The solanum jungle in the courtyard has been cut back as we have builders coming in soon, to replace all the gutters and guttering. I am grateful that hubs did the honours, as I have been nursing a gripey back since Christmas eve. It was almost better until I took a tumble yesterday, somehow I managed to fall over Buddy. I woke up this morning with an incredibly sore tailbone, struth, it was painful trying to walk and bend down and it took ages to feed and clean up after all the animals. I’m hoping that sorts itself pretty soon. There’s always something isn’t there? I don’t know what’s worse, backache or listening to the endless discussions on Brexit. Anyway….onwards!!!

I was delighted to discover a solitary olive on one of my olive trees, that bodes well for future years!

The winter Jasmine is out…..

and bulbs of all description are pushing through, despite the dogs flattening them and birds/squirrels digging them up. It’s been suspiciously mild around these parts; I’m just waiting for the big chill to hit.

A few pictures had me laughing….

Buddy standing on Sam’s head….

Annie pulling tongues..

and Heidi looking adorable.

I think I’ve pretty much lost the plot recently. I’d been walking really strangely for days until I finally realized that I was wearing a size five and size six boot. I have two pairs of the same boots, the larger size are to accommodate thick socks. If that wasn’t bad enough, I actually tried to remove a dog hair from my laptop screen with my mouse! What a dingbat!!!

And Finally……

My little Percy Pige has become incredibly friendly towards me. Every time I go into the study he flies over to me and does the cutest little bows. He’s also taking to nibbling my fingers and eating out of my hand. I think he enjoys a little company. Once spring comes he should be good to go.

Here’s a short video of me cooing and chatting to him.


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  1. Thanks Peter, oh, hope the heatwave isn’t too severe, I didn’t like ours one little bit last year

  2. Great post and images. Can feel the cold over our summer heatwave down here.

  3. I do believe Percy Pige agreed when you crooned about his being messy 🙂

    Hope your poor back has improved since this posting. So much to do around your place! Your prediction of the big chill was spot on.

    • Percy pige is the MESSIEST bird in the world, if he wasn’t so adorable I would have evicted him months ago! My back is so much better which is very liberating! Pain gets old, fast! Why are there always endless jobs??? Sighs…knew the weather was too good to be true! Thanks

  4. I love the photo of Buddy standing on Sam’s heads and the hedgehog photo. I hope your back improves quickly. I think I did something to my arm carrying all the heavy cans of water over summer. It hurts when I stretch it. Taking a jumper off is challenging.

    • Good to know you enjoyed the photo’s. I am almost pain free now which is very liberating. Oh….here’s to your arm improving. xxx

  5. Lovely update Dina thank you for sharing sorry to hereyou got a bad back again love your photo’s have not done much in my new garden as yet here in Keith in Scotland blessings Lindapenney

    • Thanks Linda, good to know you have settled in, you’ll have plenty of time to get your new garden the way you want it. xxx

  6. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Sorry to read about your bad-back, I do hope it gets better very soon.
    Sweet and funny photographs you’ve shared, and I enjoyed the video clip.

    All the best Jan

  7. How clever! Buddy standing on Sams head. I love the picture of Heidi, very sweet. I hope your back is better soon x

    • I loved that picture of Sam and Buddy, especially the look on Sam’s face. My back is soooo much better now, that sure makes life easier. Thanks

  8. I was entranced by your winter jasmine. I’m wondering if it might be a relative of our Carolina jessamine,which is a very early bloomer, too. In any event, yellow is immensely cheerful in winter. You have so much that’s looking good, though–and an olive! That’s exciting. Are you going to put it in a martini? That would seem to be the best use for a single olive.

    I’m sorry about your back. Given all the work our poor backs have to do, it’s no wonder they tire, or take offense at the injuries we fall prey to. I hope your recovery’s speedy as can be. And I have to say — that hedgehog is adorable. Well, and also the pigeon. Mine are beginning to tame down a bit, and from the goings-on between a couple of them, there may be pigeon babies to admire once some time has passed!

    • Yellow is so very cheering in the winter, and spring! I am excited about that single olive I have several olive trees but non have fruited to date, most of the fruitlets just fall off. Maybe the summer heat encouraged the tree. My back and tailbone are on the mend which is a relief….I am going to take it easier on my back from now on. You must write a post re your pigeons…thanks

  9. That is a cute little hedgehog? But have you considered naming one of your hedgehogs Dinsdale?

  10. So sorry to hear about you having back problems, then a fall that resulted in more pain. Not good news when there’s so much to do. Glad you got the courtyard cleared thanks to Hubs. Hope the next job of doing the guttering will go smoothly. It’s wonderful to see new growth in the garden and think of Springtime! Meanwhile you take care Dina. I’m sure it’s cold over your way so stay warm. You’ll miss Percy. He’s doing well with your encouragement and company. xxL

