the vet decided to syringe fluids under his skin. We hated doing it as he disliked it so much, but now….WOW, the difference it’s made. He’s started eating and has actually gained weight over the last few weeks. We are hand-feeding him to ensure he gets enough nutriment, and he absolutely LOVES it.

Y’know what? I would PAY to do this!!! It’s just the best thing…he paddles his little legs and gets all excited….and ends up with food all over himself.


I know this pic is blurry as he wriggles so much….but….just look at his little paw resting on my little finger….


I’m off to Bath for a week on Saturday so I hope to catch up with you all when I get back.

Be good!


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  1. what a lovely post and I love the dear little leg kicking hog with his little hand on your finger – that is the most endearing thing ever! Awww…… I think I’d pay to do that as well! And you do it for love not money… 🙂
    Must be so nice growing your own stuff though I know it must be really hard work….

    I love the silhouette photo too – it is a magical thing when you get that sight – sometimes you have really long legs and so on if on a hill and the sun low in the sky… magical!xxx

    • Yes! The long-legged shadows are fantastic!!!
      Oh that little guy is so very special, it’s now thought that he has neurological problems so will probably be coming to me to live in a large hutch next spring…..I am happy to take him!!! Thanks

  2. He is adorable isn’t he, you would love feeding him. It is a rather smashin’ pic isn’t it? Thanks

  3. Oh that’s so cute!!!! I absolutely love the shadow photo too! xxx

  4. I love that photo of the shadows ! It has come out really well.
    Your animal photos are always gorgeous and this one is no exception. I was expecting you to say that he didn’t pull through. So I was delighted to hear he has gone from strength to strength.
    And that trick with the watercress is something I shall try next year. It would be nice to have a never-ending supply.
    Chestnuts are wonderfully tasty and I used to often cook them in the embers of my open fire. I haven’t cooked any for ages. Thanks for the reminder. Must go out and get some.
    Have a lovely time in Bath. It’s a great place to visit.
    Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back xxx

    • Thanks Keggy, to see the little hog finally recover has us all smiling and we are all having such fun feeding him, yes, I do hope he goes from strength to strength.
      Glad to hear you will try the watercress too, I have several pieces dangling over into other pots of water which are rooting at the moment. It does tend to be practically evergreen.
      I hope you got yourself some chestnuts, the smell of them cooking is wonderful, really Christmassy too. XXX

  5. I love all the little hedgehogs you show pictures of. I don’t think we have them in the wild here. At least I have never seen one. Your mom-in-law looks fantastic for her age! Happy Birthday to her

    • The hogs are lovely, it’s great hearing them snuffling around in the garden, shame you don’t have any, but then you have an amazing array of wildlife that we don’t. Yes, MIL is ageing extremely elegantly. Thanks

  6. Your mother in law looks incredible! I’m so glad you were able to figure out how to get your hoglet to eat. He definitely looks happy! If I were him, I’d be holding on to your paw, too. 🙂

    • She is wearing well for sure!!! It was so wonderful to see the hog improve, the poor little thing had been so sick for so long and it was awful seeing him lose so much weight, he always puts his paw on my finger like that, maybe to steady himself, I absolutely melt every time he does it. Awwww….that last comment had me smiling away….I’m missing your posts already, roll on January! Thanks

  7. That woman is 85?? I’m amazed at how hale and hearty she looks — perfectly captured in that shot mid-laugh! And I must say, I adored that shot of your shadows. Very artsy with the various striations of color and texture. I think you could easily enlarge that and have it framed.

    Those tomatoes are still going for you, I see. The rambling cherry tomato the birds planted for me is still producing, the fruit getting sweeter every time I harvest. I’m so impressed — considering what an inhospitable spot they’re in and that they get zero care from me.

    Just so so so so cute, that little HH in your hands while you feed it. And the paw? *swoon* By the way, Your Boy Wimsey still squeaks and squawks for a syringe of water every time I’m in the bathroom to brush my teeth. Maybe he knows you’re across the pond feeding other creatures with syringes and he wants to be in on it!

    Anyway, it was a bit dreary today and I wished I were sitting with you by that blazing chiminea for a good long chat. Hugs!

