A season for everything

I’d like to thank you all for your caring comments on my last post. I do appreciate you.


Thank you, Kitty, for your endless support, kindness and understanding, and for this beautiful book. It is such a peaceful read; a real gem, the kind of book you constantly go back to. How well you know me.


Special thanks too, go to my sister’s Californian friends, who have been such a comfort and inspiration to her this last year, when she needed it most, how she enjoyed those transatlantic gifts…and prayers. And, thank you, Anne, for always being there.

Who knew that people could be so astonishingly, and unexpectedly, kind and supportive???

Friends indeed!


There is, I suppose, a season for everything….


The dark evenings are now upon us and the garden is buried beneath fallen leaves.


Billy-bob and Bella’s eggs finally hatched, and despite being the worst nest builders in the world, they’ve turned out to be excellent parents. They have brooded their offspring by day and by night, yet despite this, the second tiny chick that hatched, died. It was incredibly small.


The other chick is thriving and has now opened it’s eyes. I tried to improve the nest but that just freaked the parents out and they refused to sit on it, so I had to remove my enhancements!


I brought Herbie and Hattie hedgehogs into the house for a few weeks as they had been hibernating and were dropping weight far too quickly. Now they’re a little fatter I’ve moved them into the greenhouse.

And finally….


We spent another day with hub’s colleagues from the Philippines. Ira, left, and Alma, right are returning to Manila shortly, so here’s to a safe journey home! It’s been a pleasure knowing them! Nice to meet MJ too.


  The girls with the skeletons. Yes….they think I’m weird!


Learning how to play Chopsticks, not so weird!


Looking remarkably like pixies in the pinewoods….

And finally….


You should have seen Ira wrestling with Sam, he’s twice the size of her!! I’m glad that he’s a gentle giant!

Now, you take good care of yourselves guys!!!


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  1. We still pray for you, Dina, and Jeff, too. It looks like those colleagues of your husband’s have brought some extra joy into your home.

    • Thank you Anne. Oh, poor Jeff, he’s trying to be strong but his entire life has changed. It’s hitting him the hardest. Thank you for your continued prayers. You’re an angel.xxx

  2. Thanks Casa, yes, grieving is a time issue, it’s good that we have our memories. xxx

  3. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Grieving takes a long time. I still have good cries every now an then. Hooray for fun company to cheer you up. 🙂

  4. Good to hear that you have had such great support at a difficult time. What a lovely gift. Nice to hear from you again.
    I love it that you tried to help with the nest building. Is there anything that you wouldn’ t do for your animals? You’ ll be sitting on their eggs for them next.
    I was up in Liverpool this weekend. Oh my goodness what weather on Saturday. Were you out in those ballbearing hailstorms?

    • Thanks Chloris. You have me laughing re sitting on eggs!!! Oh my goodness, wasn’t the weather hideous? Those hailstorms seemed to go on and on and the wind…how it raged! Next time you’re up here you must let me know.xxx

  5. Yes, welcome back. Funny how the parents didn’t appreciate the nest enhancements. So sad to see the little chick that died. I am glad the second one is fine. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your visitors.

  6. Welcome back Dina. I hope you are finding some wild comfort.

  7. I’m happy to think you are getting so much interest and joy out of Billy-bob and Bella and the hedgehogs…I always find such strength and solace in the gardens, and of course, all the birds and wildlife as you do.

    • Animals certainly keep you busy and take your mind of things…and nature certainly is somewhere where you can lose yourself. Thanks Gerrie.xxx

  8. I like the idea of you trying to improve on Billy-bob and Bella’s nest. Makes me think of a mother-in-law coming for a visit and trying to “straighten up” the house. But it’s good to know they are loving parents, even if their nest-building skills are somewhat lacking.

  9. I’m so glad you’ve had love and support from friends at this difficult time. I’m glad that your love of nature has helped, too.
    It’s good news that Billy-Bob and Bella are doing their best with the parenting and that the surviving chick is doing well. Hope the hogs continue to fatten up and .
    It looks like the girls loved your garden and of course gorgeous Sam.

    • Thanks Wendy, nature is always so comforting isn’t it. I seem to be seeing rainbows everywhere, even on the grimmest days.xxx

  10. It warms my heart to see your new post. Not only is it filled with delightful tidbits and lovely expressions of gratitude, it’s a sure sign that life is going on, and healing taking place. It’s wonderful that so many who treasured your sister reminded you of that in such tangible ways.

    Your story of messing with the nest made me laugh. Isn’t that just the case, that our ideas of what’s suitable doesn’t always suit the creatures! Even our efforts to improve things for our pets aren’t always appreciated. I bought Dixie Rose a so-called self-groomer for her to use in my absence, and as far as I know, she still hasn’t given it a try. I remain hopeful.

    • Thanks Linda, life does go on, no matter what. Yes, meddling rarely works out!Here’s to Dixie-Rose catching on. I bet she missed you and was thrilled to have you home!xxx

  11. Good morning Dina….Yes indeed – a season for everything. I have been thinking about you at this time and continue to send love via the magical hummingbirds.

