Damn, why is that nettle growing on my Groundmans’ barrow?

So, my new back garden.

It’s certainly different, and so much better.

It’s a huge relief to finally have the new flags laid in the back garden and front drive. Despite having excellent builders, it’s certainly been disruptive, and destructive. It’s all about omelettes and eggs I suppose.

The borders stayed, now they are wider and longer. Most of the islands stayed too and three large, raised planters were built.

Clearing the rubble, hard core and sticky, oily grout from the borders and islands was certainly challenging. The border, where the digger came through was completely destroyed, but I’ve now managed to get some rescued plants back in, some are sulking and looking seriously wilted though.

It’s all been a race against time for me as I’m due to have my hip replaced shortly. I have a long recovery ahead and gardening will certainly be out. It sure will be hard to sit back and do nothing.

The sandy dog track that posed as a lawn has gone, and I’m delighted to see the back of it. Now the dogs can run without creating a dust storm, that sand got everywhere, even in their ears.

There is still a lot to be done, but it can wait until next spring. Autumn is here and already the beechnuts and leaves are falling. We have invested in a leaf blower/leaf sucker/leaf mulcher.

My greenhouse will also have to wait until next year to be sorted, everything was just thrown in there. I’ve removed all the plants that needed potting on, for now they are sitting in one of the raised planters. Hopefully they will get rained on, needs must when the devil drives, I won’t be able to water them and hubs can’t do everything!

What is that feeble looking tomato plant doing in the mix?

I now have solar lights everywhere, it looks so atmospheric at night. I also have a chap building trellis to attach to the back of the large raised planters, I hope to plant climbers on them and add solar lights.

The front drive looks a lot better. Again, the edges are torn up and need clearing of rubble etc, and need reseeding; that’s pretty straightforward, just a little top soil and some grass seed, another job that will have to wait until next year.

I’m glad the disruption is over, it’s been well worth it I think. Next year I can soften it all, and clear any remaining rubble. Right now it’s time for me to learn a little patience methinks.

And Finally…..

I got to baby sit my little Baby Bear, aka Emmi. How lovely it is to see her. She’s sulking here as I had to get her off my lap, these dogs weigh a ton, and after two hours of crushing my dodgy hip, I finally had to move her. She really is such an adorable dog. How I love keeping in touch with her.


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  1. Oh yes, it’s great to have it sorted, lots still to do though, but certainly more manageable. I have resigned myself to taking things easy, at least, as you say, I can spend some time planning the planting.xxx

  2. Well done, you must be so pleased that it is all finished and looking so smart. It will be so much easier to look after. What fun you will have planning the planting.
    Good luck with the hip op, what a bore it must be for you as you love to be so active.

  3. Oh my, what a lovely palette you have to work with next spring!! You can spend your down time after surgery plotting and planning. I hope you have some good, entertaining novels to read, too. And some engrossing tv series that you can cuddle up and watch with the dogs. I suspect you will be back to normal (or better than normal) soon with your new hip. But, in the meantime, don’t fret–you can always blog.

    • It is a wonderful blank canvas to plant up isn’t it. I shall be spending many an hour pondering on plants. I have a huge list of books to buy and series to watch, hopefully that shall while away a little time. Thanks Brenda, yes, I can always blog too!xxx

  4. Your makeover in the garden looks great! I wonder what the doggies think of the change under their feet? I expect all they’re interested is racing around and now there’s less worry for you now it’s easier to maintain. All the best with the op. I wish I could get Mr. P to go for it, but he hates the thought of being out of action so puts up with discomfort. I hope you get the call to go in soon and that all goes well with a speedy recovery.

    • I was surprised by how quickly the dogs took to the new garden, if anything, they just run faster. I would advise Mr P to go with the surgery, I was advised to leave it until it seriously affected the quality of my life, it’s time, the pain is unbearable and walking is sure a chore, as is bending etc. I too hate the thought of loss of liberty, but these days they get you up fairly quickly. Thanks Linda.xxx

  5. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    I think your garden looks great and will be so much easier to cope with.
    Love the photo of baby bear.

