
Just loved the sculpture of the five little boys above this boat.

WHAT a month it’s been!

After three weeks of travelling, we arrived home last week only to find that the central heating had broken down leaving us without heating or hot water. Thank goodness for the log burner! Hopefully it will be repaired tomorrow.

Of course when one thing breaks, others follow suit, and upon my return I discovered that my car had finally given up the ghost! Oh, what a pain!

Then I developed kidney stones….the less said about that the better, but fortunately I recovered just in time for a friend’s surprise birthday party which involved us being away this weekend. Struth….talk about whirlwinds.

So…. here I am, home once again, relaxing in front of the log burner with a happy dog either side, finally having a chance to reflect and write a post.



Sky park laser show

I have to say that Singapore is the cleanest, safest city I have ever visited. The atmosphere is calm, relaxing and unhurried. No horns are honked, traffic flows smoothly and people seem to stroll rather than run. How on earth is that achieved?


It’s always fascinating to see the old parts of a city alongside the new. I’m not a fan of skyscrapers, they all look pretty much the same to me, the world over, and I do shudder when thinking about the carbon footprint they carry, but it was a joy to see how green the skyscrapers in Singapore are.


So many had living walls, and green balconies, many sporting scores of mature trees. The difference it made was unbelievable. A little greenery goes a long way.


Raffles Hotel

Old colonial Singapore appears to be dominated by Raffles, his name pops up relentlessly.


Now, a girl simply has to visit the Long Bar in the Raffles Hotel and sample the horrendously expensive Singapore sling…..because, in 1915 a canny barman Ngiam Tong Boon, created it for women. At that time, ladies couldn’t drink alcohol in public, so he came up with a cocktail that looked like fruit juice. Being pink gave it a feminine look, and by using clear alcohol he tricked the gents into thinking it was a socially acceptable drink for women.

Oh,….I’ve just noticed hubs hairy arms in this pic, I swear that guy is turning into a hobbit! An-y-way…..

I don’t usually drink cocktails, but I did enjoy it…..not the price though, £15 a go????

People are also encouraged to eat the peanuts provided and brush the shells onto the floor….strange but true!

You should have seen the state of the floor, if I was the cleaner there I would despair!


Singapore has the most BEAUTIFUL parks, and sculptures, but the crowning glory has to be the Gardens by the Bay. Acres and acres of stunning planting, seriously I could spend weeks there alone and write a hundred posts and a couple of paperbacks!

Within the gardens are two enormous domes, the Flower Dome, which celebrates gardens of the world….


and the Cloud Forest which I have to say took my breath away. A living cloud forest that you literally walk around on a spiral walkway.


Supertree Grove

These are living sculptures, planted beautifully, and lit at night.


 I was astonished to see a monitor lizard swimming in one of the lakes in the gardens, I had no idea they were such good swimmers.


I just loved wandering around the harbour each evening, it’s lined with eateries and bars with music playing everywhere, talk about relaxing.


A raining cloud in the harbour, loved that!


I was so grateful that we visited Singapore during the monsoon season. The temperature was a constant thirty, by day and by night and the humidity was draining, so it was wonderfully refreshing to have it cloud over every few days and then hammer down, warm rain in a warm climate is heavenly!


We wandered around China town one evening, goodness, you should have seen the crowds shopping for the New Year, I’ve never seen so many people crowded into side streets!


The entrance to China Town


And finally…..


I do have a few tales to tell re Singapore, maybe I’ll get around to boring you all with them eventually, but right now, I’m just happy to be home again, knowing that all is well in my little corner of the world…..


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  1. How marvelous that you got to stay in Raffles!!! Oh yes, the orchids were utterly heavenly weren’t they? I shall certainly post some images of some of the beautiful plants I saw.
    It was lovely to leave the grimness and damp behind for a few weeks and all is now well……I love coming home too, I miss the critters and gardens! Thanks

  2. Lovely atmospheric pics of Singapore. It is an amazing place. I stayed at Raffles many years ago. It was a fabulous experience . The Botanical gardens are wonderful , specially the orchids.
    You have missed three weeks of our horrible cold, wet winter which is very clever of you. But how awful to come home to no heating, car problems and kidney stones. I hope all is well now and you are enjoying life back home with your animals. Coming home is the best thing about going away for me.
    Are you going to show us some of the lovey and exotic plants you saw? Please?

