The news this New Year

On Christmas day, the staff at the rescue found a zipped shopping bag in the lane across the road from the rescue, which contained a tabby kitten. A hole had been chewed inside the bag, so staff were concerned that other kittens may have escaped.

Fortunately, dog walkers discovered another two kittens thanks to the dogs!  It seems that these poor creatures were unsold kittens courtesy of breeders. Given the rescue now has cctv, people regularly dump animals in the lane, which is on a busy country road. Thankfully all ended well.

Daffodil bulbs emerging.

Just before Christmas, Sam was having  trouble with one of his back legs, he could barely put his foot down so we rushed him to the vets, where a very rough vet pulled his back leg out several times despite him screaming.

Apparently it’s arthritis and Sam was put on a course of anti-inflammatory medication. He is slightly better but is still struggling to get on the couch and can no longer jump up on anybody…..who thought I’d miss something so annoying! I intend to put him on animal CBD oil once he finishes his meds, I’ve heard great things about it. I also have him on joint care bones and cod liver oil.

If anyone has any tips or advice I’d love to hear it.

Muscari bulbs amongst others.

I’ve recently acquired a new couch for the kitchen and had it recovered in red leatherette, given the dogs sit on it. The old one has finally been collected by the council so the house feels less cluttered. It was absolute murder getting couches in and out of doors….why are they all so damn narrow, hubs and I nearly killed each other attempting to maneuver them all in and out.


I’ve also cleared and tidied all the kitchen cupboards given a mouse appeared in one of them. Thankfully Buddy was on the job instantly, sniffing and squealing in front of a cupboard door. I discovered so many things I had no idea I had. Two enormous tubs of coffee along with a regular jar, and there was us thinking we were out around Christmas and buying more! We have enough for at least a year.

Clearing food cupboards provides an instant feel good factor! I feel SO virtuous.

Witch hazel.

We welcomed the New Year with Litt’urchin this year, as she stayed over. That was such a lovely start to the new decade.

Then it was my birthday. The 2nd of January is the worst possible date, everyone is totally done with celebrating.

Yet, this year hubs surprised me by stating that he was going to do Veganuary, as a birthday present for me. He has stuck to it so far, but it’s hard to put up with him stomping around the supermarket wailing about what he can’t eat and salivating and sobbing in the cheese aisle! It’s only been a week and he’s already claiming he’s wasting away. Sighs.

Hubs has also been on a mission clearing the ivy from the fence in the front/back garden. It was actually six foot higher than the fence and was destroying the panels.

There be heaps of ivy everywhere despite tons of it being taken to the tip.

The veggie patch will certainly thank him as it’s so much lighter there now.

There have also been many gatherings. My next door neighbours, Ken and Barb invited us and a bunch of new neighbours around to their house recently. Ken, being a former Police Inspector can be a little formal and introduced everyone by name and occupation. There were paramedics, a high flying accountant, and many highly esteemed folk. I was introduced as the Director of the Zoo next door!


It’s a good job I have no ego to defend!

I celebrated my birthday with hubs, beautiful daughter and Litt’urchin, then a few days later hubs took me to the Hilton for cocktails….

then to the theater to watch Shen Yun.

Oh MY!!!!

What a stunning performance! Such a shame photography was banned. If you like classical music and classical Chinese dance, this is an absolute must! The dancers seemed to glide across the stage and positively flew through the air. Such a shame they can’t perform in China.

We also went to a restaurant recently in Liverpool, Bills, who were sporting a fantastic menu for veganuary. Hubs chomped away without a single complaint.

That soup…

and…melt in your mouth mains! Who knew plant based food could be SO good!

And Finally….

tell you what, I thought I was watching Armageddon on the TV recently, Australia burning and the US and Iran indulging in fire power, along with a downed plane accidentally hit by an Iranian missile.

To think a billion animals have perished along with so many people and their homes. I have no words.

We have to take individual responsibility if climate change is to be reversed.