    My good wishes as you prepare and have your hip operation.
    Sending my good thoughts.
    Hope all goes well and a speedy recovery too …

    All the best Jan

    • Life will be easier now the garden and path are sorted, more time for gardening. I’m looking forward to getting it all sorted late spring. Thanks for your good wishes Jan.xxx

  6. The garden looks lovely…….what a difference.
    It will be much easier to cope with and always have those lovely clean lines. Cannot wait to see how it evolves.

    Hip replacement oooh. Hope it happens soon so that you can get life back to normal.

    Beautiful dog, lovely soft face.

    • Thanks Cheryl, I love the clean lines, and when it rains the tiles go back to being back, life will be easier for sure. Baby Bear is adorable, it’s a pleasure keeping in touch with her.xxx

  7. Wow. A very fine omelette indeed. Excellent.

  8. I love it!! It will be so much easier to care for and you don’t have to worry about the dogs tearing up the grass anymore. Good luck with the hip. 🙂

    • Oh, it certainly will be easier to manage. I haven’t seen grass out there for many a month, thankfully the dogs love it. Thanks Casa.xxx

  9. I think your new spaces look fabulous. I very much like the raised beds — and have you thought how convenient they’ll be at some point in your recovery process? You may well be able to begin gardening again post-surgery earlier than you otherwise might with those raised beds to help you along.

    It will be good to have some of the doggie-dirt chaos tamed, too. I suspect the critters will adjust to their new world quite well. I’m glad the whole project didn’t take as long as I imagined it would — I was sure you’d be working well into next year. I suppose in a sense you will be,since there still are those other things you’d like to do, but getting the construction crew out of your way is a fine start!

    • Now you mention it, those raised beds will definitely be my first project, no kneeling and little bending! The new back garden is already quickly becoming a haven, it’s so easy to potter around out there. It all seems so much more spacious. It’s absolute heaven having the builders gone, great workers or not! xxx

  10. Oh, I’m so very pleased you have made it to the end of this project. When you first described it, it sounded like it would take forever to get things sorted. The paved areas and raised beds have been done so handsomely, leaving you with lots of planting space that will hopefully be safer from exuberant dogs. The pups seem pretty impressed with the new place, too.

    Praying that your surgery will be flawless and recovery quick. You’re so wise to let some of those projects go until you’re properly healed. Hugs to you, friend, and kisses from Your Boy.

    • I’m relieved to see the work completed, life will certainly be easier from now on. I am giving much thought re what goes in those raised beds, for now, salvaged plants can hang out in there. The dogs seem delighted with the additional space, more room for galloping, I was worried they may take a dislike to it. Thanks Anne, hugs to you too, and give My Boy huge cuddles and smooches from me.xxx

  11. Wow, that’s amazing! Such a big change and so much easier to manage. I can’t wait to see what you do with it next year, I’m certain your artist’s eye will soon have it all brimming over with wonderful colour 🙂 Wishing you luck and a good recovery for your operation, hope all goes smoothly! Cxx
    PS. I also have straggly tomatoes – no shame in that! We’re busy people! haha!

    • It does look like a totally different space now, so much bigger too. I will have plenty of time to ponder on what to plant there next year. I think I need a ton of top soil before I do anything. Glad you too have the odd straggly tomato! Thanks Caro.xxx

  12. Good morning Dina…The garden looks fabulous 🙂 Wow and so much bigger and I know that when you have recovered from your hip op….you will love this new space…as of course will the angel animals. Speaking of which – Baby Bear is now Big Bear…:) What a beauty. ]

    Sending you love my friend and will be following when you go in for op. Janet xxx

    • Thanks Janet, I was surprised by how much bigger the garden is, who knew what all that sand was covering, lot’s of room now for giant pots and other oddments that cross my path. It will be so much easier walking around out there now, I am pleased with it. Baby Bear has grown, she literally weighs a ton, such a pretty girl. Love right back attcha!xxx

  13. Wow…. what a transformation.

    We must organise a meet up whilst you’re recovering from your op.

  14. Looks fantastic. Low maintenance always a bonus. Good luck with the operation.😀

    • Thanks Karen, there is certainly a lot to be said for low maintenance, lot’s more time for gardening. Good to hear from you, I hope all is well in your world.xxx

  15. I love your new garden … Sometimes wish ours was like that, so much easier to manage. Next spring you can fill the beds with flowers & vegetables & take lots of photos. Well your hip operation will give you a chance to sit down & read blogs & write posts!

