
Our week in Bath was mostly enjoyable. The dogs absolutely loved their city break, and of course, as it is a city of culture, bandanna’s were worn and they were on their best behaviour, apart from the occasional sneaky wrestle. At times they almost looked refined!


The apartment we stayed at was at the top of a VERY steep hill. Oh….how I came to hate that hill! No matter where we went we had to climb the darn thing on the way back, it almost put me off going out. Here it is in the dark…


It’s infinitely worse at night…..’Orrible… legs are still aching!


One evening, after enjoying a glass or two of steaming mulled wine, hubs and I were tootling on home when I noticed a man sleeping rough in a doorway. It was -4 so I went over to give him some money, not that he was begging in any shape or form. He had fallen asleep with a book resting on his sleeping bag and his back was exposed. As I covered him up, he woke and turned towards me.

Honestly, I have NEVER seen a face like his before, it really is hard to describe…..he was simply breathtakingly beautiful, so much so that I actually got goosebumps. When he smiled his face looked ethereal, as though a light was somehow shining behind it… it was really, really  uncanny,  and when he thanked me, his voice was soft and gentle.

Then, a group of teenagers appeared, and as they walked past us one of them kicked the homeless man. I was FURIOUS, and if they hadn’t moved on so quickly I would have cheerfully indulged in a little kicking myself!!!

I bawled the kids out and of course got a mouthful back, then they began kicking a bus shelter and tampering with a cash point, at which point I called the police. By the time they arrived the kids had gone, but at least they weren’t hanging out by the homeless guy any more.


The next evening, hubs and I were walking the dogs and arrived at a set of traffic lights. Suddenly, Sam yelped and jumped back as though he’d had an electric shock or something, then he and Annie simultaneously began barking hysterically at a guy on the other side of the road who was waiting to cross.

We were absolutely flabbergasted….the dogs have NEVER behaved like that towards anyone before. As the lights changed and the guy began crossing the road the dogs became even more disturbed, and were jumping and spinning on their leads and barking frantically, with the hackles on their backs raised ……weird or what eh??? The guy looked perfectly ordinary to us, small, middle aged and bald, he gave the dogs a wide berth though!

Mmmmmm….I think, after that if I had met him again I would have trusted the dogs’ instincts and avoided him!!! What a mystery though…


A real-life angel turned out to be our landlady.

Liz is in her late eighties and still does all the cleaning and maintenance of the 22 apartments that she owns, while giving all the profits to twelve different charities! To date she has parted with 68 thousand pounds……how astonishing in this day and age! She has no children so is leaving all her property to her chosen charities.

Liz loves dogs and we had a real hard time keeping Sam from sitting on her knee, we were afraid he would break her, but she just laughed at our concerns and put up with him. An amazing woman….it was lovely to meet her, and if it wasn’t for that dratted hill I may have gone back there in the summer!


We really enjoyed the canal and river walks and even managed to do a little Christmas shopping at the Bath Christmas market, which is a collection of 113 sheds in the town, there were some lovely, unusual things there. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a Christmas present this early in the year before!!!


And finally….


It’s always good to get away, but even nicer to come home again….hubs is somewhere under those dogs…


And….just LOOK what I found blooming in the garden when I got home, Angel’s Trumpet!!!

Right….let’s see what you have all been up to….


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  1. It was a shame the police took so long to turn up, as you say those kids could have done with a little discipline……what possesses kids to attack a person sleeping in a doorway? It’s shockingly callous!
    The guy across the street never once even so much as glanced at the dogs which was strange as they were obviously barking and growling at him….he wasn’t wearing a hat or sunglasses either, but then our dogs don’t mind those…..they were totally terrified of him.

