Twas the week before Christmas

and we’ve been busy stripping the ivy from the fallen tree. Now the trunk is bare, you can see how much of a near miss it actually was. Just look how close to the greenhouse it is!

It struck the wall, to the left, just above the patio doors, and all the upper branches snapped and fell to the ground, in handy log burner-bite sizes. It did shunt one of my solitary bee houses a little to left, shock horror!

Oh….the mess and the endless runs to the tip.

Hubs has chopped a good ten foot from the stump, the wood is really dry so should be ideal for the log burner, which was handy as we had almost run out of chopped wood.

Buddy, who has to be involved in absolutely everything, now has himself a brand new climbing frame. Oh, and he’s now been formally adopted by us!

The lounge logs are now replenished, with many more logs to come when hubs gets a chance.

Daughter popped in with a new dog toy toy. This game ran for almost three days, I kid you not, there’s nothing left of it now.

Curly cat has been involved in turf wars with the local cats that constantly invade his garden, so is pretty exhausted each evening. He still has a lot of fight in him given he’s about fifteen.

He sleeps like a dragon, always with a glimmer of an eye open. To make sure I can’t leave while he sleeps, he plants his claws into my thigh. I always have pinpricks of blood when I do finally mange to escape.

It’s that time of the year again, when fab Barb from next door pops round with her famous minced pies. Bless!

SIL, myself, daughter and niece all trotted off to see Scouse Cinderella….OH YES WE DID!

I must say, the weather was utterly foul, freezing, windy and lashing down, but despite that, fun was had and we all enjoyed a good meal.

Hubs and I battled the weather in Liverpool recently, trying to do a little Christmas shopping. I have to say that the overwhelming majority of items on sale were awful, bland, dull, over-priced, over-packaged tat, if they were giving this stuff away I wouldn’t want it!

And Finally…..

Artwork turned into coasters for the rescue…

along with Christmas tree decorations.

I went into the loft a few days ago to get the Christmas decorations down. Seems the rodents who recently invaded the house had got to them so I am completely devoid of any decorations, apart from the above, the two hedgehogs that daughter bought and these lovely tree decorations, below, from Kitty.

Thank you, you are an angel. That reindeer is staying out all year, the little one would too if it could stand.

Now I shall have to buy a tree to hang them all on. I shall start a new Christmas collection, beginning with the January sales. I may even get creative with holly and ivy….after all I do have a lot of ivy going spare!



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  1. How true about gardens generating work, endless and eternally! But I wouldn’t have it any other way, and that wood is more than welcome, come Armageddon we’re sorted….lol. Curly is utterly indestructible… he will fight to his dying day methinks. Gifts are always beautiful and surprising……so glad you liked the coasters, our director came up with the idea, took me a while to catch on to what she wanted. Thanks Anne, all the very best to you and

  2. There is ALWAYS SOMETHING to do when one has a garden! I’m sorry the downed tree has added to your workload, but the extra wood is looking mighty welcome with your cold weather still to come. Those goodies look absolutely scrumptious — perhaps more so because someone has gifted them to you!

    I’m impressed that Curly Cat is doing so well for a cat of his age. He looks utterly contented and perhaps reliving his victories.

    Oh, Dina. Those coasters are marvelous. I love your the scenes you’ve depicted. They are just what cats do as they gaze out at their world. Thank you for sharing your artistry with all of us — and the rescue, too!

  3. I’m glad the tree didn’t do any damage and you’ve managed to put it to good use.
    I love the coasters and Christmas tree ornaments. Great fun to go to a panto to get you in the holiday mood. And lovely mince pies too, what a kind neighbour.

    • You and me both re that tree! Glad you like the tree ornaments and coasters. It was a foul day to be in Liverpool, but we did enjoy ourselves, despite the weather. I am so lucky having lovely neighbours. Thanks

  4. The minced pies look good. The doggy toy looked like it was a lot of fun while it lasted. Merry Christmas!

  5. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Goodness, you were so lucky that the tree didn’t cause much damage.
    Love the look of those mince pies, yummy and delicious.
    Those cat coasters look good, and I like your decorations.

