The week that was

It’s all about the blossom at the moment. Apple, pear and cherry trees have all burst forth, along with the flowering cherries.

Shame I have so many sour cherry trees, still, the birds love them.

Acers are leafing up, sadly, I lost a few, so good to see the survivors.

This pot arrangement always seems to come up trumps , arghhhh, can’t use that word anymore without cringing!

How about, always looks pretty….even this early!

I’m also enjoying this bleeding heart, about to crown my Mother Nature statue, the hostas are coming up in the middle of the stone planter, so I’m hoping the cold weather has reduced the slug population!

The Spanish thugs are back, how I wish I had our native bluebells, still, they are pretty, especially when the peahen creeps through them.

Talking of Peanut, she has extended her territory of late and has now included a few of my neighbours gardens, I can hear her hollering away. Most of the time she is here though and always sleeps in the beech tree each night . There have been a couple of near misses with the dogs recently, when she has unexpectedly flown in, thankfully, flew out even faster.

It’s marvelous seeing the roses finally leaf out, I love the red thorns on this brambly one, the label has long gone, so have no idea of her name. I know she has a beautiful pink flower though.

Just look at all the wood that was lying on the lawn, that should be ample for a good chiminea!

It’s good seeing one border after another weeded, still a fair few to go. Curly cat does enjoy gardening with me. He also likes it when the lawn is mowed, as do I…

although I also rather like the skeletons playing out in the longer grass!

Drum roll please….a courgette seed has finally germinated. Yes, indeedy….

along with a tomato! Struth, whatever next??? Be still my beating heart!

Even more exciting, an ancient clematis that was hacked to the ground while replacing the fence is making a comeback!!! Hopefully, that will be a decent size by the end of summer…..don’t underestimate the small stuff!

I went looking for something in the shed today, I opened the door, screamed, slammed it shut again and gingerly backed away! Good grief, what IS all that stuff?

I also finished the first set of Christmas cards for the rescue, this is the wildlife set, next up, domesticated animals. Hope they sell.

And Finally…..

My little broken Hettie hog went out into the rabbit hutch in the front garden yesterday, she’s been hardened off in a cold room indoors for a week so hopefully acclimatized. I was horrified when I heard the wind and rain during the night, thankfully, she was toasty and warm this morning.

I’ve limited her space in the hutch as she’s used to being in a smaller space, I’ll gradually increase it over time. This poor hog struggles to walk, as all four legs go in different directions. She’s a survivor though and manages to get around, and eat everything in sight.


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  1. I’m with you on the Spanish bluebell front, it’s impossible to dig them up so we might as well enjoy them, they are pretty. Oh….three days to clear your potting shed, YIKES. I think I’ll just keep the door shut for now. Glad you like the cards, I do hope they sell. Thanks

  2. I have masses of Spanish bluebells, I used to worry about them but then I decided to enjoy them. They are lovely in a vase.
    My old pot shed looked like yours and it got so bad that I couldn’t even shut the door. It took me three days and three trips to the tip to sort it out. Now for the time being I feel smug. It won’t last long though.
    I love your cards, you are so talented.
    Give my love to dear little Hettie Hedgehog.

  3. I love Linda’s suggestion of Peanut in a pair tree; and loved thee picture of Curly; looked like he was about to scratch his back on the grass,,, beautiful having all of that greenery around. it must be heaven for hedgehogs getting adopted by you. Sending my very best wishes to all living souls in your splendid environment. xxx

    • Yes, a marvelous suggestion of Linda’s, I’ll go for that next year! Curly is such good company, he’s more like a dog than a cat, with me anyway, he hisses and spits at most folks though, that’s cats for you!
      The variety of animals choosing to hang out here is most strange! My animal feed bill goes up by the week!!! I am becoming very fond of Peanut though, it’s always a relief to see her settled in the beech tree each night, good to know she has survived the dogs, cats, foxes and cars! Thanks Shimon. xxxx

  4. Ha ha ha I am so pleased you showed us the shed, mine looks tidy now.

    Poor hedgehog. You are a sweet kind soul taking care of so many animals.
    I love the peacock and it could be you are making her very comfortable 🙂

    What beautiful cards. I never realised you were an artist. I love them, especially the fox.
    Always a joy to see your garden.