    • Thanks Linda, how true, accisents always happen when so much is going on, every time. All is well now, thankfully. The guttering is almost finished, then it’s the big tidy up. So much is going on in the garden, everything is coming up far too early, I do hope the big chill doesn’t see them all off! Oh, I will miss that

  11. Sorry to hear you have been in the wars, falling on your coccyx is agony. You are still young enough to fall down. My son tells me I am getting to the age when it’s called ‘having a fall’, – a different thing all together. But I intend to go on falling down for the foreseeable future. I don’t intend to ‘have a fall’ until I’m in my 80s.
    Love your snowdrops, they are Galanthus woronowii with nice apple green leaves.
    Your followers are all so nice and polite, no one points out that keeping a pigeon called Percy in your study is absolutely bonkers.

    • Oh….sounds like you have had a similar experience re the coccyx…it aint funny at all!!! Well….here’s to you not falling any which way, ever! Hahahahahaha, I couldn’t agree more, keeping a pigeon in my study is without a doubt absolutely bonkers!!! Clearing up after him is a nightmare! Thanks

  12. Take huge care of your back – they is importants, and as Anne Marie says, at least you can switch off Brexit! It’s such a relief to be in Sicily and out of the mess, at least temporarily!

    You will miss Percy … maybe he won’t go! xxxx

    • Oh yes….backs are important! I am going to look after mine a little better, no more heavy lifting and twisting! I can imagine how blissful it is in Sicily without Brexit blaring out! I am worried about Percy deciding not to go….sighs…. Thanks

  13. I’m delighted to see your olive too. I’ve not eaten a fresh one before. I wonder how it taste like.
    Love those yellow jasmine – simple flowers, yet most beautiful!
    Pictures and stories of your dogs always make me either smile or laugh!
    Heidi is indeed most adorable and pretty too.
    Ha ha, perhaps you need a break from all chores ( a holiday )!
    Enjoyed the video. I never know pigeons can be that close to a human being. We have a lot of pigeons around our apartment. They always fly away whenever someone gets near them.
    Finally, hope your back is alright again! Take care!

    • I can’t wait for the day when I have lot’s of fresh olives, I think I’ll leave that little beauty on the tree. Oh….the chores continue, decorating now! Pigeons are very intelligent birds, I guess Percy has decided to trust me. My back is soooo much better now, thanks

  14. As always so much happening in your life.
    I know how painful it is to hit the tail bone as I have a very prominent one proving that I come from the land of monkeys. Only suggestion is to put some back type cream on it and to keep moving…otherwise it gets worse….on that note this too shall pass.
    Love the video of you and Pidge….:) Hoping all is well on the baby front. My friend’s Gail and Mick in Kent are now grandparents to a little boy called Cosmo….don’t you love it:)

    Sending healing hummingbird hugs. Janet xxxxx

    • Hahahahaha…I think I come from Monkey land too. Gosh, it is painful though, wouldn’t want to experience that again. I took your advice, moving does help! Awwww….lovely to hear Gail and Mick’s news. Cosmo, how lovely! Sending hummingbirds right back.xxxx

  15. Good post and pictures. I like the picture of Heidi. My sympathies about your back and hope that it improves soon. Take care, xx

    • Thanks Flighty, Heidi is adorable, sadly that’s why people get these poor creatures, anything cute sells and then ends up horribly neglected. I’m happy to report that my back is much better!xxx

  16. Lots to smile about in this post, not the bad back though, I do sympathise and hope it gets better soon. The photo of Buddy standing on Sam’s head made me laugh, it’s the look on Sam’s face too. I think you’ll miss Percy when the time comes for him to leave.

    • Thanks Jo, on the mend now. Sam does have a funny look on his face….almost as though he’s smiling. I agree about Percy, I am going to miss him, not the mess though! xxx

  17. I mentally winced and said ‘ouch’ to your [injured] tailbone. Not nice. Arnica gel may speed things along a bit. Do take care.

    I had a picture of sheep once standing on a wall that had six legs! It was a similar illusion to the funny one you got with the two dogs. Might you frame it??

    Heidi and pig are interesting. I wonder if pige will let you let him go come spring. Heidi is sweet enough to *almost* cuddle.