    Wishing you a Happy Christmas

    All the best Jan

    • We certainly were lucky! Glad you liked the decorations and coasters, wish I could share a mince pie with you! You would approve of them! Thanks Jan, all the best to you and

  6. Lots of happenings in your house. That fallen tree was too close for comfort. Sorry the mice got to your decorations, but good you can deck the halls with ivy! All the best at the animal rescue with those lovely artwork items. Hope your daughter is doing well and that you have some relaxing days over the holiday period with some calm and cozy evenings by the wood burner. xxL

    • I am so grateful that tree missed the greenhouse….daughter is doing brilliantly, only nine weeks to go, how exciting, I’m driving her crackers rubbing her bump while talking to baby girl. Thanks

  7. Surrounded by animals, both live and beautifully-painted! Even mice, to eat your decs.
    It is astonishing how that tree missed everything. I may have said this last time but I still think it – your tree angel was on duty!
    Have a peaceful Christmas, Dina. Love to you xx

    • Hahahaha….love that comment about the mice, they are not exactly welcome though!!! Oh yes, my tree angel did an excellent job! Bless her!!! Thanks Gill, all the very best to you and

  8. Happy Christmas Dina and a safe, healthy and prosperous 2019. Thankyou for all the wonderful posts you have shared around the world!

  9. Wishing you joy and happiness this Christmas in your house full of lovely animals! Your art work is wonderful and I’m sure will make a lot of money for your rescue centre.
    So glad the tree with ivy didn’t do any damage to your greenhouse, you will now keep nice and warm through the worst of the weather.

    • Thank you Pauline. I hope the artwork raises money too. Oh, I would have been heartbroken if my greenhouse had of been reduced to rubble. All the very best to

  10. Oh, lucky the tree didn’t fall on the greenhouse!
    Like always, I enjoyed reading your pet cat and dogs stories. They always make me smile.
    Wow, there are so many beautiful, lovely artworks! You are indeed talented!
    Wishing you and all your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    • It was nothing short of a miracle that tree missing everything, especially the greenhouse. Thanks so much Jade, all the very best to you and

  11. Great post and images. Have a great Christmas.

  12. How lucky you were to have escaped from that tree fall with relatively little damage. I do like the way you have your logs arranged inside — it’s very attractive, as well as being useful. I do hate that you lost your decorations, but it certainly would have been worse if the tree had taken out their storage spot! Now, you can begin collecting new memories to hang on future trees.

    It’s such fun to see Buddy enjoying himself. Lucky puppy, says me. And those mince pies look wonderful. I’m the only person in my circle I know who likes mince pie. Do you think your neighbor would part with her pastry recipe for them? I suspect it’s more than what I use for a simple pie crust. If she doesn’t want to share, no offense taken, of course.

    I loved seeing your sleeping kitty. There’s something about a sleeping dog or cat that fairly oozes peacefulness.

    • It was utterly miraculous how the tree missed everything, yes including the loft were the decorations were stored.I do enjoy looking at logs, I love the earthy smell of them too.
      The recipe for the mince pies is, 12 oz sr flour, 6oz of marg, pinch of salt, cold water to mix. Oven 200c, bake for 20-25 minutes, should make 3 dozen. I couldn’t agree more re a sleeping kitty, utter relaxation for sure. Thanks

  13. Holy Cow, Dina, that tree must have done a very fancy ballet to turn and twist and fall without banging into (hardly) anything. Bless its heart. The stacked wood looks lovely; I can imagine the fires.

    Oh, Annie, Sam, and Buddy (Yay! He’s yours!) look so cute playing with their (late) toy. The toys don’t last long around here, either, but the fun they provide is so worth it. Boxes, and bags and, I guess, our socks, are fun, too!

    Sweet, sweet Curly. I wish him deep rest and gentle peace from those other rascal cats. Please give him a smooch for me.

    Your home always looks soooo inviting, Dina. Lovely and cozy! And speaking of things that are lovely, your coasters and ornaments are gorgeous; they are bound to make a LOT of money for the Rescue…I hope they are advertising them far and wide!!!

    Blessings on your holidays and all those gathered in the light of your generous love and light.


