The house looks like a building site, and men constantly tramp through it, but apart from that, life goes on….


Chloris kindly sent me some seeds, what joy, seeds always put a smile on my face. I already have a Chloris corner, where plants she has sent me in the past are now thriving! I dream of having a garden like hers one fine day…

If you love gardening, a jolly good read, and like a laugh, pop over and visit, you won’t be disappointed!


I’m still lifting potatoes, I have enough to feed a small army.


When the hammering and banging becomes too much I escape with the dogs into the courtyard, there’s plenty there to distract me.


Rose hips and apples blend together in my ancient tree, with a few late flowering clematis.


Yew berries are appearing….


and peering into the logpile each day is most interesting!


Having a cat keeping you company while gardening, is soooo relaxing. When weeding gets boring, stroking is the purrrfect distraction.


Watching my flock is endlessly entertaining, the main players are the three doves, SP’s three chicks and Laura’s racing pige and mate. The pige on the far right is Laura’s racing pige, here, they are temporarily being seen off by Billy-Bob. He struts up and down all day long, like a turkey and owns the roof! Laura’s pige now has a name, Laura! That amused her no end, she always hoped her bird would stay!

Talking of Laura…..


I got to dog sit for her today. It was so lovely having Baby Bear/Emmi all to myself! Having a muscle bound rottweiler on my knee for hours sure was something! She adores having her tummy rubbed.

Ahhh….I finally got my puppy back, for a little while, although she’ll be two this Christmas! I’m looking forward to more Baby Bear dog sitting sessions.


She’s such an adorable, quirky gal, I’m so glad Laura adopted her! Maybe we’ll end up sharing her, like daughter and I do with Buddy….

And Finally……

talking of Buddy…

This is the first time I’ve tried to record anything with my canon. It’s shaky, blurry and awful, but I hope to improve, so wanted to post my first dismal attempt.  Here are the three dogs, doing what they do, until they pass out, exhausted! The endless game. Daughter is hollering….! They honestly are playing, it’s all smoke and mirrors, for you guys out there that don’t have dogs! Do you see any spilt blood? It’s usually more boisterous than this! They genuinely love the game and each other.



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  1. If only I was ahead with the weeding, the truth is I’m horribly behind!!! I did manage to get some spring bulbs in though and as usual, I’ve already forgotten where and what I’ve planted, I rather like that though as surprises in spring are always most welcome!
    I’m amazed at all the frogs and toads this year, we don’t usually have so many, they just love the covered logpile. xxx

  2. I only just found this post, for some reason it didn’ t show up in my reader when you published it. Anyway thanks a million for the plug. You say such lovely things, you make me blush.
    And a video now? Is there no end to your technical skills?
    I feel for you with your ongoing building problems. Horrible not to feel at ease in your own home. But the dogs don’ t seem bothered.
    I am impressed with all that weeding. You are going to be well ahead for the spring.
    Lovely frogs. Why do all the creatures congregate in your garden? I haven’ t seen a frog for ages.

  3. Those Japanese anemones have been flowering for months, they certainly have been good value this year.
    I am looking forward to having all this work completed, at the moment it seems as though it will go on forever….sighs….
    Still, the potatoes are delicious and I have a shedload of them. Kisses will be passed on to Emmi….thanks

  4. Oooh, I think I spotted some pink Japanese anemones there on your lovely courtyard! Here’s hoping all the banging and hammering will result in sturdy repairs and long-lasting functionality.

    I can’t agree with you more — cats in the garden are a most restful diversion. Though judging from your basket full of weeds, you’ve been quite productive yourself! Those potatoes look delectable… fried in a bit of butter…

    Do give Emmi a big kiss from me.

  5. It’s wonderful to hear that you have frogs and toads. I’m doing so much to encourage them here but haven’t seen any sign of any for years. Emmi looks as though she’s loving all the fuss, it’s lovely to see. I love the video and so does Harry here, he lifted a sleepy head from the sofa to bark along with your dogs. He obviously knows the language!