  3. VeggieMummy

    Oh you lucky girl! Singapore looks heavenly; I’d love to go one day. I imagine that a Singapore Sling in Raffles would be a must for me too, but £15? Yikes! Glad that your kidney stones have cleared up and I hope that your central heating and car are now all sorted. Have a great weekend. xx

    • I certainly am lucky….I’m sure you would enjoy Singapore. Struth, that certainly was one expensive cocktail!!! All is now well, thanks

  4. What an amazing trip you have had! I don’t know much about Singapore, so I was interested to read about all there is to see there. The Cloud Forest would have taken my breath away too. How amazing! Supertree Grove is wonderful as well. Hope you get the car and heating problems sorted without too much stress.

    • You certainly would have had a field day in those gardens and domes, it’s impossible to post of them as there were so many exotic species of flowers and plants everywhere. All is now well, thanks goodness. Thanks

  5. It’s taken me a whole cuppa just to delve into these wonderful photos. Speaking of green, I loved that map of the world done in greenery on the side of the building. I nearly missed that, until I went back for a second look. And the living tree sculptures are fabulous. They reminded me of some varieties of trees in Africa: tall, strong, and spreading.

    I’m so sorry about those annoyances at home, and your illness, but glad to hear all has been put to rights again. But I have to know — is Special Pige around and well? I hope so. That would make your account of your homecoming perfect, although I suppose your extended absence might lead a bird to fly the coop, so the speak.

    It’s so nice to have you back, and I’m looking forward to hearing more about the trip, in time.

    • Well spotted re that living map. Glad you enjoyed the pics!
      All is now well at home and yes, Special Pige is still around and still as friendly, she also visits with her mate. No sign of chicks yet though. Laura feeds her and other releases in my absence. SP is a splendid looking girl, I have to say, the very picture of health. Thanks

  6. What an extraordinary place! Completely different and done in such a creative way. Glad you had a wonderful time and shared it with us! Welcome home and do hope those annoying welcome glitches get sorted soonest. Hugs xx

    • Thanks Gilly, thank goodness all is now well. Singapore is such a pleasant place to visit. I hope all is well with you and Madame Thumb!xxx

  7. What a fantastic trip you’ve had, Singapore looks amazing. I had a very different mental image of it – all concrete and steel, and rather sterile and grim. Obviously I was very wrong! I would so love to visit those gardens. Sorry about the kidney stones, I know those can be painful!

    • I had a similar images so was pleasantly surprised to see how green it was. You certainly would have enjoyed those gardens! Oh goodness….yes, kidney stones sure are painful!!! Thanks

  8. What a lovely place! I’ve been to Singapore a couple times visiting relatives who used to live there, and I just couldn’t believe how even the trees lining the streets were beautifully manicured – not a branch out of place! It’s so safe and clean there, though its easier to regulate such things when it is such a small country. I wish I had made it to the Flower Dome. It looks gorgeous there!

    • I noticed the beautifully groomed trees too, not a detail is overlooked there. What a shame you never had the chance to visit the Flower Dome, it is a fabulous place, I particularly enjoyed all the sculpture there. Thanks

  9. Wow sounds like you have had a great trip and I’d love to see more pics and more tales of your time there. Was great reading about your adventures there. I’ve seen pictures of the Gardens by the bay before and it looks really stunning. Shame you’ve had a few challenges since you have come back. But I bet your are glad to be back home with your dogs. You’re back just as spring is kicking in so good timing.

    • You would have loved the Gardens by the Bay, they were utterly stunning! All is now well which is a relief! It’s always lovely coming home to all the animals, I do miss them. Thanks

  10. Welcome home! What a wonderful selection of photos to highlight your fantastic trip to Singapore ~ I really enjoyed reading about the photos you took and your experiences. Such a colourful and lively variety of photos.

