A narcissistic dog and a mysterious hog


Each day, I trot into the garden to sort Herbie hog and his hutch out. A few days ago, to my abject horror, I found his hutch empty! Last time this happened he’d dug himself out, and after a frantic search, was found sleeping in a hedgehog house in one of my borders. Since then I have surrounded his hutch with bricks and check for signs of digging each day.


To my utter astonishment I soon spotted Herbie sleeping in his outdoor run, something he’s NEVER done before, and then I noticed a baby hoglet curled up next to him…..


Talk about baffling!

Two aspects of this were downright strange! First, hogs are solitary, and only come together to mate, so why was Herbie lying next to the baby, out in the cold and in broad daylight, with his food untouched? Second, a thorough search revealed no gaps or holes, so how on earth did baby hog get in?

So, hoglet was rushed to the rescue, as she was covered with fly eggs and clearly dehydrated and rake thin, a mere 140 grams, she was also really cold….hopefully she’ll survive!

Now, talking of Herbie, if you’re wondering what the white on his tummy is, it’s cream. Since Christmas he has had a wound that has refused to heal, due to his tum dragging along the grass, and I had started to think his days were numbered….courtesy of the vet…yet, amazingly, this last week has seen it fully healed, nothing short of miraculous, so, now the cream is just a preventative measure.


Also, last week, Buddy was neutered and I discovered how impossible it is to keep a Jack quiet and still……..this breed only knows jump, run and play and you can’t keep a dog in a crate for ten days so I’ve spent most of that time checking his stitches. Tomorrow is day ten, and all is STILL well….sighs


Special Pige looking ever so grown up

I digress…

So with one thing and another, I’ve found very little time to just sit this last week, then, yesterday, the sun came out, so off I went into the courtyard, with lunch in one hand and a book in the other.


The scariest sunflower I have ever grown, looks red here, but trust me, it’s black….

For once, the three dogs were quiet, chilled and sunning themselves, and the perfume of the honeysuckle and buddleia hung sweetly in the air….this year’s dunnock, wren, robin and blackbird chicks were hopping along the fence and the sound of birdsong was music to my ears. I took the first bite of my sandwich and sighed, how good is life I thought….


and at that very moment a car alarm began to whoop and scream, a lawn mower started up over the fence and the doorbell rang.

I answered the door, the alarm eventually went off and the lawn mower faded to background noise, but by then the sun had gone in, and it began to rain.


I remained outdoors out of sheer stubbornness, and chomped away on my cold, toasted sandwich, getting wetter by the minute, and watched the butterflies, along with the dogs, who were once again chasing each other around the courtyard, even though Buddy wasn’t supposed to be running.

Once again I checked his stitches….

And I observed how the peacock butterflies opened and closed their wings while feeding and it occurred to me that life is a little like that…


Dark underwings, then a flash of dazzling beauty, that fair takes your breath away.


Y’know…..you get the mundane and then a moment….

How I love those moments! They put everything into perspective…


An-y-way…….the narcissistic dog?

So, I received a sudden urgent call from the rescue, someone had to go on tv and comment re strengthening cruelty laws, and it fell upon me. Long story short, I had thirty minutes to get home, brush my hair, change, panic, throw all flotsam and jetsam at a corner in the kitchen, try to think of something to say, panic some more and try not to look as nervous as I felt.

The crew arrived, interviewed me for thirty minutes, then aired thirty seconds worth, out of context, of course! But hey ho, onwards and upwards, I couldn’t have watched thirty minutes of my ramblings for love nor money…..but….


Buddy could!

He simply couldn’t get enough of himself! Loved it, he did….he starred, along with my two, and given that hubs taped it he can watch to his heart’s content!

And finally…

The Mystery of the baby hoglet was finally solved!

The Foxman, remember him? He who walks his foxdog past our house?

Yes…he’d heard that I was the Hedgehog woman, and he knew about Herbie, and it was him who spotted the hoglet wandering about in the daylight, so he rescued it, and put it in with Herbie, knowing that I’d find it!

You couldn’t make this stuff up!