    • It’s been a long time coming Gerrie, I tried everything, now I wish I had done it sooner, as you say, it’s a lot easier to manage, plenty of room for huge pots too and large garden ornaments. I will have lots of extra time post surgery that’s for sure.xxx

  16. Oh, my, Dina! It’s a like a fantastic park now, and I know it will be spilling over with blooms and magic next year. What a fine time for a hip repair and healing…and dreaming garden dreams! You’ve done so much work and it all looks so very lovely…now, time to rest and relax a bit.

    Baby Bear is too precious, and sure looks eminently huggable! But yikes, your hip! 🙂

    Sending love and xxoo,

    • I can’t wait until next year Kitty, I shall be like you after your confinement, leafing through the seed catalougs until they are threadbare! It is the best time for surgery, everything is dying down now, the leaves are falling and soon the garden will be sleeping. Baby Bear is such a darling, if Laura hadn’t adopted her I doubt I ever would have parted with her. Lots of love and hugs to you and yours Kitty.xxx

  17. Baby Bear likes keeping in touch with you too; it is clearly a mutual delight.

    Your garden transformation is amazing. I love the shapes you have managed to create and the structures that you will be able to build upon with your own design signature.

    Hip surgery on the horizon……you will have to do what you are commanded to do to make that super duper recovery you will undoubtedly have. I cannot imagine you doing zilch.

    Having had a ‘resting up’ experience a couple of years back, I began to get into the flow of organising the day in chunks from my chair. Your natural directing and artistic talents will be invaluable while you are resting. You’ll have to keep in touch with us as well. xxx

    • It’s always so touching seeing how affectionate Baby Bear is towards me, she isn’t very sociable with other people so it’s quite the honour. She is such a sweet goofy dog,I’m so glad Laura adopted her. I am so relieved seeing the back finally paved, it was becoming impossible to navigate. Walking after surgery will be so much easier. I shall certainly do what I am told. I may be calling upon your chair organizing skills. Thanks Menhir.xxx

  18. Wow, your garden looks so classy, Dina! Well done on surviving all the mess and frustration. It’s going to be even more gorgeous once you get your hands on all the plants you want. Meanwhile, I hope the hip replacement goes really well. I’ve known it give so many people a new least of life. Hugs xx

    • Thanks Gill, it’s always a relief when a big job is completed. I am looking forward to planting it all out, I just banged all the plants back in, hoping they’d survive. I’ll have to move them all next year. I am looking forward to being able to walk without pain again!xxx

  19. Your garden looks great and it’s amusing to see the dogs investigating!

  20. It’s all looking good. Having your hip done soon is the right time of year as you’ll all ready to resume gardening again by next spring.
    Emmi seems to giving you a rather quizzical look not surprisingly. xx

    • Thanks Flighty. Yes, this is definitely the best time of year for such an operation, hopefully all will be well next spring. Emmi was most put out when I eventually moved her. xxx

  21. Absolutely Fabulous! Looking really splendid! Hope the ‘dogs’ are happy. 🤓 Hope all goes well with the op! Hugs! 🤗🤗🤗💕💕💕

  22. It looks fabulous and you’ll soon have it all licked into shape and how you want it next year when you’re able to do so much more with your new hip. I had a little chuckle at the thought of Emmi sitting on your lap. Archie loves cuddling up, but he’s only a little Cavalier, I can imagine you nearly being flattened by Emmi.

    • Thanks Jo, it’s a good time of the year to let go for a while, hopefully I will be able to get stuck in next year. Oh….Emmi does weigh a ton, she still thinks she’s a puppy!xxx

  23. Your garden is looking fantastic and will be even better when softened with planting. You’ll have to post a night time shot so we can see the lighting; it sounds gorgeous. Good luck with the hip replacement – you’ll be running round with your dogs in no time! xx

    • Thanks Veggiemummy, I still have lots of plants to go back in so shouldn’t have to spend a fortune on new ones. Hopefully I can grow lots from seed too. Now the nights are drawing in the solar lights only seem to last for five minutes. xxx

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