    • Ohhhh…that SHED! Shudders! It can stay like that until hell freezes over or until I have time to deal with it!
      Thanks for such a lovely comment, so pleased you liked the cards, I do hope they sell!xxx

  5. The garden’s looking beautiful in all its spring glory. The pots are especially pretty. Lovely to see your hedgehog heading outside, hopefully this weekend will be nice and warm for her. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog, your kind words have realloy made my day.

    • Thanks CJ, little Hettie enjoyed the lovely bank holiday weather! Take those words seriously, you are a fantastic writer, I’ll be the first to buy your first book, hope you’ll sign it for me!xxx

  6. P.S. excuse typos and extra unnecessary punctuation. Never noticed till comment winged it’s way to you and posted.

  7. TWTWTW…..

    Interesting that Peanut is dispersing her favours; she could be seeking a.n.other. Before returning safely into a welcoming space.

    Do you think the dogs have accepted Peanut now, or, do they remain wary, rather than tolerant. In addition, I expect like any self-respecting dogs they have a good dose of self-preservation!

    Your Eeeek cuboard is fascinating. You ‘ll let us know how you ‘ll divine your magic on it, won’t you?

    Dear Hedgehog is really responding well to your ministrations. I take it Curly cat isn’t interested in hin. I hear it is Hedghog Week this weej, Pam Ayres is a supporter and has a poem especially suited to it.

    Your ;Kew Gardens: is really coming on.


    • I totally agree re Peanut calling for a mate, this is mating season for peacocks. Buddy would make short work of that bird though, she has a tiny neck/throat….if he caught her by that…doesn’t bear thinking about! I don’t like the way Sam looks at her either, the only one I’d trust/ish is Annie.
      Oh….how did I not know it’s hedgehog week?!? The hog is in an outdoor hutch so safe from Curly cat. Love Pam Ayers, must google that poem, thanks for the thumbs up! xxx

  8. How can you have too many sour cherries? They make excellent pie and jams! And the flowers are gorgeous!

    • Oh…I love the trees and the blossom, just wish they were sweet cherries, I have never made a pie in my entire life…tried jam though, just burnt all my pots, terrible cook sadly! The birds will strip those trees of cherries, that’s good!xxx

  9. Your posts always lift my spirits, Dina!

  10. Lovely to catch up with news about Hettie, I hope she continues to improve now she is outside. Your blossom is beautiful, as are your containers. Peanut has obviously decided that your garden is the perfect place to be!

    • I do hope Hettie copes as this is the last resort for her, she does seem to have deteriorated over the winter, hopefully she’ll adjust….I am becoming very fond of Peanut, it’s as though she’s been here forever! She does add a certain charm to the gardens….xxx

  11. I loved seeing the bleeding hearts. I’ve not seen any in decades, and had completely forgotten about their lovely existence. One of my first necklaces had a tiny bleeding heart blossom hanging from a chain — not a real one of course, but some sort of metal.

    I laughed at your slam of the shed door. There are a couple of closets around here that get that treatment. I have a cousin coming to visit at the end of the month, so perhaps it’s time to tend to that. The little hedgehog is adorable, and it’s wonderful that you know how to care for her, with all her needs.

    What I suspect is that every single card you produce will sell, so you’d best be busy. They’re delightful — you should make a card with Peanut’s likeness. It would fit right in — you could make a peahen in a pear tree!

    I love seeing Curly Cat, too. I had the pleasure of kitty-sitting last week for a friend. It was so enjoyable to have a furry one to pet. My friend actually has two cats, but only one was willing to come and meet the stranger!

    • Lovely that we share bleeding hearts! Your flora and fauna is usually so different from ours.
      Oh…good luck with your closets!!! Unfortunately I have too many of those too,I like surface tidy, so out of sight works for me…obviously!
      A peahen in a pear tree? Of course!!! Fantastic idea, that will be next year’s card, thanks for that. How lovely hearing how much you enjoyed kitty sitting…I always enjoy baby sitting with Baby Bear!xxx

  12. Your garden is looking great with everything blossoming after all your rain… I love Curly Cat .. She is always doing a cute curl! I wonder if Peanut will stay in your garden …she seems to be fitting in. Well done for doing all that weeding … I bet you noticed a big difference in moving around with your improved hip. Enjoy Spring! 😀🌞

    • Oh….life is so much better without that awful hip pain, I’m much better than I was which is wonderful. Curly is lovely, such an affectionate cat, with me anyway, he hisses and spits at everyone else, almost feral! Cats! It’s just fantastic seeing everything burst into life…and we had a few days of glorious sunshine….thanks

  13. Quite a few of your observations could equally apply to our garden. Our courgettes are reluctant to germinate too. I had to smile when you talked about hardening is Hettie.. has Peanut allowed you hear the vegetable patch yet?