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  1. How wonderful to see Buddy watching himself in the film. In another comment I had written about offering the animals some mirrors to contemplate themselves… and then discovered this one, and the touching story of Buddy. I am so happy for him that through his connection to you and other humans, he had that chance to see himself from outside the context. It is really touching. And the flowers are so beautiful. But reading this, there was also an acknowledgement for me of time passing too quickly. Thank you so much for your posts, Dina. Your humanity and your huge heart brings me encouragement and hope. xxx

    • Time is flying by Shimon, like you say, far too fast! It was so interesting watching Buddy watch himself, he knew, without a doubt who he was, and who our dogs and I were….I think animals are underestimated, they are far more aware than we think. Thanks for such a lovely comment, I rarely feel that I’m anything special, dealing with animals day in day out…..sometimes I think I’m hopeless, especially where releases are concerned. I mean well, and do my best, that’s all any of us can do.xxx

  2. Oh, Dina, what a wonderful post! I’m not receiving these in my e-mail (why, oh why???) and have to remember to check…I must say, my week’s end has begun beautifully, due to your holy, holy way of receiving and blessing life. What a joy you are! I love how your energy and gifts attract the characters and scenarios that will most benefit from them…and I also love how, even when anxiety makes it entrance on the stage, the lights wisely remain on your pure-lovely goodness and the mission you have to rescue and save those who need it. I put myself in that category as well: thank you, and smooches to little Buddy and all your winged, 2- and 3- and 4-leggeds lovebugs. I hope, in the weeks ahead (and always), you’ll have many of the flashing brilliant moments that feed your spirit and keep you merry.

    • Gremlins, Kitty, gremlins! I’m having similar problems!
      So glad this post had your weekend off to a good start! Life really is all about life isn’t it…and we never know what’s coming up, but we do have to plod on when it is wearisome and make sure we always grasp those moments of light that are cast our way, sometimes it can almost feel like we are being tested! But….those moments always arrive!!!
      You speak well of me but I’m not sure I deserve it…..but I do try! Yes, I think without a doubt that we do always put the critters first and our ego’s second, and as they have no voice, we have to speak for them.
      Ahhhhh….thanks for your wonderful, heartwarming and encouraging comment….they do always put me in the right mindset and make me realise what it’s all about! Little sweetie you…as always!xxxxxxx

  3. What a lovely story about the hedgehogs and congratulate Buddy on his moment of stardom! Have a great week. xx

  4. I enjoyed this often funny post. Glad the mystery appearance of the hedgehog was figured out. I hope it recovers. My dogs have never shown even the slightest interest in the television screen. Buddy must fancy himself a star! Hope the stitches heal soon!

    • Thanks Jennifer, little hoglet is still with us so it’s all looking good! My dogs don’t bother with the TV either, but Buddy is completely obsessed with it. His is running free again and all was finally well with his stitches!xxx

  5. A grand set of pics each telling their own part of the story. In addition, you articulate the doings and goings on so very well. We get quite an education!

    I am impressed your man with ‘the dog’ had the foresight and nouse to place hoglet in your care and so very carefully too.

    It looks like you have special pidge as a perament fixture.

    Smashing post.


    • Thanks Menhir, I was pleased the Foxchap rescued hoglet but was rather worried that something may have been passed onto Herbie……fingers crossed, all is still well for both of them!
      Special Pige is a cutie and at least now flies away from the dogs! xxx

  6. I hope your hedgehog recovers. As for Buddy, is he a narcissist or just overcome by his new celebrity? He may be the only dog he knows who has been on television. Very enjoyable post!