    Unfortunate to experience some challenges when you arrived home, but I’m sure all will be put right as soon as possible!

  11. 🙂 I’m sure you enjoyed a lot! By the words and by the pictures…
    And now: welcome back home and to all the powerful duties you will have to perform!
    (first of all, repair the heating…)
    Hugs and kisses

    • Thanks Claudine, I did enjoy Singapore, but it is always lovely to come home. Hugs and kisses to you

  12. Ah, I’ve been looking forward to this post! Glad you are back and picking up the pieces of your life at home. I can’t imagine coming back to repairs, replacements, and kidney stones — ugh.

    Those photos are just magnificent. I love the long shot of the waterfall and glimpses of the amazing gardens. I was in Singapore only for a layover at Changi airport many years ago. We napped at the YMCA hotel there but didn’t have time for a proper tour of the island. And I have to agree with you — clean clean clean clean! Our flight from Taiwan landed us in Changi at 5am and our gate was empty but for the dozens of people sweeping and polishing and tidying.

    I’d forgotten you’d be in Asia for Lunar New Year — what an experience, eh?? How exciting to be caught up in the midst of all that. Hope you had fun things to eat as well as expensive things to drink (!).

    • It’s good to be back! Even better to sort everything out!!! Those gardens were right up your street!
      I’m laughing re your experience at Changi airport, it was early and empty when we arrived too, but for a hoard of sweeper/polishers!
      Sadly we were in Bali for the New Year, but we did enjoy the build up in Singapore, gosh it’s HUGE there. Thanks

  13. Sounds like a fun trip! We have bars here where the peanut shells are brushed onto the floor, too. It’s a a lazy approach to dealing with the shells so I’m hoping the cleaning crew has a huge vacuum! Singapore does look beautiful! Your dogs must have gone crazy when you walked in! 🙂

    • Gosh, this peanut brushing is MOST odd! I am sorry for the cleaners, it must dive them crackers! Oh yes, the dogs sure were happy to see us back, and Buddy too, we’ve had him lots which is lovely. I do miss all the critters. Thanks

  14. Oh, it is wonderful to read of your vacation in Singapore. I’ve been hearing about the place for many years, but was somewhat put off because they seem to have a rather heavy handed approach to personal liberty… all to make their country more attractive… but still. All the same, your photos convince me that the country really is beautiful, and I’m waiting to hear more stories.

    At the same time, I was very sorry to hear of the difficulties of coming home. The worst, of course, are the health problems. I’m so glad you’re over that. xxx

    • I must say I found all the rules and regulations off putting , but I didn’t have any issues while there, and I was chewing nicorette gum. They do seem a little obsessive re cleaning, I’ve never come across anything like it in a city before, but it was nice to see clean streets….you should see the litter in Liverpool at times!
      I am so relieved all is now well, health issues on top of other things can be draining. Thanks so much

  15. Glad to have you back and hear some of your thoughts on your Singapore trip. It looks fab. I’m sure you have many more photos and tales to tell. The greenery, the imaginative structures, the waterfalls especially when illuminated in the evening would be wonderful to see for real. Curious that the peanut shells are swept onto the floor in Raffles – I suppose anything goes in there – compared with the strict laws of behaviour that are expected out on the streets (?) Hope you manage to replace the car and you’re able to take it easy now you’re back, especially suffering from kidney stones. I hope they’ve calmed down.

    • Thanks Linda, I do have a lot of photos, it’s always so hard selecting a few isn’t it?
      I think the peanut swiping is something to do with remembering peanut plantations in the past, as you say, strange that it’s permitted in Singapore.
      I now have a new/used car and all is well again. I’m sure glad the kidney stone issue is resolved!!!xxx

  16. A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. Good to see that you had such a good time. Shame that you came home to a few problems. I hope that your kidney stones aren’t causing you too much grief. xx