    I was talking to the dog staff at the rescue about the dog’s reaction to the guy across the street, and they told me a story re a woman who was walking one of the rescue dogs, a friendly little chap. They came across a guy in the dunes and the dog reacted just like mine and was barking hysterically with it’s tail between it’s legs, the next day the dog walker saw the guy on the local news, he had been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman in the dunes…..weird eh??? Thanks

  2. Sounds like you had a good time despite the odd encounters with the homeless man and the stranger crossing the road. I would have been so furious with those teenagers too. I wish the police had arrived to give them a taking-to. Perhaps the stranger in the road met eyes with the dogs for a brief moment. They might have seen it as a challenge. Was he wearing a hat or did he have sunglasses on? Sometimes the other dogs at the leash-free park will get freaked out when my hubby wears a hat. How nice that an angel greeted your return!

  3. I love Bath, but yes it is hilly! A nice place to do some shopping too. Glad you had a good time.

  4. I love your posts, you are a born storyteller and you always have adventures to write about. How lovely to have a break in Bath. I love it, such a beautiful place. Did you take the waters? Or is that just something they do in historical novels?
    It must have been wonderful to come home to a beautiful Datura flower. But then coming home is always best anyway.

    • Why thank you Chloris, what a splendid compliment!!! I shall live of that for a good while!
      Lol… have me laughing re taking to the waters… sounds exquisitely refined and gentile….though I have no idea what it means, obviously I need to read more historical novels, philistine that I am!
      I always enjoy coming home, being away makes you appreciate it all the more….sadly my poor datura has wilted in the frost as I have been too busy to haul the poor thing into the greenhouse! xxx

  5. I read this post last week and thought I had left a comment. Obviously not ! But it has given me time to have another read and enjoy it again 😀
    Those doggies looked very smart with those bandannas on. Just right for a city break. I think the photo of them sitting on hubs with his head poking out from underneath is hilarious :))
    That story about the homeless man reminds me of a bible story where Jesus said to the disciples, if they help the lowliest person, it is like helping him. Your homeless guy had an angelic face. Who knows…?
    And I was also impressed with that lovely lady who gives the proceeds of her properties to charity. I am sure she must get a lot of pleasure out of helping others too. Good luck to her. What a kind soul :yes:
    Thanks for sharing your break. I feel rejuvenated already xxx

    • I must say these dogs are a handful, but a happy handful! They have no respect at all for anyone sitting down, they’ll have a play fight right on top of you! I do think they look rather posh in their bandannas, daughter has apparently bought them Christmas scarves so they should look the business this winter!
      Indeed….who knows who that man really was……he gave me goosebumps just looking at him!!!
      Oh ….Liz is a real star….what a woman, it’s good to know there are people like her in the world….thanks

  6. Ahhh glad you had a lovely time!! xxxx

  7. Wow what a time you had in Bath! I can just imagine the toilsome old hill you had to keep grinding up each time you returned to your accommodation! Am sure it was good for your legs or heart or something… small comfort!

    Dear dogs always so funny and doggish. How weird them going mad at that ordinary looking man. Would be so fascinating to know what it was they sensed etc. Well you were pulling the blanket over Jesus as he lay with his back all cold and exposed and he so loved you for noticing and stopping and caring and DOING SOMETHING and not just walking on by…. well done you – you’re the angel one…

    How amazing that the landlady does what she does and gives so much money to charity. Sounds as if you have been in a most extraordinary spiritual dimension of twirly bits in yon Bath! 🙂 xxx

    • You put it well re an extraordinary dimension….it seemed to be a week of huge contrasts which had my head spinning… about extremes eh!!!
      I was talking to the dog staff at the rescue about the dog’s reaction to the guy across the street, and they told me a story re a woman who was walking one of the rescue dogs, a friendly little chap. They came across a guy in the dunes and the dog reacted just like mine and was barking hysterically with it’s tail between it’s legs, the next day the dog walker saw the guy on the local news, he had been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman in the dunes…..weird eh??? Sam has a terrific sense of smell, maybe he smelt fear….or blood…..horrible thought….
      I would never walk past a person exposed like that, or anyone needing help, I can’t understand why people avoid the homeless, are they not people too….there for the grace of God go us all……..what a beautiful, amazing face he had though!
      Ahhhh….thanks for your lovely comment….sadly I’m no angel though, I was all up for a little kicking I was so angry!xxx