    • I wonder why your frogs and toads have disappeared….I do hope you get them back. The population here has suddenly exploded, maybe it coincides with all the slugs and snails.
      Oh, how marvelous that Harry joined in the fun! That had me laughing! Thanks

  6. I so enjoyed the video … thank you.
    Your garden is still looking colourful, especially with the berries.
    The frogs … just great too.

    What a super mix of things for your blogging friends to enjoy, and I did.

    Thank you again for such a lovely post.

    All the best Jan

    • Thanks Jan, hopefully the next video will be better! I must say I’m surprised by how many frogs and toads are hanging out in the logpile under the tarp! Who knew they’d like it so much there. Autumn is creeping in isn’t it? There is a cold wind blowing!xxx

  7. Good to see you are all coping in spite of the builders. Well done with the video, something I’ve never tried! I’ll have to go and have a look at our log pile and see if we have any frogs enjoying life there.

    • I think I’ve just resigned myself to the fact they are here, I’m hoping they’ll be gone in a few weeks. You should give video a go, even I can upload to youtube, and I’m a total technophobe!
      I hope you find some frogs! xxx

  8. Good to see you are all surviving despite the building going on. Very cute cat, lovely that she is purring while you weed! How does she get on with the dogs?

    I’ll check out your video, (well done for even doing one) and also the blog you suggested. Hope you can stay sane while the building continues.

    • Curly Cat was abandoned and turned up in our garden about ten years ago, he sleeps in the shed when it’s warm and the lounge when it’s cold. He isn’t fond of the dogs so has the room to himself. We had a builder free day today, it was lovely and gave me a chance to clear some of the dust, of course a layer re-settled as soon as I’d finished! Thanks

  9. Good morning dear Dina….another action packed – wonderful post….and your video is excellent – very clear and oh my goodness did those doggys find doggy heaven when they found you…..and isn’t it funny how the little ones alway rule:)
    My favourite picture is of Curly Cat sitting in the garden – as you say just being there and such gentle loving company…this is my dream to have a beloved cat again in my Marmite Heaven.
    As I mentioned earlier I am having a new bathroom put into my one bedroom flat/working space beginning October 31st and so am preparing myself to find other spots where I can keep calm, etc. Just know, that this too shall pass…….
    Have a wonderful day….I am off to France for a few days, back next week…Janet. xxxxxx

    • Thanks Janet, oh, that video is soooo blurry but hopefully I’ll get the hang of it! Buddy always wins the game, his tenacity is astonishing, he simply refuses to give up!
      I do hope you find your Marmite Heaven and get yourself a cat…..I doubt you’ll stop there though!!!
      Oh….I do hope the works goes speedily and well, best getting out of the way! Yes, it will all pass and we shall both have beautiful bathrooms one fine day!
      Have a marvelous time in

  10. sheryl aka Freeasthewind

    Great video, You have such a great yard. I could get lost in it xx

  11. They looked like they were having loads of fun! If I were a pigeon, I’d live at your house, too!

    • They do love a good game, if only they could play quietly! I could do with the birds toning it down too! Thanks

  12. Our old cat Phoebe also used to keep us company when we gardened. She would also pose in front of any plant we tried to take a picture of. Love the rose hips and apples together.

    • Cats certainly have a way of ensuring they are always center stage! I think that rambling rose has taken over the apple tree, it’s far to thorny to cut back! xxx

  13. Baby Bear is such a sweetheart, it was lovely having her to myself….her tummy was stroked for hours and many treats dished out! As for the other three….glad you enjoyed that awful video, how true, overgrown pups for sure! If only they could play quietly, without trashing the place! They are such good pals though and Buddy, of course, always wins!
    I think the builders may be here for another two weeks, I’m resigned to them being here and whoop when they leave….
    Yes….there are quite a few critters adopting the place, I must say, the doves are so interesting to watch. I’m also so glad Laura stayed, I’d hate to think that she was back at the pet shop in Wales….thanks

  14. Emmi aka Baby Bear really is at home with you. The rough and tumble of the ‘overgrown pups’ is superb!

    How much longer do you think you’ll be a building site; you do seem to be surviving it rather well?

    With the birds having become a rooftop fixture (It’s nice that special pig and some offspring are carrying on the tradition from on high) curly cat definitely knows being grounded is where his bread is safely buttered!