  17. Welcome home…you have been missed.
    Wow….after this, I want to visit Singapore. It looks fabulous and yes it does sound as if we could learn many a thing from that city.
    What a trip, and as you say the more you think about it and go over your pictures more and more stories will be revealed…can’t wait.
    Sorry to hear about the kidney stones, heat and car break down….but glad to know that you are sitting by your log burner flanked by, I am sure very happy, dogs:)
    As fabulous a place as Singapore is…..coming home is always lovely….we appreciate things that we previously took for granted….like a more temperate climate. Although like you, I love warm rain in a warm climate….it is wonderful.
    Love to you, Hubs and the furies….Janet. xxx

    • Thanks Janet, I did miss my blogging friends ..lots of love to you too!
      I think you would have enjoyed Singapore, so many lovely scenes to paint. It’s always good to have a chance to review a trip.
      There were a fair few issues to sort upon my return, including a lump on Sam’s toe, fortunately, all was well.
      I agree about appreciating home after being away, I do miss all the critters so good to see them again, and of course seeing little Buddy is good too. I must say I don’t cope well in the heat!xxx

  18. A lovely place achieved by rather draconian laws – no spitting or chewing gum and rubbish allowed there. Nice post and images.

    • Yes, I’d heard about how strict they were, but I did chew nicorette gum and didn’t have a problem. Thanks

  19. I’ve never been to Singapore, but it looks fabulous. Nice to walk around and experience a place like that and feel safe. Welcome back!

    • It is good to be able to wander around a strange city feeling that safe, normally you watch your back! Thanks

  20. Hello Dina. It’s lovely catching up with your blog again after so long. The photos of Singapore are stunning, I love all the greenery in such a bustling city and I’m fascinated by it all as well – Singapore is probably my first choice of place to stop off when I go to Australia for the first time. I imagine a drink in Raffles is always a must – I’ll have to do it too! I’m sorry to hear about your kidney stones and am so glad to hear you’ve recovered. I bet it’s wonderful being back with the dogs!

    • Thanks Wendy, lovely to hear from you, I have missed you. I would definitely recommend a stopover at Singapore while on route to Oz, and of course you must have a drink in Raffles!
      It is lovely being home with all the animals again, I do miss

  21. particularly love the spiral pathway through the cloud forest garden – that looks wonderful! And the great big planted up tree things that light up at night.
    So sorry about the homecoming with car, kidney stones and broken down heating etc but good that all is being sorted!
    Good to have you back Dina! xxx

    • You would have loved the cloud forest, the exptic plants and flowers were simply stunning and it was something being able to walk around it.
      I’m glad all is sorted re heating and a new/used car, and seeing the back of kidney stones is a relief!!! ‘Orrible they are!!!! Now….when are you going to set a new blog up??? Eh??? I do miss your antics!xxx

      • I just haven’t had time to get it together but I am doing the dreaded facebook thing. I have just got too many things to fluster me at the moment – I just get headless chicken and spin round failing to do anything much!!

        • Oh, I don’t have facebook, there is one attached to this blog but I haven’t really used it. I do miss hearing what you are up to, but get how much of a pain setting stuff up is, maybe get daughter to sort you a wordpress blog…….hope all is well and you are feeling less flustered!xxx

  22. Sorry you returned to laissez-faire domestic systems. You have lots of lovely memories to keep you aglow. What a painful experience with kidney stones, what set that off….poor you. Glad all is well now.

    Your lovely pics do your camera proud.

    If you can, try taking it easy for a bit longer, it’ll do you the world of good.


    • How true…it’s always good to reflect upon a trip afterwards, I often think time is needed to truly digest travel, the obvious is what I tend to post on but there is much below the surface that one ponders on …..
      I could talk about being trapped in my seat for 13 hours with a traveller unprepared to move on a plane, so became fearful of drinking anything! I actually had to climb over the woman to get out…..don’t think that helped!
      All is well now, I’m so grateful for that! Glad you enjoyed the pics, I was working with a different lense. Thanks

  23. Great to read as always. Sorry about the woes ~ take care ~x~

  24. Yay! You’re home and well, but so sorry for the kidney stone episode…and probably didn’t need the heating and car breakdowns, but it sounds like they’re also mended…or perhaps, a new car is coming your way? 🙂 I’m getting a new (used) car soon and am enjoying the hunt. Looks like a green Prius may be ours; we shall see.

