
A disappearing lawn….how many times have I been here? Dogs! Sighs.

This summer I haven’t managed any gardening, at all!

Borders are completely overrun with weeds, especially mare’s tail, brambles and ground alder. Shrubs and roses are in urgent need of a good prune and ivy and other climbers have long since escaped over the roof, fences or into trees, while a few thousand apples currently litter, what’s left, of the lawn in the back garden.

How did it come to this?


In a nutshell…..BUDDY!

Trouble often comes in small packages and when this little chap is in the garden, I can’t take my eyes off him for a second, as he’s a born escape artist.

Why can’t you garden while he’s indoors? I hear you ask. Because he YELPS and HOWLS the house down…..and it’s bone chilling it is!!!


I’m afraid to go into the greenhouse, I’ve only been in there to grab ripe tomatoes and to move the lemon tree in to over-winter. Dead and dying tomatoes are everywhere along with shrivelled chili and pepper plants! No cuttings grace the shelves, and not a single bulb has been planted.


Walking the gardens, at the moment, is NOT for the fainthearted. Scenes like this are everywhere. These poor plants have been beaten down by three dogs tearing past, over, or through them!  To add insult to injury, they even ate the tomatoes, along with the strawberries!

I could go on, as everywhere I look, pitiful scenes greet the eye.

You could say that’s it’s all gone to the dogs….

But….all is NOT lost as….

the little fella will be moving out in the next few weeks…sobs I. YES, I will miss him terribly….

AND, I’ve been asked to review some rather marvelous products!IMG_6886

My first treat was this Bentley National Trust border spade. I must say the wood is gorgeous and it really is well made. It’s going to have it’s work cut out though, as I still have lots of old horrible hedging roots to dig up. You can see here how they’re already growing back!


From the same company, I also received  a rather lovely rake set….yes, the gods DO smile on the righteous!!! Again, these are Bentley National Trust, and a bonus for me is how light they are, while still being really sturdy and well made. I MUST get around to updating you all on my ailments….lol…or maybe not. Surely life is too short for such indulgence!

They will be seriously tested though…


They have the leaves of six enormous beech trees to deal with!!! In some places the drifts are four foot high!

I can’t wait to see how they perform!

If you’d like to see more of the Bentley National Trust range see here…they don’t come cheap though….


Another windfall was receiving this timely arrival of paint! I was impressed with the write up re the Sandex range. Ten year exterior gloss for wood and metal….

Hhmmmmmm, now, WHAT will I do with this little lot?


Well, I can paint my barrows AND benches….


My ancient oil lamps


Even my victorian bits and pieces!


Not sure if I’ll have enough paint for my milk churns and pails!!!

Why oh why didn’t I ask for some BLACK paint…I have red and blue….clearly I need BLACK too!

I’m not sure I have enough paint for my potato digger!


Hubs and I now loathe the colour of the woodshed, it’s rather insipid. Now we can re-paint it a warm teak with the Sadolin garden paint….it’s supposed to resist mould and algal growth, so that should be interesting. I haven’t known a paint achieve that to date. I could do with shedloads of the stuff to paint the fence panels….currently they are all different colours due to a variety of storms over the years, resulting in lots of new panels.

If you’d like to check out the paint, here are the links.

And Finally….

will there ever be an end to war?


Lest we all forget.

Poppies, WW1 Centenary Art Commission, St George’s Hall, Liverpool..

to think my Grandfather served in both wars, despite being torn apart from chest to navel by shrapnel in WW1 in the trenches. My father signed up at eighteen, and suffered side effects untill the day he died, why should any person have to suffer so….


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  1. gosh how time flies – and fancy you not being able to get stuck into the gardening this summer etc…. but oh the LAWN! I do remember the battles to reclaim a lawn of grass and the galloping digdogs churning it all up all the time! Hopefully you’ll be able to get to grips with it all next year….
    Have fun with the painting – must be very satisfying, painting all those things and having a spruce up! And all the leaves…. we have tons in the shared garden here and they are all over the paths so will get nice and slippy if we don’t sweep them soon! I am going to have to trim the hedge along the side of the path past next door neighbours sometime as it keeps slapping me in the face and when wet…. that is not nice!!! 🙂 xxxx