One of my New Year resolutions is not to buy any clothes, AT ALL, in 2020.


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  1. Thanks Chloris, I have to say I do miss cheese something awful! The vegan versions are horrible but I have hope that a decent one will come along one fine day. Oh….it doesn’t bear thinking about all those poor animals suffering. I do pity the koalas, everything seems to be against

  2. Very belated birthday wishes. It sounds as if you had a real treat. I don’t think I could give up cheese or fish. We live on fish. At least we don’t eat anything with a pretty face. Yes, the wildfires in Australia are horific. All the animals killed and all the carbon released into the atmosphere.
    So lovely to see signs of spring in the garden. Happy New Year Dina.

  3. Caroline (keggy)

    Neighbours called Ken and Barbie. Lol that amused me.
    Long time lurker here. I keep up with your blog but can’t usually think of something interesting to say in the comments.
    This time I was spurred into action by reading about poor Sam’s suffering with arthritis. I am on a fb group for people who use turmeric in the form of a homemade paste for all sorts of ailments. It seems to work particularly well for complaints like arthritis and the group has a sister group for animals. I have read some of their stories about elderly creaky dogs bounding around like puppies again after taking this paste. The group is called Turmeric Support Group People & Pets. Might be worth a try.

    So sad to hear about callous breeders dumping animals. I really disagree with breeding pets when there are so many waiting in rescues for a home. It’s a sad state of affairs that animals have become so commoditised. Not to mention all the health problems that various specialised breeds have to endure.

    Well what can I say about hubs doing Veganuary ! That is the most thoughtful birthday gift. I would have been delighted to hear that. It really is easier than ever to eat plant based meals nowadays with supermarkets and restaurants falling over themselves to offer to new vegan products. Morrison’s has just brought out a vegan ‘pork’ pie in their deli section, although I have yet to try it. And their free from ‘cheddar’ is one of the best cheeses I have had (apart from the Christmas special Wensleydale style with cranberries). Veganuary is getting so popular and growing each year. Some of my friends volunteer as mentors on something called Challenge 22 for people who want to try going vegan but need a little hand holding and mentoring. It’s all free.

    You do get to see some exciting shows in Liverpool. That Chinese dance troupe has been advertising on you tube and their performances look stunning.

    And yes I was also shocked to hear that over a billion animals have been killed in the fires in Australia and over 95% of koalas have died. it is so upsetting. I have read that over a billion animals are killed around the world for food every DAY (if you include fish). Not including fish there are still over 72 billion land animals killed every year. Now that is truly shocking. We just can’t go on this way.

    On a lighter note, your garden is starting to spring into life. The viburnum looks lovely. I am looking forward to seeing how the garden develops as the year progresses.

    • Goodness, I never thought of ken and Barbie! How funny! Oh, thanks for that website, I’ve heard turmeric is good for people but had no idea dogs could also take it! I agree about all the vegan options, it’s a great time to be vegan, I must try that vegan cheddar cheese, all the ones I’ve tried have been awful, there is a gap in the market for a good replacement, whoever comes up with it will make a fortune. The stats re animals been killed each day is truly shocking, I can never quite get those facts out of my mind, they haunt me day and night. All that suffering, it doesn’t bear thinking about. Lovely to hear from you Keggs, hope all is well in your world. One fine day we really do need to catch

  4. Happy birthday, Madam Director! I empathize with your husband in the cheese aisle. Terrible about people abandoning kittens in closed sacks.

  5. A billion animals just is tragic and sad. I had to stop reading the news. It was making me sick. I donated to the Australian Red Cross, instead. My country is run by a deranged lunatic. Happy Birthday!

    • It’s horrific isn’t it, I can’t bear to watch it as you say, it’s sickening. I do pity you all re that orange maniac is the White House. Thanks

  6. A belated happy birthday and New Year! Let’s hope things improve worldwide this year. With all of the horrific news, it’s comforting to know that you and others like you are improving your little corners of the world and helping to keep things sane.