  8. A most enjoyable post, and lovely pictures. It’s good to see that you enjoyed yourselves, and that the dogs behaved themselves. I’d certainly trust their reactions to that guy they didn’t like.
    It’s always good to meet good-hearted people like the wonderful landlady.
    I had no phone/internet for a week so lots of sofa flying reading and some plotting on a few sunny mornings is mostly what I’ve been doing. xx

    • Thanks Flighty….yes I would certainly go with the dogs on this one! Their reaction was spooky to say the least! Liz truly is a gem, it was lovely to meet her. Oh….how annoying not to have access to a phone or internet!!! Hopefully things are now back to

  9. What a lovely visit to Bath – I’m very fond of that city, our son went to uni there and had his wedding in the Abbey in the summer, and we used to live near there ourselves, many moons ago. Your story of the homeless man made me think of that bit in the Bible which says that when we help people in trouble sometimes we are helping angels unawares. As for that guy the dogs didn’t like … I’m sure your dogs were on to something, I would definitely trust their instincts!

    Pity about the hill, though … 😉

    • What a wonderful setting for a wedding! The homeless guy certainly looked angelic to me, never have I seen a face like his!!! The dogs astonished hubs and I, even hubs, a born cynic thought the guy had been up to no good!!! Oh dear….that hill….thanks

  10. Oh, Dina, what a rich post and so many adventures. I love your sensitivity to others’ energy. I’ve always felt this, too, and it took many years before I understood it. I know it can be draining at times, but once we learn how to master it, it can be such a gift: In Bath, you saw the one person’s light though his outward appearance hid it, and seemed to feel blessed by both his light and the incredible light of Liz, too. The young bullies, of course, were another story…I’m always stunned by such acts of cruelty and the examples that must have been set for them. I pray for their healing.

    And can’t forget Sam and Annie’s ways of sensing energy, too: I’d definitely give that guy who incited their barking and anxiety a wide berth: dogs have such acute gifts for detecting “bad” energy, don’t they? And, of course, that fellow appeared “normal/safe.”

    There are always so many stories and truths beneath our appearances, aren’t there?

    I do love all the photos of the pups, especially the first, where they look like canine super models and the last, where they’re burying your husband in love. 🙂

    I’m glad you had such a wonderful break and so many adventures, but I can sympathize with the quadriceps’ pain in completing that climb more than once. Ow!

    Ah! The Angel Trumpet: what a lovely reminder of the angels you met and the angel you are…and a reminder that we can let go and trust that the light will be greater than the dark in our world. (I love how Liz just lives this, quietly, deeply, and daily. Thank you for sharing the gift of her real example. Makes me teary, in a good way, to think such “shiny people” are everywhere.)

    • The homeless man had a face and something about him that was really extraordinary, who knows who people are….yes, appearances can be so very deceiving! I was talking to the dog staff at the rescue about the dog’s reaction to the guy across the street, they told me a story re a woman who was walking one of the rescue dogs, a friendly little chap, they came across a guy in the dunes and the dog reacted just like mine and was barking hysterically with it’s tail between it’s legs, the next day the dog walker saw the guy on the local news, he had been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman in the dunes… dogs certainly sensed that the man across the street had been up to no good….I have never seen them behave like that before, it was eerie!
      I loathe such cruelty and it was so depressing to witness it, why kick a poor soul when he is down and out, unbelieveable! Yet Liz was there to balance the books, what a marvelous woman, the good she is doing without complaint! Such a week of contrasts, my head was spinning!
      Yes, I think there are many more good people in this world than bad….and meeting Liz made up for the nastier moment….ahhhh….so glad you enjoyed the post, you are included in the Angel list! Thanks Kitty…hugs xxxxx

  11. It’s distressing when you see that kind of anti-social activity by young people. Sometimes I think it is just that they feel disgruntled and aimless with more energy than they know what to do with. But with others it can be something harder and more malicious. Anyhow, it looks like you had a wonderful trip, if we are ever in the UK again we will have to consider going to Bath. And now I realize that all cultured dogs wear bandanas!