    • Time does seem to go faster each year! As for that lawn, I suppose I’ll just have to go on reclaiming it! Sighs….
      As soon as we get some decent weather I’ll be out there with my paintbrush. Leaves….there seem to be more each year!
      Oh….good luck with the hedge Mrs!!! Thanks

  2. The great thing about gardening and housework is that there is always another day or year in which you promise yourself that all will be neat and tidy at last. Mind you mares’ tails and ground elder are a challenge. I have got fed up with battling my ground elder and have covered it with cardboard and grass cuttings and leaves. It keeps peeping through so I put on another layer. Digging it up just doesn’ t work. Lucky you with those tools, I wish someone would send me some secateurs to review, I have thrown mine on the bonfire.
    That little dog is adorable but life will be a bit easier when you can garden in peace. It’ s like having a hyperactive toddler.

    • Ah yes….thanks goodness we can dream about what we can achieve in the future!!!
      I actually dug up my rockery trying to eradicate ground elder, but the darn stuff is back again….I wish I could cover it with cardboard but it’s growing through all the plants…..I’ve decided it’s indestructible….sighs…
      Oh….your poor secateurs! Maybe you should contact them and ask for a pair to review!
      Lol…..Buddy is EXACTLY like a hyperactive teenager! Thanks

  3. You will be so sad to see Buddy go … but just grab that rake, girl, and work on those weeds! Do hope your ailments are not preventing you from doing the things you’re so good at 🙁 hugs xx

    • Lol….I can’t WAIT to grab a rake, sadly it’s NEVER stopped raining since the tools arrived! I’ve decided to ignore my ailments! I shall certainly miss that little

  4. Having a garden is never easy but it can be rewarding …
    Love the look of those gardening tools …

    I also like the blue and red paint, those barrows look great!

    My dear Dad (90yrs of age) wore his regimental tie with honour this week.
    May we always remember those who gave so much …

    All the best Jan

    • I do agree Jan, I couldn’t imagine not having a garden, but yes….they sure can be hard work at times!!!
      That paint will certainly be a blessing if it resists mould etc for ten years!
      Ahhh….how proud you must be of your father….we certainly do need to remember them!xxx

  5. I can sympathize with all the weeds, leaves etc. ….. and I don’t even have a single dog to hold responsible! Have fun this weekend with all your new goodies. xx

    • Lol…’ll have to blame any lack of gardening on Hamish!!! It’s rained endlessly since all goodies have arrived!!!xxx

  6. What wonderful tools you were asked to put to the test, I’m sure they will help you to reclaim your garden once more. You will miss Buddy, he has kept you busy for so long, but I’m sure he will love visiting! We too, have been raking the leaves, I try to tell myself that it is good for the waistline!
    The poppies at St Georges Hall are very impressive, I wish I could have seen them, a very fitting tribute.

    • I agree re the tools Pauline, they should certainly help getting the garden sorted. Yes, Buddy will leave a yawning hole and it will be quieter, but hopefully we’ll get to see plenty of him.
      Lol….raking leaves may be good for the waistline but can be hard on the back! I always try to remain as upright as possible. The poppies are lovely, a shame you can’t see

  7. Ah, no regrets, now. You’ve had plenty to contend with, and have accomplished a fair bit, even if there are little evidences around of what you didn’t accomplish and wish you had!

    Thos tools are quite spiffy. I’ve not need for them, being short of a yard, but I’d be happy to put them to work if I did. If only you were closer! I could pop by and work in your yard. Then, we’d both be happy.

    The poppies are beautiful. I still am grateful that I was made to memorize “In Flanders Fields” when I was in school. Every year, it comes to mind. I’m really tired of every sort of war. We seem to be inventing new ways to tear each other apart. Perhaps the change will finally begin with people of good will, who simply refuse to fight.

    Share those ailments if you’re inclined. We all have them!

    • Spiffy! What a lovely word to describe such lovely tools….and what a shame that you’re not closer, I could do with your varnishing/painting skills!
      That poem is such a haunting one isn’t it….it’s engraven on my mind too.
      I’m sick to the back teeth of war and suffering, yes, if only everyone laid down their weapons, but I don’t see that happening, each generation seems to start afresh….thanks

  8. I’m sorry you had a lost season. However, you gained lots of cool products to review, so as you say all is not lost. Happy painting!