    • The little hoglet is still with us…fingers crossed! Lol….I think Buddy is a little self-obsessed, but maybe he’s watching my two on screen too! Thanks Jason.xxx

  7. Another brilliant post Dina. That close up of the baby hedgehog is so gorgeous. And how thoughtful of the man who cared enough to put the baby in your garden. He obviously knew you would look after it.
    The dogs are up to their usual tricks again I see !
    And I am so pleased that you are speaking out against animal cruelty on TV. I wish more people would do the same.
    It brought to mind the current talk about the dairy industry and the farmers wanting more money for their milk. That is a cruel industry but unfortunately few people seem to be truly aware of how cows are artificially inseminated and kept in a continuous cycle of pregnancy, their babies taken away from them and put into the veal industry (for males) or back into the dairy industry (for females), then the mother cow being slaughtered when she is too worn out to be productive any longer. Everyone who drinks milk or eats cheese is contributing to this industry, but many are oblivious (as I was).
    Unfortunately these poor animals don’t seem to have many advocates like you to speak out for them. If you have any spare time….? LOL 😀
    I found the cartoons of the Vegan Sidekick very on point and so true. Check him out if you are interested. He is at http://www.vegansidekick.com
    I bet you would agree with a lot of it.

    P.S. beautiful shots of the peacock butterfly and the flowers. Glad you had some time to smell the roses, as it were, before being dragged out of the house again. Hope you managed to get back into that book.
    Take care and keep up the good work xxx

    • Thanks Kegs, I’m glad the chap rescued the hoglet but I was worried that it may have passed something nasty onto Herbie, fortunately, all seems to be well. I have now put a small hutch next to Herbie’s for emergency admissions!
      Yes, wherever animals are involved suffering takes place, I do get depressed seeing the endless videos and petitions that flood my inbox, there seems to be no end of cruelty in this world…..
      I had a look at vegansidekick and certainly agree!
      Yes, I finally managed to finish that book! xxx

  8. I have to agree Casa, seeing myself on TV did make me feel nauseous! My two weren’t terribly impressed either, I think Buddy was watching himself rather than me….thank goodness!
    I have everything crossed for the hoglet, she has the best of everything now, so hopefully will pull through! Thanks Casa.xxx

  9. The idea of watching myself on TV makes me ill! I’m not even sure my dogs would watch. 😉 But hooray for that little hoglet. It has an excellent guardian angel.

  10. I did wonder whether someone had sneaked the hog in.

    I was once interviewed for a TV prog. The cameraman and interviewer travelled from Birmingham to Wakefield and back, filmed for 4 hours and the piece on TV lasted 4 minutes.

    • Y’know, I never once thought that someone may have put hoglet in with Herbie!
      Sighs…..yes, the media eh…it can be all so very frustrating! Thanks Sue!xxx

  11. Always enjoyable, lively, humorous and informative … ever thought of writing a book? Thank you for putting a smile on my face again! I hope Buddy’s stitches stay put – maybe put his episode on a loop then he can watch all day … ??? Fingers crossed for your hoglet, poor wee thing.

    And yes, those moments – they illuminate the rest of life. Hugs! xx

    • Why thank you Gilly! Gosh, me? A book? No…..I doubt anyone could put up with my witterings!
      Glad to have put a smile on your face! All is now well with Buddy and he can once more run and jump without me having a panic attack! Yes, I have everything crossed for hoglet, at least she is getting the care she needs now.
      Here’s to more moments for us all! xxx

  12. Aww how lovely that Herbie was with the little starving hoglet and lucky you whipped little one off to the rescue to get him sorted out and before the flies hatched etc…

    How funny about Buddy being riveted to watching himself on tv! Bless! No pride have they these animals! :))

    The garden is looking lovely with the flowers and all…. I do hope Buddy’s stitches survive and he heals up soon! xxxx

    • I like to think Herbie was caring for baby hoglet, he looked just like the mothers do when nursing babies! I hope all is well for hoglet, the fly eggs were removed and meds given so now it’s a waiting game….
      Buddy loves watching all animals on TV, he gets really excited and jumps up and down….he has the eyes of a hawk! Thankfully, the ten days are now up and all is well,he can run again, thank goodness! Thanks Arose.xxx

  13. I don’t know their real names any more, but for years there was a Duck Lady, a Bird Lady, and a Raccoon Lady that I would take injured or abandoned creatures to. I still have them names in my book somewhere, but as these things happen, they’ve moved on (or sometimes moved, literally) and I haven’t had to look up a new person, since I’ve not found an injured creature in some time.

    I think Hog Lady is a perfectly delightful title. Around here, a different image might come to mind, since we’re short on hedgehogs and long on feral hogs, but that’s our problem, not yours.