    • It’s amazing how that tree missed absolutely everything isn’t it? Having all that dead wood is a gift too! Hahahaha, our dogs love playing with socks too, anything that can be pulled is popular here. Smooches delivered to Curly, he really is a territorial cat! I hope the coasters and decorations sell. Thanks Kitty, love and huge hugs to you

  14. Oh no, a fallen tree in the garden. Paul’s father had a fantastic tree in the front garden and the ivy gradually killed it…
    Lovely to hear Buddy has a permanent home in such a happy household.
    Christmas decorations take on a whole new meaning when you have grandchildren, so it is nice for you to be able to start again…(almost) We now have a toddler coming for Christmas so all the fragile decorations and the glass ball type ones are packed away for a few years!

    • Maybe the ivy killed our tree too. Buddy is a happy little addition here, he blends in beautifully with our two. Goodness, you have a toddler already, where did that time go! Yes, starting again with a little girl will be fun, no doubt the house will go back to being a grotto each Christmas.Thanks

  15. Oh my. Three dogs all your own…or perhaps, I should say two people given the run around and ownership of three dogs!

    You were brave to deal the blasted weather. Sounds like you enjoyed the panto in the real theatre given by genuine actors, and not that of the rowdy individuals who pretend to be our representatives.

    That tree and it’s proximity to everything ‘breakable’ is frightening. Glad fairy godmother was on your side, even with chunks of useable logs from it.

    The art work has come up well, very lovable.

    Happy Xmas to you and everyone around you, have a super Hogmanay. All the best for 2019! xxxx

    • Oh yes, two people owned by three dogs giving them the runaround! Laughing at the representatives comment!!! Oh, I certainly am grateful for my fairy godmother. Thanks Menhir, all the very best to

  16. My goodness! That horrible type of weather to eradicate plants? By real chance, the greenhouse didn’t break down… Tonight it started snowing. I had to take the bus, after doing some groceries and the long way from the bus halt to my house, was enough to get quite wet feet… hope it won’t give me a cold. Things are almost done: the suitcase is ready; few decorations are done just to donate a glimpse of festivity ambience (little light-chains in the dining room) since with our cats it’s impossible to put other type of decorations. Too dangerous, specially for them..
    Massimo is working on the “to-do list” in London: we kept free the afternoon and evening of the 27th + 28th. We send you the details tomorrow…
    I’m quite excited, believe me! Hugs and love :-)c

    • Goodness, you’ve had snow, how lovely, I do like to see it each year as long as it doesn’t hang around. I hope you didn’t catch a cold!!! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday, what a shame we couldn’t make it to London. Next time eh?xxxx

  17. There’s never a dull moment at your house….As ever wonderful pictures of the dogs and Curly Cat who I adore…..and very glad to see that the tree didn’t do any serious damage to structure or human or animal!

    Your coasters and Christmas decorations are fabulous….They should sell very very well.

    Enjoy the mince pies and lovely warm stove….and settle in for the holidays. Janet xxx

    • Thanks Janet, I do hope the decorations and coasters sell. It was quite miraculous how that tree managed to avoid everything. xxx

  18. Lovely post and pictures.
    Goodness that was a near miss with the fallen tree, and handy that you can use the wood from it. The mince pies look delicious, and I like the cat coasters, xx

  19. You were so lucky that the tree didn’t cause much damage, it could have been much worse. I’m sure Buddy will be pleased to have a home with his brother and sister, they look to get on well together, partners in crime. Eleanor and I went to see The Nutcracker at the weekend, seeing a show is a lovely way to get in the Christmas spirit. It’s quite some time since I’ve been to the pantomime, though I always enjoyed them.

    • We certainly had lady luck smiling on us re that tree, the damage it could have caused. Buddy loves his siblings and being here and he gets to see his other mum most days so is very happy. Our two missed him terribly when ever he went home, they’ve got used to being a three dog pack. Yes, a good show certainly kick-starts Christmas, glad you enjoyed yours. Thanks

  20. Hahahaha…Poor R, never sit in the front seats of a panto….balcony seats is the way to go. I can imagine how disappointing they were after that though! Buddy always had his forever home, but he’ll still daughter’s dog down the line, we need to monitor him around the baby. Thanks

  21. Gosh, that was a narrow escape! Still, you’ll be toasty warm with all that firewood! Lucky Buddy having a forever home; the best Christmas present he could wish for, although that stretchy toy looks as if it’s a close second! We haven’t been to a panto in years – ever since R got dragged up on stage to dance. Every one after that was a huge anticlimax! Shame about those pesky rodents eating your decorations, but it’s a good excuse to buy more! Sending festive hugs. xx

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