    • Thanks Brenda. Yes, here’s to things improving, so many are changing their way of living now so that should make a difference. xxx

  7. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Lots of Happy (Belated) Birthday wishes winging their way to you …
    You certainly had a very nice celebration.

    We have a lot of daffodil bulbs emerging, which I love to see.
    Roll-on Spring.

    All the best Jan

  8. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a lovely celebration. I love the brave daffodils as well.

  9. What a wonderful birthday and new year’s you’ve had! I’m glad your family made a big effort to spoil you – a late December/early January birthday must be galling. Well done to Hubs for taking on the Veganuary challenge; we’re half way there in my house, pescatarian for Jan as I enjoy eating fish (even writing that makes it sound barbaric!) but mostly vegetarian as my son’s girlfriend is vegetarian and nudging him in that direction. (And I would happily eat 95% plant based.) Personally I’m very fond of butter so I can sympathise with Hubs weeping in the cheese aisle (sorry but that did make me smile!) And finally, I’ve found the Australian fires very upsetting to watch but it does hammer home the message about the need to start looking after our planet instead of poisoning it. Let’s hope for a brighter future. xx

    • Thanks Caro. Hopefully hubs will adapt to the vegan diet, he does eat mainly plant based food at home so is vegan most of the time. Dairy is the hard part for him as he has coffee with milk. He does make me laugh though, he doesn’t suffer in silence! Yes, here’s to a brighter future, so many people are making changes now, it gives me

  10. Nice plant arrays…looking forward to blooming.

    Great way to bring in the new year. Sounds very cosy indeed.

    Glad the kittens were okay. Any idea how old they were?

    Your celebration treats sounds superlicious and theatrically fantastic.

    Though I knew what you mean, I had to shut my eyes when you stated you were not buying any clothes in 2020. ‘No” I thought, “it definitely won’t be a case of the [empress’s] new clothes”

    These volatile times be they nature’s sparks, or man-made, are very difficult to contain.

    • Thanks Menhir. The kittens seem to be six or seven weeks, hopefully they can be re-homed together as they seem quite close. Hahahaha….wish me luck re not buying new clothes!! Yes, once these things take hold they are difficult to control, now they are at risk of floods…

  11. Tivvy is 14 and was very slow to get up after laying down. We started her on Yumove tablets and her mobility really improved. A friend recommended it as his dog improved after taking it and I recommended it to a friend who is also impressed. The cheapest supplier I have found is Amazon. I’ve read that the reason the fires in Australia has been so bad this year is the fact that land management practices have been scaled down.

    • Thanks Sue, that is interesting, I must look into that! Yes, I read the same about the Austalian fires, hopefully things will change now, for the

  12. Happy Birthday! I’m amazed that your daffodil bulbs are beginning to emerge. Everything is beneath the snow here – and will continue to be under the snow for quite awhile longer.

    • Oh, I don’t envy you your snow, I like it for a few days but extended periods get old fast. It seems the UK spring is springing everywhere as the weather has been so mild. Thanks

  13. What is happening in Australia really has broken my heart. Especially Kangaroo Island where we’ve been, twice. It was absolutely idyllic and teeming with wildlife. An absolute tragedy. Yes, something has to change.

    • Oh…it’s truly awful isn’t it. I saw the news re Kangeroo Island and remembered your posts, it is without a doubt a terrible tragedy! Thanks

  14. Happy belated birthday! What a sacrifice your husband is making for your birthday! I hope he would let go of all his cravings for those animal-based food after this month.
    Ha ha! How your neighbour introduced you really makes me laugh!
    Reading about your 2020 resolution really have me feeling guilty as I’ve just bought a few today.

    • Thanks Jade. Poor hubs, hopefully he’ll get used to the vegan thing! I laughed too when my neighbour introduced me like that. Ahhh, I’m sure you just buy what you need. I’m just trying to be less

  15. Thank goodness for the rescue and that you found (the dogs found) the little kittens:). Wish I would have one.
    With regards to Sam…..maybe massage might help him – massage combined with stretching the leg….if I think of anything else I will let you know.

