
Climbing rose escaping into the apple tree.

This week I’ve discovered some startling facts about blood groups, mine in particular.

Now, my blood group is AB positive, and daughter recently discovered that hers is O positive. Given that hubs has no clue re his, that set me off, investigating online to see if I could find out. The first paternity site came up with a startling result.

It is impossible for me to have an O child.


Daughter HAS to be A or B!


The box hedge in the back garden had its first ever light clipping.

I was somewhat thrown by this sudden revelation and started mithering hubs, who was deeply engrossed in a documentary. My interrogation was relentless.

You were outside the operating theatre when I had the C section weren’t you? 

Daughter did come from that theatre didn’t she?

She was put on my trolley when I came out wasn’t she?

Hubs mumbled halfhearted yesses to all these questions and seemed remarkably unconcerned to discover that our daughter was biologically IMPOSSIBLE!

I decided that site was dodgy and tried many others. My unease grew every time the outcome came up as IMPOSSIBLE!


Hedgehog awareness talks at a school fete.

I then had another unnerving thought. My mother’s blood group was AB and one of my sister’s is O.

The same scenario, IMBLOOMINGPOSSIBLE!!!

I groaned out loud and related this latest development to hubs who began pausing his programme dramatically and glaring at me.

Then I remembered the charts. An AB parent has to have an A or B child. My mother was AB as am I.

I wailed out loud.

So, my mother couldn’t be my mother, or my sister’s mother and daughter is not my child.

I don’t know what my brother or other sister’s blood groups are…

My world was shaken to the core and I was feeling somewhat hysterical!


What a wonderful year for clematis.

Hubs finally vented his annoyance at this point and told me that I was talking nonsense. He was adamant that neither me nor my mother could be AB.

I pondered on this. When I was pregnant with daughter, my mother accompanied me to the hospital for routine tests. After my blood had been taken, she asked the nurse what blood group I was. When the nurse told her I was AB she smiled and said she knew I’d have the same blood group as her, as I was always a dead ringer for her looks wise…..she also said she was glad I wasn’t AB negative, like my aunt.


Emerging water lilies.

I continued searching, to no avail…just lots of impossibilities!

Finally, I resorted to typing, is it possible for an AB parent to have an O child, into google search.  

Eventually, I stumbled across a very scientific site that said it was possible but extremely rare.

Hmmmm….not that rare, obviously, as both my mother and I pulled it off! It doesn’t happen in the west but does occasionally in Japan and Korea. So that’s where my dark hair comes from! Here’s me thinking it was from my Italian great grandmother.

I’m still looking for a site to explain how my AB mother had little old AB me…..I’m getting tired of being unbloomingpossible! I’m also a little peeved at the rare thing, a rare blood group to start with, having a rare child, and, oh yes…being a rare child myself, in fact I’m still  impossible to date!


Hoping for strawberries soon.

Despite all the trauma re the blood revelations, I did discover some interesting facts re blood groups, particularly AB. It’s thought that this blood group has only been around for about a thousand years. Three per cent of the population are AB positive while 0.03 are AB negative. People with AB blood actually have both A and B blood, I always thought it was a combination of both.


Cherries! Shame they’re sour!

Here’s the thing though. If AB is a new blood group, does that mean that people are evolving? If so, into what???

And Finally….


A self seeded rose, how pretty.

While trying to unimpossible myself, I came across a site that stated that AB parents who had AB children were aliens. Yes….ALIENS. Personally, I prefer IMPOSSIBLE! The search continues. Any scientists out there who can cast any light on my plight???

I’d just like to apologize to all of you who have been called spammers while trying to leave a comment! I updated the site and it was a little over zealous. Hopefully it’s sorted now, sorry guys!

Still not getting any notifications re blogspot posts so I’ll just drop by each week. Darn glitches!!!


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  1. Lovely to hear from you Shimon, you are often in my thoughts. You have me laughing on both counts re your comment!!! You take good care of you, I do miss

  2. always suspected that you might be an alien. You’re just too good for this world.

