Wild things

It’s all about wildlife this week.

Several weeks ago, four young, tiny, wild bunnies arrived in the rescue, and they all needed hand-feeding, during the day and at night, which resulted in the staff taking them home each evening.

How they have thrived!

It’s always difficult to get youngsters feeding, but once they take to it, it’s like ducks taking to water.

Happily, they are all weaned now and will be released soon.

Nap time.

As always, there’s been a run on ducklings. Thirty seven so far, and it’s early days. There are several groups and they’re all the same age….

which is problematic, given we only have one water bird aviary to prepare these birds for release, so they will all have to wait their turn.

If you put them all together, the most horrendous scrap would break out.

Once this group develop their flight feathers, I shall be releasing them.

Over one hundred hedgehogs were over-wintered this year, seventy five have been released, and many more are almost ready to go.

Sadly, we’ve had many hogs in with horrendous injuries inflicted by strimmers, so it’s always worth checking the long grass before mowing or strimming.

Of course, as fast as they are released, they pour back in again.

This little squab, a woodpigeon chick, is only a few days old.

It’s also chick season.

Each year there’s always a run on certain types of chicks. At the moment it seems to be mainly woodpigeons and magpies.

And Finally…

While walking the dogs a couple of days ago, the PR of the rescue rang me. I could barely hear her over the traffic. She was saying she had nominated me for Sefton’s volunteer of the year award. I immediately began ranting, saying that wasn’t my scene and I was totally uncomfortable with it and to withdraw the application immediately, as I wouldn’t go along with it.

When I paused to draw breath she told me I’d won. It’s lovely to be nominated but, oh, I can honestly say I feel so squidgy about it all. Now I’m to attend a formal ceremony, and they refused to let me turn up in a dog outfit! I need to be seen in the flesh apparently!


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  1. Congratulations on the well deserved award. All those babies, what a lot of care they must need. It is sad there are so many hedgehog casualties, but here they have virtually disappeared. I am glad they still exist in some parts of the country.

    • Thanks Chloris, although I’m not fond of being on the receiving end of awards! It’s horrendous seeing the hedgehogs decline, there is so much going against them, I’m delighted to have plenty in my garden.xxx

  2. So many cute little, poor creatures. They are pets in our country except for the ducklings which people rear for food.
    Oh, I think you really deserve the nomination! You’ve been so kind to animals and so involved in volunteering at saving them! Congrats! Though it may feel weird to be in the limelight, ha ha!

    • Thanks Jade, I remember seeing lots of ducks in Malaysia being reared for food. At least they were outdoors and free range. It certainly is weird being in the limelight. xxx

  3. But how wonderful, my dearest!
    I think you fully deserve, this “nomination”… <3 <3
    It is always touching to see how many small creatures you (did) and can save with so much care and love… I have been following your publications for years now, more than once I wondered how you can manage to do everything you do…
    You are a precious and valuable "asset", for all those helpless little creatures that need love and sustain!
    Thank you for what you do, dear Dina. An affectionate hug 🙂 claudine

    • Ahhh,thanks Claudine. The staff at wildlife are just wonderful, it’s incredible seeing how many creatures they manage to pull through. Love and hugs to you all.xxx

  4. Super post, Dina, but I’m wondering now why so many orphaned ducklings? The hedgehog statistics are horrendous too, over 100 in your area of the country, goodness knows what the nationwide statistics would be! Doesn’t bear thinking about, does it?
    Love the baby bunnies; my niece (now living in Boston, US) has dozens of hares running around her garden. Her husband almost mowed over a nest/burrow yesterday but saw it in time and now they’ve built a box to go over the nest to safeguard the bunnies – and to alert people to be careful when going into that part of the garden!
    Very many congratulations on your award, so lovely to see your efforts recognised and I’m sure the day will be thoroughly enjoyed regardless of what you wear! xxxx

    • So many mother ducks are hit by cars or killed by dogs. Hedgehogs are in serious trouble right across the UK, it’s thought we have less than a million now compared to 60 million in the fifties. If the trend continues we could lose them in the next ten years, sadly. How wonderful it must be to have hares in the garden! So glad your niece is looking out for hers. Thanks Caro.xxx

  5. The baby rabbits are adorable, as long as they stay out of my garden.

  6. Congratulations – it’s well deserved. The bunny napping is just too cute fir words.

  7. Many congratulations on the award! Totally well deserved.
    I am trying to distance those cute little bunnies from the evil ones which nibble my plants down to the ground..
    Ducklings though. Now those I can love unreservedly!

    • Thanks Jess….baby rabbits are adorable, not so much when they eat all the plants I suppose, I don’t have any in my garden. Ducklings are adorable but probably the messiest critters in the rescue.xxx

  8. Of course you won. Would there be any doubt??

    Goodness, those bunnies are beyond adorable. There are some pretty photogenic opportunities as you care for all the range of baby animals. Unpictured, of course, is the tremendous labor of love in cleaning up and mucking out and tidying after. It’s an impressive amount of work. Thank you for all you do.