    Loved the Pixies and the nest…reminded me a little bit of my flat:)

    Enjoying each and every moment…something I know you understand. Janet. xxxx

    • Thanks Janet….oh dear, hope the bathroom renovation is going well.Yes, we have to enjoy and live in the moment.xxx

  12. So glad that your friends and animals are able to bring you comfort at this time. You are also bringing comfort to your fellow creatures, your pigeons and hedgehogs, hang in there Dina, all will be well eventually.

  13. Dear Heart, what a lovely post…those girls just light up the photos they’re in; they seem so very happy to be your guests, just like all your furry and feathered buddies. I’m so sad to hear the weaker chick died, but it’s great the other one is doing so well, and that the hedgehogs are pudgy and partying in the greenhouse.

    Life just gathers round you and you make it better. Thank you, Dina, and gentle peace.

    • Ahhh, thanks so much Kitty. The girls are a breath of fresh air. Sadly the second chick died when a big storm hit over the weekend…..such a shame as the parents were looking after it so well, it was just too cold and wet. Poor thing was born too late. xxxxxxxxx

  14. Pleased to hear you are settling down nicely after your emotionally torrid time….Yes! All Shall Be Well!
    Another delightful post….Thanks D!
    Get practising with those chopsticks…. Take Care! 🤗🤗🤗💕

  15. I was full to bursting, as they say here in the far north, on reading your post.

    Super pictures and as always, great descriptions. You are amazing, so are your wee birdies – they have a great role model- and the hedgehogs…unbelievable. I look forward to seeing them in 2017.

    It’s lovely to hear from you. You take great care of yourself. Thanks for tucking us up in your love.

    Hugs xxxxxxx

    • Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Menhir. Goodness, I can’t believe 2017 is roaring towards us. Where does time go? Huge hugs to you.xxxxxxxx

  16. Be kind and gentle with yourself, lovely Dina. Take comfort from the good memories and let the autumn and winter and the animals reach out to you with their beauty and their joy. Massive hugs from me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  17. I’m so sorry for the little chick… I guess Nature has its selection.
    I don’t know if Bella and Billy-Bob did realize the dead of their little one…
    It is always so lovely to see how you bring everything in place, with patience and love!
    In one month it will be Xmas again…
    time elapses too quickly and it gives me such a strange feeling! Each year is worst, becoming old that is unchangeable.
    Take care, dearest Dina! Hugs :-)c

    • Thanks Claudine, I’m sure birds mourn their young….. Oh dear….Christmas again, I’m always so far behind. Totally with you on the aging thing!!! Huge hugs to you too.xxx

  18. Great post and images. take care!

  19. In times of need good friends and the support of family is so helpful and comforting…

    Although sad about the second chick, I’m so pleased that Billy-Bob and Bella have been good parents.

    I do love the names you give the animals and birds, and was also pleased to read that Herbie and Hattie hedgehogs are now in the greenhouse.

    Great photo’s you’ve shared of the girls – I can remember playing chopsticks on a friends piano too. I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano … perhaps I just may someday!

    Take care of yourself – sending good and positive thoughts your way.

    All the best Jan

    • What would we do without our friends and family…Despite being good parents, the second chick died when the storm struck, such a shame but it was born far too late.
      Who knew how useful a greenhouse could be? The perfect place for over-wintering hogs!
      Good luck with the piano, it’s never too late, and thanks for your good wishes.xxx

    • Shame about the second chick …

      I hope your week has not been too water-logged, we’ve had lots of rain, especially Monday! It was YUCK!

      Take care

      All the best Jan

  20. A lovely post and good pictures. Take care. xx

  21. It may be a tatty nest but to them it’s their nest.

  22. Good friends are a true blessing in times of need. We all need support at one time or another and it’s good to have them there to turn to. So sad about the second chick but a delight to find that Billy-bob and Bella are good parents, they’ve obviously learnt well from someone.

    • Good friends are certainly worth their weight in gold. Sadly, the second chick died when the storm hit, what a shame. Thanks Jo.xxx

  23. How kind people are when times are difficult. They help you get through it all to come out the other side feeling a little less on your own with your grief. Lovely to see the young pige has made it despite the rubbish nest 🙂 Looks like the girls enjoyed your garden and its unusual inhabitants. Take care.

    • How true Elaine, people can be so very kind. The poor pige died during the stormy weather, despite both parents sitting on it. Such a shame.xxx

  24. The book is a wonderful gift…..I might buy this for myself.
    What wonderful support. I have an American blogging friend, she has supported me so much this year. For every sad or bad things that happens, there is so much good in the world.

    Take time to grieve………….thinking of you.

    • I would recommend this book, it’s beautifully written. Yes, there are always good things happening in this world to counter the bad. Thanks Cheryl.xxx

  25. A greenhouse full of hedgehogs – how wonderful, I saw a hedgehog in the garden this week. I noticed some female pheasants pecking at something and when I had a closer look, it was a hedgehog. I distracted the birds with some food and the hedgehog plodded across the lawn and into the border. It’s good to know that there are still some around; I hadn’t seen one for ages. I’m glad that the pigeon chick is thriving and that you are finding some comfort. Take care, xx

    • Thanks Veggie Mummy, good to know you have hedgehogs. My greenhouse comes in handy for over-wintering hedgehogs. xxx

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