    • Yes….every cloud has a silver lining! Thanks Jason, I’ll have to wait for better weather before I get the paint out!xxx

  9. Ahhhhh…..Well……I’m tempted to ask….’What Summer’…. However, many of us have ended up not doing what we might…or would have liked to do in our gardens…size, notwithstanding. Not all have to contend with a ‘Buddy’, though.
    Hope your ailments don’t get too troublesome — Festive Season not far off.

    Take Care! Hugs!

    • Summer has been a wash out this year, I think spring was better…
      I will have to whip myself into shape by Christmas! Thanks

  10. Joy to Buddy as he travels on to his fur-ever home! I hope.

    Your gardens always look lovely to me, but I know what you mean, as you know we had the same kind of summer…did manage to salvage some Dina-Tates, though, so we’re enjoying those already and sharing some at our Thanksgiving gathering: HOORAY!

    It looks like Malarky enjoys digging and eating sticks and mulch, so we’ll see next spring whether he’ll be a helper or pest in the gardens! One thing at a time, for now…Hard to train him to stay out and not dig when I’m standing in the garden, weeding. 🙂

    How neat to receive tools to try out; they look great, and hooray for new, protective paint. hope all these treats work well for you. I’m putting my gardens to bed and dreaming about spring…next year, I’ll hope for more energy and less distractions from gardening. You?

    Sending love…

    • I will miss that little chap when he goes, I think he’ll miss all of us too! Hopefully we’ll see plenty of him!
      You have had a summer and a half with one thing and another! Oh….so you got some taters???? Marvelous news!!! I shall think of you enjoying them on Thanksgiving!
      Hahahaha….Malarky!!! I’m amazed you can get anything done with a teeny pup doing what teeny pups do! I’m looking forward to hearing more about him, I bet he’s already shot up!
      Oh yes…’s to more energy and less distractions next year. Lots of love right back!xxx

      • Gad. I’m getting a few things done, but in such patches and bits that nothing is reliable. I look a fright most days, and am misplacing things right and left. Amusing, and worth it, but what a shift! 🙂 Found my glasses in the refrigerator last night and a bag of puppy treats has gone through the laundry more than once. 🙂

        • Hahahahaha….I can just picture the scene! It certainly brings back memories. I am laughing out loud at you finding your glasses in the fridge, priceless that is! Oh my…puppies, they’re MUCH harder work than babies!!! Wishing you luck and sending you an endless supply of energy!xxx

          • I will take that energy and then some…He’s a peppy fellow, till Phillip comes home from work…then, such mild-mannered sweetness and light! But I’m into my nightly glass of wine by then and bathing the day’s memory in a golden hue. 🙂
            He slept thru the night when he first came home, but now he needs a 3 A.M. trip outside, so I’ve been grateful for the warm weather, but it’s been quite chilly a few nights, and tonight is very windy and cold…(Can’t wait for snow!!!) I do love seeing it all through his eyes.

  11. Oh I love that picture of the three dogs having a three-way tug-of-war. He is sure going to miss his canine friends when he leaves. Once he has gone though you can get out there and give the garden a good going over – you will soon knock it into shape again. The poppy display is gorgeous – a fine tribute to the fallen.

    • I think you’re right Elaine, Buddy will miss his pals, and I’m sure they will miss him. I know I’ll miss him, he’s such a little sweetie.
      I do need to sort the garden, that’s for sure…’s easy enough to do once you get stuck in….it’s just the getting stuck in bit!!! Thanks

  12. Oh Buddy, Buddy, Buddy…..what a little angel/devil!:) I think you will miss him terribly……It’s not like you have been sitting around eating bons bons……and so don’t be too hard on yourself….I am totally amazed at all you do…..
    Love the new tools…they look very smart and I am sure you will do very well with them…..and the poppy display in Liverpool is beautiful. Yes, both my parents and grandparents were in the wars…..Wouldn’t it be wonderful to think that one day we will evolve to the point where we no longer have wars…..
    I think a big storm is coming in this weekend, and so I wouldn’t do anything in the garden until after it’s all over……have a wonderful weekend…janet. xxxxx

    • I shall miss that little dog, he is a live wire but is also such a sweet affectionate little dog. Ahhh….thanks for your kind words, I will have to get stuck in at some point though….
      I really am looking forward to testing the new tools, but the rain seems to arrived with them!
      I can’t imagine what it would be like to know that the entire world is at peace…..I can’t quite see it though.
      It seems to be storm season now, we’re on our second here…..the winds are really wild! I hope you are keeping snug and warm!xxx

  13. What a lovely and poignant reminder of lives given for freedom. I wish we had a symbol like your poppies for the honor due.