    It does seem that a number of members of the animal kingdom are adopting your home territory as the centre of their universe. You also seem to be very connected to it all as well. Nice one!!!


  15. Ah, Dina, you’re always surrounded by life blossoming all around you! Such a nurturer you are, and we are all blessed! Happy to see the birds and berries. And how adorable is Bear?! What a sweet face.

    Is that Curly in the garden? How wonderful.

    How great to receive those seeds: Can’t wait to see what comes of them. Yay, Chloris!

    And your video! What a treat! Yes, mayhem, but a joyful noise, that’s for sure! 🙂

    Thanks for such a FUN post! 🙂

    • Oh, you always have me smiling with your lovely warm comments! Baby Bear is adorable isn’t she? It’s lovely having her in my life and getting to spend a day with her, if Laura hadn’t adopted her I would always have wondered how she was doing, especially given her health issues. She’s in the kindest hands, lucky girl!
      Yes, that is Curly Cat, he always keeps me company when the dogs aren’t out so I make sure I keep them in occasionally so Curly and I can hang out.
      Mayhem is a good word for it, now why do the dogs have to be quite so loud??? They just love playing though…..thanks Kitty, hope you are still getting out and healing well! You take good care of you!xxx

  16. How lovely to see the action movie of the dogs having a good time – it only got a little blurred at the end. How long before the builders finish – not soon enough for you I expect. Your courtyard is looking lovely, nice to have somewhere to escape to. My how Emmi has grown, she is a lovely dog and it is good that you are able to return the favour for Laura.

    Loving Pigeon City, the boys hanging about on the roof like teenagers, they know when they are well off 🙂

    • Thanks Elaine, you’re too kind re the video, it was awful! Maybe I should have tried a stationary target to begin with. The dogs are lively and do know how to amuse themselves!
      I think the builders will be here for a few more weeks, and, oh….how lovely it will be just to have them gone! You know all about this though….
      It was a pleasure being able to help Laura out and have Baby Bear to myself all day, she is such a sweet dog. It’s great having her in my life, she’ll always be my Christmas puppykins.
      I do wonder how large that flock will get….thanks

  17. Its awful having builders in the house…… husband always said ‘You will love it when its finished’ but that did not help at the time.

    The ancient tree, rose hips and clematis are so beautiful………..I love that image.

    Beautiful dog…………

    • How true Cheryl, when builders are in it’s nightmarish, I think the utter lack of privacy is the worst of it, closely followed by the dust and disruption. Hopefully it will be nice when they’re done, but they are punching so many holes everywhere, I think I’ll be decorating for months.
      Emmi is utterly adorable, I’m hoping to introduce her to Buddy one fine day, what fun that’ll be….if they get along…xxx

  18. A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures, I especially like the ones of Emmi. xx

    • Thanks Flighty, it was a pleasure to have Emmi to myself, she is a very broken, but happy dog. Thank goodness Laura adopted her!xxx

  19. Loved the play fight, I hope that you soon can say goodbye to all the builders and workmen and things get sorted out

    • Glad you liked the play fight Sue. Oh….I can’t wait until the builders have finished and I have the house back, it’ll take some sorting though!xxx

  20. Great video. They obviously have lots of fun with their endless game. I have to laugh at the birds, they’re supposed to be released in to the wild and here they are hanging around, they know they’re on to a good thing.

    • Thanks Jo, yes, these three certainly know how to have fun, if only they were less vocal! I give up re birds who refuse to be released….of course the doves get fed on the roof each day now, they come as soon as I call them! They are kinda sweet though and I have always wanted a dove to stay, now I have

  21. I love the doggy video – they’re having such fun. You do have an interesting log pile. I’m tempted to go and look at ours today to see if we have anything similar – probably just lots of woodlice though! xx

    • Thanks VeggieMummy, I’m hoping to hone my videoing skills, it’s quite tricksy with fast moving targets. They certainly are noisy aren’t they? They do have fun though. How lovely it would be if you had frogs and toads too, I have no idea why they like it there, but like it they do, there are about a dozen of

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