    • MIL is a great laugh, I think that’s why she looks so youthful, she certainly enjoys herself! I must play around with the shadow pic, it was so odd seeing our shadows walking along with us on the high ground, most spooky!
      The toms, along with the peppers have finally finished, a record year for yield! I do hope you throw some tomato seeds back in that same spot next spring, and neglect them!!! Good to hear you actually kind of grew toms!!!!
      Isn’t the hog cute, utterly adorable he is, we don’t usually get to see much of them so feeding him is such a treat, makes a change from seeing a ball of prickles…
      Ahhh….my beautiful boy, yes, he must be empathising….he is such a sweetie!
      Maybe one day you will make it over here and we can chat to our hearts content around a chimmy with chestnuts aroasting and owls ascreeching!!!Yes! Thanks

  8. Aw! that is priceless: his little paw resting on your finger. It must be so rewarding to see such an amazing turnaround. Gardening is coming to a close for me and I too am turning my attentions to the neglected housework. Have a good time in Bath!

    • Thanks Jennifer, it has been marvellous seeing the little hog make such a good recovery, hopefully he’ll go from strength to strength now. Glad you are managing to sort your house too, if it wasn’t for winter I’d be living in a midden!!! xxx

  9. I love the shadow photo, how artistic.
    You are always so busy. You make me feel tired. I think you should sit down and read your new books instead of clearing out cupboards. I’ m leaving mine for my children to do when I’m dead.
    I love your sweet little hog, bless his little heart. That dear little paw resting on your hand.
    Have a wonderful time in Bath, what a great place to spend a week.

    • Hahahahaha….I laughed out loud at your cupboard comment!!! Of course! Now why didn’t I think of that….I shall down cleaning tools immediately and now leave such things to daughter!!! Brilliant!!! Now….where are me books….
      That little hog holds my finger the WHOLE time I’m feeding him, rather wonderful it is! I was chuffed with my piccie, it was odd seeing our shadows walking along the high ground with us, like two parallel universes converging! Thanks

  10. The shots of the baby hedgehog are really adorable. Someone sent me some chestnuts as a belated birthday present and I have no idea what to do with them.

    • Thanks Jason, he is one of the sweetest hogs we’ve ever had.
      Roast your chestnuts in the oven, utterly heavenly they are, especially in the

  11. I’m all for simple pleasures such as you’ve shown here! Love the hedgehog pictures.
    Enjoy your visit to Bath, it’s a wonderful place. xx

    • The simple things in life are often the most fun aren’t they, and they are usually free. Glad you enjoyed the hog pics, that guy is a one off for sure, we are all so attached to him. Thanks

  12. Love the little hedgehog and your ghost photo.

    I did something similar with watercress but it just flowered.

    • Thanks Sue, mine flowered but I just cut it back and it grew again. I also let some that is hanging over the pot to rest in water and that always roots too so I have several bowls of it

  13. Another lovely, spirit-lifting post – thank you! My goodness girl, do you ever stop??? That hog is amazing with his little paw. And your mum in law = incredibly youthful! Have a lovely time in Bath (my son got married in Bath Abbey in the summer 😉 and we used to live near there) xx

    • Lol…..I must admit I find it hard to sit when things need doing! I don’t often clean out food cupboards so I’m often shocked by what I find lurking in the deep recesses! Ahha….so that’s where your son got married, what a lovely location for a wedding. Thanks

  14. You’ve shared lots of good things in this post – roast chestnuts, a great shadow pic, smiling Birthday Girl, amazing sand sculptures, a sweet little hedgehog doing much better and gardening news. I like what you’ve done with the wrought iron crow! A break away in Bath sounds lovely. Enjoy!

    • Thanks Linda, I do love Bath so am really looking forward to going. Hubs is on a course there so we’ve rented a dog friendly apartment, apparently there is a badger sett in the garden so I hoping to see

  15. Oh your header photo made me feel warm just looking at it – lovely. And yes that is a great pic of your shadows – well done for spotting it. I’ve finished tidying up the garden now – what I haven’t done can stay undone – although it has been warm enough to get out and do a bit hasn’t it – I’ve just seen some pictures of the snow in America – we are so lucky in this country to have a milder climate. The hedgehog pics are delightful too – and yes, he does look as though he is enjoying every minute of being fed. Bless. Enjoy your time in Bath – I’ve never been but it looks so beautiful.