    • It’s really odd around here, seeds are slow to germinate yet the fruit trees and bushes are romping away, I even have apricots fruitlets swelling which are looking really promising.
      Peanut still owns the veggie patch but does go walkabout for a few hours so I may be able to turn it over and plant potatoes….just finding the time at the moment! xxx

  14. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Such a lovely upbeat post …
    The blossom is lovely and your garden is looking so good.

    … and great to see Hettie hog.

    Have a happy weekend, hope the weather is good!

    All the best Jan

    • Thanks Jan, isn’t it wonderful seeing all the blossom, I do love confetti season. How quickly our weather changes, it’s back to cold and rain again….oh…and wind!xxx

  15. There’s me busy hardening off my tender perennials and you are hardening off hedgehogs! Figures. I hope she blossoms now she is outside. x

    • Snow Bird

      Lol….we always harden the hogs off in the rescue before releasing, Hettie has been indoors for a while so has to be treated like a precious plant! I hope she copes outdoors, she has deteriorated since last year…..sighs….xxx

  16. The blossoms look so lovely, Dina! And I really love your potted arrangement.

    It seems Curly is quite pleasantly at home in the garden…how sweet! He reminds me of my much-missed Funny.

    Happy to hear Peanut is surviving and has so far escaped run-ins with the pups. Bettie looks adorable; I hope she’ll thrive as the warm weather lingers. You certainly take great care of her.

    I always love seeing what the skeletons are you to, the merry rascals!

    Thank you for a beautiful and happy post!

    • Snow Bird

      Ahhhh…your dear Finny, I get how much you miss him…..Curly is getting old and arthritic now, poor thing, he sleeps much more than he used too. It’s funny re Peanut, it’s become normal having a peacock in the garden and routine checking where she is before letting the dogs out and backing the car out etc…..strange birds though! She’s taken to following me around which is worrying given the proximity of the dogs!
      Poor Hettie, she spends a lot of time rolling on her back but has been like that from birth, hard to watch though. Thanks Kitty, good to see your spring…at last!!!xxx

  17. Newsy post, to be sure. Always a pleasure to peruse your posts……Thanks…Enjoy the burgeoning summer. 👍😇💕

  18. Oh dear, I fear you’ll have to get that shed sorted out if you’re ever going to find anything in it. The blossom is beautiful at the moment, it’s a wonder it’s lasting with the wind we’ve had just lately but the better weather is on its way so I’m hoping that the trees hang on to their flowers for a good length of time this year. Little Hettie is such a cutie, there have been a few hedgehogs out and about when Archie has had his last walk of the day just lately, a fair size they’ve been too.

    • Snow Bird

      I have to agree re the shed, I think I’d be found dead under that hoard if I dared pull anything out! I shall ignore it for now, and hope it sorts itself! I am amazed at all the fruitlets forming, despite the winds, I have a feeling we’re all in for a bumper year for fruit. Good to hear you are seeing hedgehogs, their numbers are still going down. Sounds like yours had a successful hibernation, great to know how big they

  19. A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. It’s all looking good except inside the shed. Nice to see Hettie hog. xx

  20. A very enjoyable read about your garden and its dwellers. I have never come across a garden that has unique ‘figurines’ like skeletons on it. You are just so very creative and one-of-a-kind!

  21. veggiemummy

    Aww, poor broken hedgehog! You are good with all that weeding. I had one good week (the one with the nice weather!) where I was out there digging the veggie patch and weeding, then the weather turned and I got side tracked with some decorating. Must make next week border control week! Your Christmas cards are amazing; can’t wait to see the domesticated animals too. As for your shed – my daughter has a cupboard like that! xx

    • Snow Bird

      As fast as you weed the blighters are back, especially the awful ground alder and mare’s tails….
      You remind me that everywhere needs decorating around here….sighs…oh, that shed…

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