    When I read your post’s title, I thought it could reflect my own gardening style of late. It’s been a difficult summer and fall and with other things on my mind (not dogs, in my case!), the garden was terribly neglected. With the flea problem brought on by humidity, my herd of cats haven’t been outside much at all. Unlike your dogs which created so much havoc in your poor garden. Wish I could pop over and help you with the pruning!

    So Buddy is moving out. Bittersweet, indeed. But perhaps you will regain your gardening mojo and tackle the greenhouse and bulbs and cuttings and… Or maybe you’ll relax and start fresh in the spring!

    • I can never look at a poppy without thinking of all those who lost their lives in war, the fragile, beautiful poppy is the perfect symbol isn’t it?
      What a pair we are this year….yes, we’ve both had our challenges…thank goodness there is always another chance to get anything sorted!
      Oh, how I wish you could pop over….I could do with your expertise re pruning!
      I shall miss that little guy when he goes, I hope he’s a frequent visitor! I can’t wait to get stuck in garden wise, but have a feeling our mild spell is about to turn….thanks

  14. Your garden will come back…..yes it will be hard work, but it will come back 🙂
    I understand clearing leaves. We have oaks on the boundaries of the garden…….as well as Ash.
    I spend weeks clearing leaves………..

    Nella creates enough chaos in the garden……I used to have four dogs. Sadly age caught up with them, and slowly numbers went down. I am now down to one. I will always have a dog but just one 🙂

    My Grandfather was in the Somme……..he never spoke about it.
    He ferried the artillery back and forth to the men. I have wonderful images of him in uniform with his horse and terrier. He had medals for bravery……..

    I agree with you, as I expect most will, when will war end………………

    • Yes, gardens are hardier than they look, I’ll just need plenty of elbow grease and lawn seed and all shall be well….
      I’m the same as you, I spend months sorting leaves, I can imagine the drifts you get with all those oaks and ash!!!
      I’ve only ever had three dogs….I’m laughing at the thought of you having four in the past, gosh, that sure sounds a handful! I’ll be the same, I’ll always have one dog no matter what, I couldn’t imagine a home without one.
      Ahhhh, bless your poor Grandfather, how all those men suffered, war is an ugly thing….I don’t have much hope of it ever ending. Thanks

  15. As always an enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
    Never mind there’s always next year. Lucky you with the fork, and other tools. xx

    • Thanks Flighty, yes, there is always another year. I am pleased with the tools, it’s never stopped raining since I’ve had them…

  16. I’m sure you’ll miss Buddy once he’s not living with you any more but at least he’ll be back for visits. Those tools look great, I treated myself to some from the Joseph Bentley range when I took on my allotment.

    • Oh, I know I’ll miss Buddy when he moves out, he’s such a sweet affectionate little dog, he’ll always be welcome here, I’m sure my two will miss him too!
      Good to hear you have this brand of tools too, they do look like they are built to last, I’m really looking forward to trying them out, so far it’s done nothing but rain!xxx

  17. I can’t imagine having three dogs romping around the garden. My dog is so good in the garden but add one other and the games begin. It is like having naughty ones. They rip and tear around, rolling through the flower borders. UGH… gnawing on this and that. It seems that some years are just like this. Hopefully next season you can garden your heart inside and out.

    • It is much kinder on the garden with just one dog, yes…a few certainly know how to enjoy themselves!
      There is always another year isn’t there…..hopefully I can get back on top of things then! Thanks

  18. What a haul of interesting goodies to review. I’m sure Buddy will be back for a visit just to keep your garden the way he likes it.

    • I am thrilled with these products, so practical and such good quality to boot. Yes, I’m sure Buddy will be a regular and keep the garden to his liking!xxx

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