    I do wonder now and then what it is about particular videos that attract my kitty. She mostly ignores them, but now and then something will bring her to full attention. If there are birds involved, I understand it. Musicians are a bit more mysterious.

    • I am smiling at all your animal ladies, and it’s good to know that there are people everywhere looking out for the critters, it’s good you haven’t found any injured animals either!
      I have reluctantly accepted that I am to forever be the “Hog woman”….
      Some animals seem to love watching the TV, Buddy is obsessed with all the animals he sees and will jump up and down trying to reach them….and they say dogs have poor eyesight! Thanks Linda.xxx

  14. What an enjoyable post, it made me smile.

    Funny to see Buddy watching the TV … and glad to hear the mystery about the hoglet was all cleared up.

    Hope your week is going well.

    All the best Jan

    • Thank Jan, glad to have you smile! I was relieved to finally have the hoglet mystery solved. Have a lovely weekend.xxx

  15. No, you couldn’t make this stuff up, but you sure can write ’em up! Goodness, if it’s not one thing, it’s another! I had to laugh at the confluence of your peaceful thoughts and the sudden startup of noise and life and ruckus. Maybe I’ll just scroll back up a bit and admire that gorgeous honeysuckle bloom. Sigh.

    I wonder if Buddy will watch other TV topics. When Sammy was little, her favorite scene in BBC’s Pride and Prejudice was when there’s dancing at the assembly and the dog is outside howling. I think she wanted to see more of that dog!

    You are so very flexible and accommodating to be able to gather yourself at a moment’s notice and be a TV spokesperson! I’m very impressed.

    • Lol….thanks Anne! It’s certainly a case of it always being one thing or another around here, but happily the last few days have been calmer and Buddy is post-op and all is well!
      Buddy is totally obsessed with all animals on the TV, even cartoon animals, he gets really excited and leaps up and down….
      Smiling at Sammy’s story….
      Oh, trust me, I was a nervous wreck re the TV stint….I hates it I does!xxx

  16. I am laughing because you couldn’t make it up….The hog Woman…how fabulous is that?

    I love the title of this post, and love to see Buddy watching himself….what a little narcissist….

    And oh those frustrating moments, when just settled with everything in place….it all goes pear shaped:):) I can so well imagine.

    You are so right about Jack Russells….they never stay still and so it’s a miracle that Buddy has gone ten days with all stitches in tact….Well done you.

    I do enjoy your posts….and as always this one didn’t disappoint….have a lovely end of the week and weekend ahead. Janet. xxx

    • Lol….thanks Janet….struth, you couldn’t make this stuff up for sure. Yes, sadly I have been the Hedgehog woman for years now, not the most flattering title, but one I’m stuck with…..
      Buddy is so funny, and he’s certainly running the show here…..his energy is amazing! Thankfully, all remained well with his stitches…..sighs with relief! Have a lovely weekend.xxx

  17. What a lovely post, I enjoyed reading this. I’m glad the mystery of the hoglet was solved, I do hope he thrives now that he’s getting the care he needs. I chuckled at Buddy watching himself on tv, bless, his stance put me in mind of His Master’s Voice.

    • Thanks Jo! Yes, I was relieved to finally find out how hoglet got in….so odd it all was! I have my fingers crossed that all will be well….Lol….yes! Of course….His Master’s Voice! Brilliant.xxx

  18. You have a gift for telling a good story, Dina – even when it’s all true! Love the story of the two hedgehogs (good luck to the little’un) and Buddy – what a hoot! He’s a right character! My grandad had a Jack Russell, they’re wonderful little dogs. Buddy will be so pleased to get that collar off and get his freedom back! Hope you find a moment for yourself this week, Caro xx

    • Thanks SO much Caro! I was truly astonished to find Herbie and in the daylight apparently nursing a baby! I have my fingers crossed for her, at least she is getting the best possible care now! Jack’s are such characters aren’t they? Totally wired though. Buddy now has his collar off and is running to his hearts content, and all is well with his wound!!! xxx

  19. Lovely post, I’m so glad you sorted the mystery of the little hoglet, you are obviously well known in your neighbourhood, hope she recovers with lots of TLC.
    I wonder what Buddy thought when he saw himself on TV. do you think he knew it was him?