    • Thanks Jason…Yes, it’s awful to witness such disgusting behavior, I think some young people behave like that as a result of peer pressure, hopefully they regret it and grow out of it, but some are darker and become worse with age,
      You must visit Bath if you come again, they do have rather lovely gardens that you would enjoy….you must visit Liverpool too!!! Lol….well yes…one’s dogs must look their best in such cultural

  12. There’s a novella here….Wow – two extraordinary – other worldly – experiences, and yes, I would definitely take head of the dog’s reaction… the second man.
    I hate to see young people so desensitised that they are cruel to others without so much as a thought….and the landlady sounds like someone I would love. Sounds a bit like Phoebe’s Mum who I visit every now and then:)
    Where I lived in Wales…I came out of my cottage and immediately had to climb a steep hill and so I know what you are talking about….oh boy.
    Glad you arrived home safely – obviously you, hubs and those beautiful dogs were all very happy – and how lovely to find the beautiful bloom. Now you can thoroughly enjoy the lead up to Xmas. Thank you Dina..xxxxx

    • It was such a strange week for sure , I have no doubt that the man the dogs were so bothered by had been up to no good….as I said on a previous reply, I was discussing the dogs reaction with rescue staff and was told about a dog walker at the rescue who was walking a friendly little dog at the beach, the dog came across a guy and reacted like my dogs did, the next day the dogwalker saw an item on the local news showing the same man who had been arrested for sexually assaulting a woman in the dunes, the dog had obviously picked up on it! How odd eh?
      Oh how I hate such cruelty too…..what on earth is to be gained by it….it’s so depressing isn’t it?
      I am quite sure that you would love Liz and get along with her….what a woman!!!
      You have my respect re the hill in Wales, I think I’m getting to old to climb them!!! Thanks Janet.xxxxx

  13. What a varied, newsy and great post. There are hills and hills, you sound as if you got one of the variety to exclaim about. Pity there wasn’t a cable car.

    Cocky youngsters are a pain, seriously so, when you come across incidents like you describe. We shouldn’t have homeless people on the streets, food banks, or the kinds of indignities that are being imposed on the less fortunate in our society. The disparities show ever larger and greater.

    • Thanks Menhir, it certainly was a horrible hill! I’m glad we didn’t stay for two weeks, I think it would have defeated me!
      Oh I couldn’t agree more, I have never seen so many homeless people on the streets, how awful it must be for them and why do people avoid them, are they not people too? Sadly the gap between rich and poor grows daily….xxx

  14. Geee what a memorable experience in Bath !!! Good to write a story or an entire novel, belive me…
    Who was homeless “angel” looking so beautiful? And the guy that shook the hearts of your two dogs… maybe a demonic spirit?
    Liz definitely is a woman who will receive many karmic merits…
    But the last photo is a Datura, a plant known for its “shamanic” virtues which allows the travel between dimensions… 😉 kisses

    • It certainly was a mixed week with strange events thrown in!!! The homeless man had a face I don’t think I’ll ever forget, who knows who crosses our path, the world is full of mysteries, the dogs were utterly terrified of that man though and I have no doubt he’d been up to no good!!!
      Oh Liz….what an incredible example eh? Such a darling and all that good work!
      How interesting about the datura….it’s properties sum my week up for sure. Thanks

  15. Glad you had a good break. The lady you stayed with sounds amazing. I think Annie and Sam must be very sensitive to other people’s vibes perhaps because of past experiences before you had them and you’re drawn to those in need, both humans and animals. I don’t want to be negative about your angel’s trumpet bloom as it’s beautiful, but take care as there are some nasty aspects to the plant.