    • I must say I loved seeing our shadows like that….it was SO weird!!! My garden is a foot deep in leaves at the moment so I’m pleased the weather is mild enough to get out and clear some of them, especially in the courtyard, it becomes lethal out there when it rains!
      I was watching the snow on the news, hubs bro and sil are off there tomorrow to see their son…what a time to go, it’s really deep isn’t it!!!
      The little hog is gorgeous, it’s wonderful to see him relishing his food again and of course it’s a joy to feed him. Thanks

  16. Wow, Dina: You’re having such lovely weather! We have snow and quite frigid temperatures, but it did warm up to about -11 Celsius today. 🙂 I was merrily cutting pines and dogwood for a vase…

    I love your shadow-picture: a good reminder of how our energy forever blesses the spaces where we live.

    My, that little hog is precious! I’m so happy you get to do the work you love. It’s so important to the world’s well-being.

    I could smell those chestnuts…yum! And I envy you that steady supply of watercress. Well, I envy you that greenhouse! But it’s a nice envy…you’re dear to me, so I’m happy for you and envious for me. 🙂

    Sweet blessings to your time in Bath!

    • Gosh, it WARMED- UP to -11??? I’d hate to know how cold it was before that….! I know you like it cold but that cold? I think I would go into hibernation mode!!! Our weather has been incredibly mild which does mean a little extra gardening can be done, mainly clearing a foot of leaves!
      I like your thoughts on the shadow pic, yes we need to be mindful of what type of energy we are impacting! Lovely thought.
      That little hog is utterly adorable, normally they are tightly curled up so you don’t get to see much of them, this little chap is so keen on his food he doesn’t curl at all….I could feed him forever, he ate 15 syringes full in that sitting!
      Hot roasted chestnuts….sighs…you just can’t beat them! I wish you had a greenhouse, I waited a long time for mine and really appreciate it, it is never empty, even throughout winter……now it is keeping all my cuttings and seedlings safe.
      Thanks Kitty, were taking the dogs so shall have a wonderful

  17. Oh, the hog pictures are just lovely, priceless indeed! So glad he is doing well after being so sick. Have a great time in Bath.

    • He’s a little sweetheart isn’t he, I could feed him forever!!! It’s great to see him on the road to recovery. Thanks

  18. As always, doing something, on the move and gardening. The feeding pics of the ‘hog are very interesting. The resting paw reminded me of an adorable kitten I hand-reared performing a not dissimilar action with two paws.

    You’ve reminded me that we have some, what I call ‘toy’ carrots amongst some weeds at the front edges of our kale bed. I will need to investigate those.

    Mum looks wonderful! An as for those chestnuts……..yum.


    • Awwww, lovely to hear you had a paw resting kitten too, hand-rearing is always such a lovely thing isn’t it. Would have loved to hear more about the kitten, did you keep it?
      That little hog is a delight to feed, he took 15 syringes of food in that sitting, I really took my time as I was enjoying it so much, then when I put him away I realized I still had over forty hogs to muck out….
      I hope you find some carrots, they are ok to stay in the ground until you are ready to use them.

  19. A post full of happies, how lovely. Thank goodness the little hog is now thriving, and just look at that little paw, so cute. I never thought to overwinter my watercress, I just treated it as an annual but I’ll know what to do in future. Have a great time in Bath.

    • Feeling that little hogs’ paw resting on my finger was simply heavenly! You don’t often get to see hogs like this, normally they are all curled up and just look like spiny balls so hand-feeding is a real treat, and the fact he doesn’t curl shows how much he likes it!
      Yes, the watercress grows most of the year in the greenhouse, it will die back eventually but does come back again. Good luck with yours, thanks

  20. As always, an action packed blog:)
    LOVE the. Shadow photograph – you should enter it into a competition.
    Sand sculptures are fantastic, and yes Hub’s Mum is the youngest looking 85 year old I have seen!
    I have also had bees flying in my flat – strange days indeed…..
    The little hog is gorgeous and how adorable that it wiggles it’s little legs with excitement. Like a little lamb:)
    Have a lovely week in Bath. It’s one of my favourite places. Janet xxxxxx

    • Thanks Janet, I must say I love the spooky shadow- play pic! I looked up actually thinking there were people there!Hubs mum is wearing wonderfully well, I’ve asked for her secrets but she doesn’t seem to have any.
      It’s really odd seeing bees still flying around, I suppose we haven’t had any hard frosts yet, wildlife is becoming confused re our changing climate, hopefully they will adapt.
      Oh….I really love that little hog, such a fighter, it made my day when I weighed him and saw he was finally gaining weight…..thanks Janet, I love Bath too, were taking the dogs

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