    • Thanks Pauline, it was good to have the mystery finally solved! Locally I’m called the Hedgehog woman….sighs…not the trendiest title, but one I’m stuck with! I do have my fingers crossed for little hog….
      Oh yes, Buddy was in no doubt that he was watching himself! As bright as a new button he is!xxx

  20. Oh I loved this post. It did make me smile. The photo of Buddy watching the television was priceless. What a shame it rained and spoiled your moment. Loved the story of the hoglet glad the mystery is solved. Your garden is looking a treat – and where would we be without Buddleia attracting the butterflies, sadly mine has gone over now. Do we have to curtsey now you are famous?

    • Thanks Elaine, good to hear it had you smiling! I must say Buddy watching himself on tv was a little surreal…
      It was good to have the little hog mystery solved…..bewildered I was!!! Buddleia is the ultra butterfly and bee magnet isn’t it, mine is completely covered by peacocks and other flutterbys!
      Lol…..no need for a curtsey, awful I was AWFUL!!! xxx

  21. Another enthralling post. How lovely that someone brought you the little hedgehog knowing that you would take care of it.
    And there you on the telly, yet again. You’ ll be having your own programme next. You and Buddy. Obviously he fancies himself as a celeb. Couldn’ t you make it into a YouTube so we all could see it?
    I love your butterfly analogy. Those brilliant butterfly wing moments of happiness. That is just what they are like.

    • Why thank you Chloris! You wouldn’t believe how many people knock on my door with hedgehogs! A good thing though as they are now endangered…
      Lol….if you saw me on tv you wouldn’t say that, I’m a terrible waffler!!! There is a video of a programme on youtube but I’m far too embarrassed to let you see it, I look and sound awful!
      Here’s to more moments for us all!!!xxx

  22. As always a most enjoyable post, along with lovely pictures.
    Thank goodness the mystery of the hoglet was revealed, and I hope that it survives and thrives under your care.
    It sounds, and looks, like you’ll be thankful when Jack’s ten days are up.
    I hope that next time you get to sit in the quiet and sunshine to enjoy eating your sandwich and read a book. xx

    • Thanks Flighty, I was utterly flummoxed as to how the hoglet got there so was most relieved when the mystery was solved, I hope it makes it too….
      This is now day ten, Buddy can run again tomorrow and burn some energy….marvelous!
      I am looking forward to a nice read in the sunshine! Hope you get some too…xxx

  23. We have to cherish those moments of perfection in the garden they are so few. What a compliment that your neighbor knew that you would care for the hoglet. Sweet doggies.

    • Thanks Lisa, yes moments of perfection are rare in life and the garden….but when they come it is marvelous! I’m glad the chap rescued the little hog, I do hope it recovers!xxx

  24. Love the post…..Delightful ‘hoglet’ episode…..Lovely! Doggie, Doggie in the Mirror on the Wall – ‘is that really me’? Woof, Woof!!!! Hugs….xx

    • Thanks Bushka, I have my fingers crossed for the hoglet…as for Buddy….he certainly does like watching himself.xxx

  25. How idyllic to have been in the moment ~ before life erupted once again! What a mystery about the little hoglet. I think Herbie knew he had to stay with it, and not leave it by itself.. do you think so? I’m glad the mystery was solved, and hope very much that hog-little will survive and flourish. Must be touch and go, though. Buddy’s actions had me in stitches… I mean it had him in stitches…anyway, a great story, and good to see that he is fascinated with himself. Your observation about the peacock butterfly and life was quite profound ~ your garden looks so colourfully respendent!

    • I must say that it looked as though Herbie was nursing the little one, I’ve seen mother hogs doing the same with their babies…..how lovey if he was, he certainly kept it a little warmer, there is a lot we don’t know about animals! I have my fingers crossed for it…..I wish he hadn’t put it in with Herbie though as it may have passed something on to him….
      Laughing away here re the stitches comment! You and your way with words! Thanks Glo.xxx

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