    • I am delighted that the tailbone is sorted, I wouldn’t want to experience that again, sooo apinful! I remember your sheep picture, sooo funny! I am beginning to worry about Percy, he is becoming far to tame, he lay down on my hand a few days ago and I found myself scratching his neck, I will have to back off! It is hard as he is so friendly now. Thanks

  18. So sorry you’ve hurt your back, I hope it soon feels a lot better. Love all your photos, what a super selection!

  19. Love the video of you and Percy Pige! We have ‘Fatty Pige’ at the moment, who sits in our crab apple tree gulping them down whole! I hope your back gets better soon – Hamish is always dreadfully underfoot too! Love Buddy standing on Sam’s head, and Heidi is indeed adorable. Have fun with your builders. xx

    • Hahahaha, love Fatty Pige! Oh, sweet Hamish! Sighs….our builders are great but I still hate having them here, nearly finished now, just the big clean up! Thanks

  20. Oh, fortunately, you didn’t hurt Buddy! But, I’m sorry about your tailbone (I know it hurts like hell), my personal experience!
    Here, all the garden is awful dry. We miss the rain and the plants are drying away and you need to give them water unless they die. Tell me about Brexit, when I was in London, I didn’t have the occasion to talk “politics” with the locals… I have mixed feeling but, being Swiss, I can guess the meaning above the economical’s reasons. Switzerland, signing the bilateral agreements, got into a Russian-roulette. We have to pay millions to Bruxelles, without having any balance right benefit. As an example: (even if we wanted) we can’t dream about getting a job in Italy or France or Germany, since it would take ages to get the papers done… but a frontier worker can get a job in Switzerland earning four times more than he/she would earn in Italy/France or Germany. As a comparison, in Italy, a bank director salary is about the same as a restaurant waiter in Switzerland (around SFR. 3.600.-). Here we do have the strong pressure at the borders, and I see that each day since I’m working as HR counselor for the unemployment office. I strive to help my insured, and too many times I hear the same story: the employer gave the place to a frontier worker.
    I can’t tell what’s good or bad, I try not to put too much pressure on it.
    About Sam’s picture, I guess it’s a photomontage… 🙂 he looks gigantic with Buddy on his head… how did you get it? But I’m really happy to realize he’s OK (you can tell that from his frown).
    About talking to animals, ah ah ah you should see and hear how I’m doing well with my hamster (better I don’t put the video on youtube, it would go viral… and I would lose my job!)
    Hugs and kisses :-)claudine

    • Oh, tailbones sure do hurt, this is the first time I’ve had this, certainly wouldn’t want it again. Goodness, your political situation doesn’t sound very fair!!! I feel that the EU is a failing system, the cracks are growing….Italy and Greece are bankrupt, Italy and Poland are trying to form a alliance against the EU, the far right is on the rise right across Europe, the most chilling factor for me. I suspect many countries want out, so the EU is looking to make an example of the UK, they won’t want anyone else trying to leave. It’s time to trade with the world, not just Europe.
      Sam’s pic was a happy accident, he was standing on a planter behind Sam!So lovely to hear of you and your hamster! I would love to see a video though, maybe watsapp me!! Love and hugs to you

  21. Good luck with your back Dina… there is nothing worse than back pain because every part of you isaffected every time you move. Your early bulbscoming up are a joy.. always nice to see colour in the garden in winter. Your wee hedgehog is beyond cute… absolutely adorable! Hope your back gets better soon & cross fingers for Brexit!

    • Back pain sure gets old fast! Thankfully it’s all settling down now. I do hope all these blooms and bulbs survive the sudden icy blast! Thanks

  22. Always very pleasant to read your posts and see your photos.I hope your back is better

  23. Wow, Dina! Jasmine and bulbs! How beautiful and fun. And how amazing to have grown an olive!

    We have no snow and a great drop in temps coming. It’s called “open winter” when there’s no insulating snow to blanket the gardens, so I’ll likely lose a great many perennials again. We may get a little snow next week, but I fear it won’t be enough. Pooh.

    I love to see all the pups, especially sweet Sam standing outside and happy. I love the photo with mini-Buddy on Sam’s head. How fun to be able to feed Percy by hand. It’s clear he adores you. And, my, isn’t Heidi precious?

    I am so sorry you hurt your back and hope it heals quickly for you. I’m guessing walking around in two different sizes of shoes isn’t the best way to help it. 🙂

    Yay for new gutters: one of those dull home improvements that make you feel great when they’re installed and working. I bet they’ll look great, too!

    Now, take care of yourself and enjoy your lovely blooms and olive. 🙂

    • Hahahaha, I am so proud of that little olive, my first ever! It’s wonderful having Sam back to normal….such a relief. I am becoming concerned at how tame Percy is, I may have to release him elsewhere as I don’t want him flying to me around Buddy! Walking in wrong shoe sizes is crazy, daughter is talking of putting me in a home! My tailbone is fine now, jeez, glad to be shut of that pain. Thanks Kitty, love and hugs to you all.xxxx

      • Soooo glad your back is better and daughter’s baby is cared for so well, growing girl that she seems to be. I hope the weather has made the med visits easier.

        Blessings on that sweet baby’s arrival; very soon! 🤱🏻♥️♥️💕

  24. Backache …. At least Brexit can be avoided with an ‘off’ button, backache doesn’t have an off button, but it’s a close run thing.

    Trying to shift a hair with the mouse 😂 That’s the kind of thing I do!

    • Oh, yes, very true, Brexit can be switched off! Soooo glad it’s not just me who does crazy stuff! Thanks

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