  3. I LOVE this blog…and laughed out loud….Of course you are unique and an alien…which to me is the best compliment ever……I hope and pray that I am an alien:):)
    I think it’s wonderful that you don’t fit the mould in reality or in terms of your blood type…which I suppose is reality to…except that you are an alien……Oh this is wonderful wonderful news….and accounts for the fact that I like you so very much…even though we have never met…Oh and by the way the garden and flowers look fabulous….xxxxxxxxx

    • Hahahaha….when you put it that way maybe it’s OK having alien blood!!! If I’m one, you sure are too! ThankssSo much Janet…..I think we have so much in common, we simply HAVE to meet!!! Of course you know how much I like you too…..xxxxxxx

  4. Good grief – what a fascinating post. I’m sorry to hear you went through a bit of trauma over it, though. But so interesting to then discover more about it and how intriguing to find out you’re in a special group of unusual people! Perhaps a scientist will tell you more one day.
    I love all the flowers – so pretty.

    • Thanks Wendy, the things you find out eh? I must say that despite being a little rattled I was interested in the whole saga, I wonder how many people are in the same boat, I’m sure billions of people have no idea what blood group they are…

  5. Some things are impossible. Until they’re not. You had me smiling throughout, even at your husband’s (non)reactions. We always knew you were rare, now we know just how rare — hugs! And thank you for the glorious peeks into the garden with its blooming beauties. Those clems… sigh! Delicate pink rose with blue campanulas… sigh! What is that pretty variegated leafy thing at their feet?

    • How true, things are impossible until they aren’t! Hubs, unlike me, refuses to be rattled by such things, he has a logical mind and always looks for a logical solution, even when there isn’t one! I’d settle for rare, but seem to still be impossible, but upwards and onwards! That plant has a name I simply cannot recall, it’s a male name, William? Vincent, I’m sure it begins with a V….I wonder is a lousy memory is part of the blood group thing….sighs….Thanks

  6. Testing, testing one two three … will my comment go though this week?
    I tried three times last week to no avail …

    I enjoyed your last post and I enjoyed this one too, we never know what you will be writing about … but we all love reading your posts, and we love your photo’s too.

    Take care my blogging friend

    All the best Jan

    • Oh dear….you too??? Soooo sorry Jan! Thanks for trying, what a pain updating turned out to be. Glad you enjoyed the posts. All the best to

  7. An alien family that loves each other very much.

  8. I can’t remember my blood type but it’s quite possible I am an alien. That wouldn’t surprise me at all. It’s good to know I’m in such fine company. 🙂

  9. Well, then, I guess you really are a sort fo alien… since on the planet are very few people like you. This is the reality.
    Even if this RH group is only 1000 yrs. old, actually your ancestors have moved from the Far East to reach Europe, maybe across Mongolia, Sarmatia up to Great Britain during the Anglo-Saxon fighting against Viking 🙂
    Well, let us come back with both feet on the ground: actually, this story is amazing and could be good enough to write a new novel (eh eh eh eh)! But I won’t without your permission… by the way, your garden looks beautiful… and I like very much the “love-embrace” of the rose getting her way up inside the apple tree.
    Hugs and kisses, dearest Dina :-)claudine
    PS. I don’t know what you think about politic’s choices… but right now, you and me, we are in the same boat (of the extra communitarians).

    • Haha….I loved your comment! How marvelous to think this may inspire a new novel, that is just fantastic. You can use anything you like, I’m sure you’ll turn it into a masterpiece….I just LOVED your last book, stunning it is! Yes dear Claudine, we are certainly in the same boat you and I! Hugs and kisses right back!xxx

  10. Don’t worry about it too much. You’re still you, your daughter is still your daughter,etc.

  11. Well, that was an interesting post and no mistake! You are certainly a “one off” and I hope you get the results that you are looking for, it must have been a real worry for you.
    Lovely photos of your flowers, everything is looking very healthy and happy, is it the rain ?

    • Glad you found it interesting, I must admit, despite being startled, I did too. I’m still impossible, but hey ho! We haven’t had much rain here at all, well, apart from today. Thanks

  12. Not an alien, but maybe a genetic “sport,” the beginning of a jump in evolution…everything about you is so damn special; this must, in part,explain it! 🙂 I can imagine how unnerving this must have been for you: how interesting, though.