    • You do make me smile! Youngsters are cute but as you say they are time consuming and messy too! Thanks so much Anne.xxx

  9. Your small animals are very cute although I can understand why it’s quite a task to look after them until they thrive and can be released. Your dedication and commitment to the animal rescue in so many ways is because you care for the animals. It was good that you were nominated. Congratulation on the award. I hope you enjoy the ceremony and time out with your friends.

    • Thanks Linda, it’s certainly a huge task raising littl’uns! The staff are so dedicated! The award turned out better than I thought it would and it was lovely having daughter and grandbabe there.xxx

  10. What a lovely heartwarming post!
    Congratulations on your award, you certainly deserve it! I’m sure you will enjoy it on the night, have fun!

    • Thanks Pauline, the award gig wasn’t so bad, I loved hearing the stories of the other nominees, I actually had the the urge to kneel, so many people making such a difference.xxx

  11. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Loved seeing all of your photographs, life is certainly busy at the rescue.

    Many congratulations on your award, it’s well deserved.

    All the best Jan

  12. Congratulations Dina, this award is richly deserved..you accept & look after so many animals & they have no voice to thank you… so
    Enjoy your award & frame it!

    • Thanks Gerrie, I do what I can but so many people do so much more. I have no idea what to do with my glass award, I will have to recycle it.xxx

  13. Oh, goodness, Dina: I think these photos created a happy endorphin overload. I’m sure it will last till tomorrow, and then I can look at them again! I can walk on clouds forever.

    Blessings on all these wee ones and their journeys.

    Hooray for the —of course, deserved—award, Dina. Truly, they had no choice but to shine back to you a bit of the love with which you shower the world. Now, let them love, too, and enjoy yourself, utterly! Sounds at least as fun as singeing your foot on burning logs. 🤗

    It’s good for the heart to have our efforts celebrated. It’s healthy for us to recognize the stars among us so we can reach higher, and in similar humility, with our own time and gifts…so really, you see, you’re doing all these people a tremendous service allowing them to honor you and experience a learning opportunity filled with self-knowledge and self-acceptance, and—hopefully—excellent vegetarian food and wonderful music. 😍

    You are amazing.

    • Ahhhh, thanks Kitty, you always have such a wonderful way with words…you had me there for a moment, but while attending the award, I listened to so many people who do so much more than me, hand on heart! I think that was the most enjoyable part, hearing how so many unsung heroes go about their lives, quietly giving and making such a difference. If only the news reflected that. THANKS for the lovely comment, love and hugs to all of you.xxxx

  14. Congratulations on a well-deserved appreciation. Just go along and be you. It is a super opportunity to dress up, ( not doggy or polar bear costumes) and enjoy the occasion.

    The bunny pictures evoke memories of me hand rearing a couple of kittens. There are similarities and as you say, once the animals get the knack, there’s no stopping them.

    All your pictures are lovely, there’s some nice detail of the hedgehogs and the birds. Xxx

    • Thanks Menhir, it wasn’t so bad as it turned out. Hand rearing kittens certainly is a full-time job, good on you! Once they twig life certainly gets easier. xxx

  15. Obviously, they know you well enough to know not to call with news about the nomination until after you’ve won! That’s just funny — but the award certainly is well deserved.

    That photo of the napping bunny is precious. I like all the photos and news, but the bunnies and hedgehogs are especially interesting, since I never get to see them. Babies are cute, no matter the species. (Well, birds do need a few feathers. Some can be a little — um — tatty until they have a few days of development behind them.

    • Thanks Linda, I was honoured but awards really are not my thing! Hahaha, I do agree with you about featherless baby birds, they have faces only a mother could love.xxx

  16. Lovely post and pictures. Well done to all for taking care of so much wildlife in need.
    Congratulations on the award, it’s well deserved and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy the formal ceremony. xx

  17. Awww, cuteness overload in this post with all those babies, but those bunnies, adorable! Congratulations on your award, very well deserved.

  18. veggiemummy

    Congratulations! Totally deserved, you’re an absolute star. So many gorgeous animals – those baby bunnies are adorable! We have wood pigeons nesting in our wisteria at the front of the house. We only realised when R was pruning it, so it’s only half pruned with a thick, shaggy bit left at one end. It looks a bit rum but it will have to do for the moment. Now, go and dust off that posh frock! xx

    • Thanks Veggiemummy, I’m no superstar though! Oh goodness, so glad you discovered the chicks, I can imagine how the wisteria looks half pruned! Woodpigeons do seem to pick the worst possible nesting sites in our garden and their nests are utterly flimsy, I often wonder how they become so prolific!xxx

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