    Your birthday celebration looks wonderful….and I would LOVE the Chinese theatre and dance.

    So heartening to see new bulbs sprouting…..but oh yes what a state our world is in. If what is happening in Oz doesn’t wake people up….what the heck will!
    As for Iran/Iraq and the whole Middle East – it is a tinder box waiting to blow and with a maniac like Trump at the helm of one of the most powerful countries in the world….its all very frightening. As you say we can only take personal responsibility and to make any changes we can.

    I send you much love. JanetXXX

    • It was such a relief knowing those kittens all got found, poor little mites! I’ve been massaging Sam’s leg, it all seems to be helping as he seems a little better now. Oh, you would have loved that Chinese dance, absolutely fantastic! The world is becoming a scary place isn’t it? Thankfully so many people are now aware of climate change and the damage we are doing and making changes, lets hope more do. Thanks Janet, love and hugs to

  16. Happy birthday for the 2nd January! Looks as if you managed to have a good celebration.
    SO awful about the kittens, what on earth is wrong with some people.
    Yes, Australia is in an awful state, I keep starting a post and something else happens. You would be heartbroken at the loss of animal life too. Yes, change is needed.

    • Thanks Gerrie, I know, why abandon those poor kittens, all they had to do was ring up and arrange for them to be admitted. Poor, poor Australia, I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Truly shocking. You all have my sympathy. xxx

  17. It’s so sad about those kitties, and I’m so glad that it worked out well. Bless the dogs for helping to find the cats! As for Sam, it sounds as though his vet knows a bit about chiropractic technique! In truth, I’m not so surprised the vet did that. I suffered for a few years — maybe three — after I went flying off a pogo stick and landed on my hip. There were times I hardly could walk — until a friend surprised me by giving my leg a good, hard pull. It hurt like very dickens when he did it, but immediately after, the pain wasg one, and never has come back!

    Now, arthritis is something else, but there are things to help that, too. I know someone who’s used the CBD with her dog, and it helped considerably. I hope it helps Sam.

    Prior to my recent move, I spent a couple of months eating from freezer and pantry so I’d have less to move. Now, I’m down to onesies of everything, from coffee to olive oil. It’s really wonderful, and you have all the reason in the world to be feeling virtuous about your clear out!

    • Yes, it was fantastic knowing those kittens were found. How interesting about your hip, so glad to hear that was so easily sorted. I suspect Sam injured his leg somehow although I do think a little arthritis is creeping in. I shall try the CBD oil for Sam, it certainly helps me, it’s good when no other pain killers work. It’s always good to clear cupboards isn’t it, at least you get to find out what you actually have. Thanks Linda, glad the move went so

  18. Wow, what a lot of good and important things going on. Happy birthday, lovely Dina – and I’m sure you’ll be just as lovely when your clothes are in rags at the end of the year, me dear! Good for you!!

  19. Oh, the poor kittens; sooooo happy they were saved. LOVE your rescue.

    The garden shots are so lovely. Hooray for your beloved’s earnest removal of ivy, and while suffering so on his vegan diet!!! A hero for our times. (Bill’s looks fabulous!)

    I am distraught for poor Sam. I’ve had good luck with CBD, and was wondering if you have access to any pet acupuncturists? His peace and comfort will certainly be in my heart and prayers, sweet love.

    Yes, you can look to the oaf in our White House to be the world’s idiot. What a frightening start to the New Year, and not over, I fear.

    I just weep for Australia and all the trauma and suffering and loss. It is heartening to see the world respond with aid and helpers, but the misery of so many helpless people and other animals is heart-breaking. I so wish we loved and cared for our sweet earth as she deserves.

    Peace and blessing to your week’s end!