    The garden photos are gorgeous, as always, and I do love your peppy pup pictures; they always look so lively. I see Buddy was visiting. 🙂

    The rose climbing the tree is precious, Dina. we’ve had a great year for clematis, too; I think I’ll buy more next year for later blooming. We just finished our cherries this weekend…not too many even made it to the freezer this year. 🙂

    I do love your posts, Dina, always a treat and always illuminating! A happy week to you. 🙂

    • Oh, I’ve never heard of a genetic “sport”….but then I suppose evolution is quietly going on in all species. Lol….I’m certainly not special, but lovely that you think so! I must say the whole subject rattled my cage for a while, I’ve just accepted it now, despite still being impossible.
      Little Buddy is a frequent visitor, which is great as we all love him to bits! Glad you enjoyed your cherries. Thanks

  13. Well, how riveting you are! You always knew you were special … well, we did, anyway! Trouble is, she said sagely, that our scientists always sound as if they know EVERYTHING and they’ve got it all put away in pigeonholes. Which, as a nature-loving lady, you know is NEVER true! There are all sorts of combinations and permutations so you must be one of those!

    What gorgeous pictures, and I love that self-seeded rose. The colours are just a blessing.

    • Lol….I’m not sure about the special part, peculiar certainly!I know, scientists talk facts and yet the facts constantly shift and change. There are probably millions of people breaking the rules without even knowing it….I remember buying daughter lots of astronomy books when she was younger, not a fact stands in them any more. Thanks

  14. Do you know any experienced haemotologists, microbiologists and linked medical researchers ? What a wonderful and curious medical specimen you sound to be.

    Very pretty pictures. How do you get coloured captions? I found that if I use the new reader to post, I lose the choice of colour. My get-around is to compose on the old reader where there is a choice of colours, (daft the new one is less useful than the so-called old one). If then, for any reason, I want to use the new reader, I go through the palaver of doing a C+P onto it.

    • I wish I did know an expert or two! Maybe I should raise the issue with my GP, not that he’s that hot!
      I just use the same reader I always had, mine hasn’t changed, maybe because I bought the site, it’s all very simple here, well, until I update the site. How frustrating it must be for you, it sounds quite a process! I do hope you manage to simplify it. Thanks

  15. What an intrigue! I don’t know what blood group I am.

    • It does all seems very complicated. You must find out your blood group, who knows what you may discover!xxx

  16. Well, there’s a thing – who knew! Great pics and great mystery. p.s. I was one of those who couldn’t get through it said your page was not secure and my comment was spam – you know how to hurt a girl 🙂

    • It is all really odd! Oh nooooooo….so SORRY you were accused of being a spammer, just shows how little taste my anti-spam has! I’m always scared to update this site and only do so when they threaten me within an inch of my life, every time I update I have issues!!! Hope we’re still friends!!!xxx

  17. An interesting post. Lovely pictures. xx

  18. Wow! What an informative post….a bit disconcerting…for you…to say the least. Some things remain secret to Mother Nature for longer than humans care to concede…
    Love your pics…etc…. Love and Hugs!💕💕

    • Thanks Bushka. I wonder how many other mysteries there are, I bet billions of people who don’t know their blood group are breaking the

  19. So you are either Japanese, Korean or an alien? Never mind, you are clearly one of a select group. I am ‘ o’ and so dead common.
    Oh what lovely blooms, your clematis is so pretty and I am impressed by your pretty little rose seedling. Do you know who her mother was?

    • Lol….the alien theory did freak me out! Now, you think you’re common because you’re O, but….you may have an AB parent which would put you in my club!
      I don’t know the mother of the seedling… appropriate, why should she know when I’m struggling!!! Thanks

  20. VeggieMummy

    Gosh, what a scary moment you must have had. I found this post fascinating as, I too, never realized that an AB person can have an O child. Isn’t genetics a remarkable thing? I would be very interested to know how it works. Maybe, as it is quite a rare occurrence and yet you and your mother have both managed it, it is whatever is causing this rarity to occur which is inherited? Sorry, that sounds a bit of a confusing sentence but I can’t think how else to express it! In that case though, I would have thought it would be more common. Please let us know if you manage to discover anything more in your research; I’d be really interested. Beautiful flowers by the way! xx

    • Genetics are complex and endlessly fascinating aren’t they? I think I’m a curious ABO mixture, the O lies hidden, or something like that! I totally get your explanation, I must have the same strange genetic code as my mother. I still haven’t worked out how my mother and I are both AB….maybe it’s a result of the weird ABO thing! xxx

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