    • Thanks Linda, our landlady was amazing, certainly not someone you would forget in a hurry, it’s good to know there are so many good people out there.
      It’s funny, I was telling the dog staff at the rescue how the dogs had reacted to the man, they told me a rather strange story, apparently a dog walker was walking a friendly shelter dog on the beach and it suddenly reacted just as our dogs did to a strange guy, the next day the dog walker saw on the local news that the same man had been arrested for sexual assault in the sand dunes…..the dog must have sensed it! How odd eh?
      I remember from one of your posts that the angels trumpet is deadly and have been careful around it ever

  16. Super post! Brought back memories for me…even though I last visited some years ago. Fine pictures triggered memories.
    Wonderful experience with the ‘homeless lad’….
    May all go well for you for the rest of the year…..
    Let the ‘Angel Trumpet’ sound!!!!! Hugs!xx

    • Thanks Bushka, it is a pretty city isn’t it, and has some lovely water walks. My poor angels trumpet is now a sorry wilted mess….I must get it into the greenhouse

  17. Another delightful post, Glad you had a good break ~x~

  18. It sounds like you had a wonderful time, and Sam and Annie did too by all accounts. It beggars belief how some people treat fellow human beings, doesn’t it? It’s like one extreme to the other with those youths and your landlady, it’s heartening to hear of the good people of this world.

    • We did enjoy Bath in the main, we didn’t have a garden so walking the dogs endlessly was a little problematic….and of course meant that we had to navigate that dratted hill several times a day!!!
      I really don’t get what pleasure people get from hurting others, especially for absolutely no reason, I wonder if they feel guilt afterwards? Yes, it’s lovely to know that there are so many decent people about, maybe the negative just gets more airtime. Thanks

  19. I love that pic of your husband peeking out from under those crazy canines. And a pretty dapper pair as they tour Bath with you. I don’t think I’d do hills as steep as that. I’m wimp enough on flat land. How nice to meet your landlady. What amazing energy and stamina she has for all that work.

    It’s such a shame there’s so much unprovoked cruelty in our world. I’m not surprised you could see beauty in the man even as your dogs sensed something off about that guy crossing the street.

    Welcome home, says your garden. Inhale that lovely Angel’s Trumpet for me, won’t you?

    • Oh those dogs!!! They never seem to stop playing, they were good in Bath though, we didn’t have a garden to let them out in so I was walking them endlessly, I did miss the garden, walking dogs before even having a cuppa is not my idea of fun!!!
      Oh….that hill nearly finished me off….I will take more care when booking places in future!
      I am always amazed that people can be so horribly cruel to others, especially when it’s unprovoked as you say….how can they live with themselves?
      My poor angels trumpet is now wilting in its pot, I haven’t had a chance to bring it into the greenhouse….sighs….thanks

  20. Well – what a time you had. Some weird experiences and some good ones too. I have not had a city break for donkeys years – Bath sounds a good place to see – although like you I would have hated that hill – I am not good with inclines they make my hip joints cease up! Hey ho I’m not even going to mention old age or anything!. Couldn’t quite make out your top photo – is hubs having a pint with a reindeer or am I seeing things. That photo of the dogs is wonderful – they are so beautifully posed and nice to see they appreciate being home too – poor old hubs getting squished. And that Angle’s Trumpet – what’s that doing in flower at this time of year – wow. Have a great week – nice to see you back.

    • I must say Bath is a lovely city with plenty of river and canal walks…..I would certainly make sure that I didn’t book somewhere on a hilltop again, I can’t be doing with it! Lol….hills get to every part of my legs!!!
      The top pic is hubs sat next to a reindeer at a restaurant, it is going into a raffle so we are in with a chance of winning it, hubs was amused by having to sit next to it….he said it was a far more relaxing date than sitting next to me….cheek!!!
      My poor angels trumpet is now a wilted mess….I really need to get it into the greenhouse! Thanks

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