    Wow, Dina, your picture are just wonderful. Good to hear that the gardens, greenery, music and relative peace made it a relaxing break. I love visiting cities, but usually, the sensory overload sends me happily home after a couple days. I love strolling, people-watching, public gardens, and museums. 🙂 The gardens and parks in Singapore look lovely.

    I bet the 4-leggeds were thrilled to have you home again. Looking forward to more of your travel your stories, too!

    Gentle Peace. 🙂

    • All is well now Kitty, I have a new/used mondeo estate which will be great for taking the dogs away, no more crowding in the back seat! The heating is fixed, as is my health! Sam had to have a lump on his back toe checked out and all the results were negative….phew…..all in all everything cost about seven grand!!! Yikes! But money is nothing… I hope you have your car sorted now, too, and your health is improving, health is everything at the end of the day!
      I will never be comfortable for long in a city, just like you. I miss fresh air and birdsong and feel claustrophobic amongst skyscrapers….I was raised in the mountains as a child and think that will always be where I feel relaxed, in green spaces, the wilder the better!
      The dogs were thrilled to see usand Buddy has been here for days too, Curly has been a nightmare apparently…hissing and spitting at all and sundry! Herbie is home again, SP and co are well so I’m happy. Bless Laura!Thanks

      • Ah! Nothing like the joys of returning to those 4-leggeds: Hooray for Curly and Herbie and their wonderful additions to your joy. 🙂 I bet Curly’s in heaven to have you back. Smooches to all.

        • Curly is back to being all sweetness and light. Such an odd cat……but then they are all incorrigible, as you know only too well. Love and hugs to you and

  25. Hi and welcome back … although sorry to read about your problems with central heating, car and kidney stones … hope you’re feeling much much better now.

    What wonderful photo’s you’ve shared – and I bet you have loads more – your trip does look and sound amazing. Just love the greenery and those gardens look brilliant.

    Enjoy this last day of February – and have a great March.

    All the best Jan

    • Thanks Jan, all is now sorted, feeling so much better, have a new/used car, heating and hot water again……really did miss the hot water! It’s hard selecting pics from a trip isn’t it? All the best to you too…here’s to spring!xxx

  26. It looks wonderful. I’d love to see our cities green up. Must admit most cities leave me cold.
    It;s always good to be home however lovely the holiday location.

    Some lovely images here I bet that you have hundreds.

    • I’m with you Sue, not ever going to be a fan of cities. I do love the concept of greening them all up a little, it gives a home back to wildlife.
      I do have hundreds of pics, it’s hard to select a few for a post. Yes, coming home is always lovely, I do miss all the animals!xxx

  27. It all looks fabulous. I love the sculpture of the boys too and that raining cloud in the harbour. How lovely that there’s so much greenery around, it certainly does make a difference in such a large city. Glad you had such a wonderful time and hope you’re feeling better after the kidney stone episode.

    • Thanks Jo. I thought the sculpture of the little boys jumping in the harbour was really unusual.
      It would certainly make a difference if all skyscrapers greened up, especially for wildlife. I’m feeling a lot better now!xxx

  28. Welcome back my lovely – I have missed you. Singapore looks fantastic, so colourful and full of life. Lots to see and do but in that heat I bet it was exhausting. Oh dear, central heating breaking down, dead car and kidney stones not the homecoming you were expecting. Hope you are feeling ok now. Did the dogs go bananas when they saw you, I can imagine the scene. Nice to have you back.

    • Thanks Elaine, I have missed you too! Oh yes, the heat was certainly a killer, it was really difficult walking, thank goodness for the monsoon season! I have a new/used mondeo now with a section for the dogs, so taking them away should be a little easier. They were certainly glad to see us but relaxed too, Laura is a fab dog sitter. Buddy has spent many days here too so all three have had fun times. The heating is fixed now, tell you what, it’s a nightmare without hot water….and thankfully all has settled re the damn kidney stones!xxx

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