    • Everyone was relieved to find those poor kittens, hopefully they will be re-homed together as they seem very close. I use CBD oil, it works wonders for severe pain, oh, acupuncture!!! I must look into that for Sam, thankfully he seems a little better now. It is good to see so many helping out in Australia but heartbreaking seeing the animals suffer so. Here’s to a more peaceful, calmer year! Love and hugs to you

  20. Unfortunately… always the same story… better not watch the newspapers (we do not have a television), but then, it is inevitable, I find myself a string of posts from other blogs where the theme is always the same (and the pictures horrendous realities):
    Hell in Australia – a jerk playing the war – idiots who fire to airliners (and it’s not known who did it yet) – billions of animals perished in the flames – bastards who set the fire whom I would sprinkle with gasoline, before using a match – other criminals who abandon animals on the street …
    Will it ever end?
    Sorry for the outburst. I need to do meditation. After all that, I received a criminal mind and when I feel so pissed I forget the teachings of Buddhist philosophy.
    But I have no excuse.
    As far as Sam is concerned, perhaps you could help him with “devil’s claw” and “manganese” Phyto-medicines?
    I started a treatment a month ago due to the severe pain in my right hip, not being able to sleep at night without waking up (to then stay awake for hours thinking about all problems in the world), I tried this herbal remedy and it is helping me.
    Well, at the age of sixty it is definitely arthrosis/arthritis… now at least I sleep more peacefully at night!
    For the history of the vegan: for me too the problem is “cheese”!
    I am trying a multitude of vegan cheeses but they are not quite the same …
    Anyway, everything in moderation, and so even if a little frustrated I do my small part!
    Hugs and kisses :-)c

    • Oh, I know what you mean, it’s so easy to become depressed or plain angry at what’s going on. Sometimes I just turn the TV off for my sanity! I’ll take your advice re Sam, thanks for that. I have arthritis too, my shoulder throbs at night, I always think it’s worse in cold weather. Here’s to yours improving. I know what you mean about vegan cheese, I haven’t found one that I like yet, hopefully someone will produce a decent one soon.Thanks

  21. Oh, poor poor Sam!!! And to be yanked around when he was in such pain. Hugs and kisses to the ailing fellow. I do hope those supplements will improve his range of motion.

    Loved getting a little tour around your garden with new peeping daffs and muscari. I am hoping to tackle some of the pruning this weekend. Cross-fingers that it won’t come to the mounds of ivy you’ve been “collecting”!

    Glad you were properly celebrated for your birthday!

    • Vets can be so rough!!! Sam has certainly improved of late, he’s still struggling to get up on the couch but is actually managing it now without crying out. I pruned some roses today and cut a lot of dead material back, it felt like a start! Hope you got to your pruning too! Thank

  22. A Belated Happy Birthday to you, it looks like you have a lovely celebration. How can people be so cruel to animals, i am glad that they were found safe and well. I hope Sam responds to his treatment that sounds really painful.

    There is so much going on in the news that is painful to listen to and watch at the moment, we are all responsible you are so right. Good for you not buying any new clothes this year.

    • Thanks Sustainablemum. It was lucky those remaining kittens were found. Sam is a lot better at the moment, fingers are crossed that his improvement continues. Totally agree about watching the news, all so depressing. xxx

  23. Goodness what a busy start you’ve had to this year. My sympathies to Sam as I have arthritis so know how he must feel. Well done to hubs on going vegan this month, and more so to you for buying no new clothes this year.
    Happy belated birthday which you celebrated in style. xx

    • Thanks Flighty. I am pretty arthritic so you have my sympathy! It’s always worse when it’s cold. I’m quite sure I have enough clothes to last me years so hopefully won’t struggle this

  24. What a lovely newsy post. Oh, how sad, abandoned kittens on Christmas day, how callous people can be. I do hope you can get Sam’s arthritis under control. Archie’s had limps on and off all his life, we’re not sure what the problem is but a course of anti inflammatories and rest usually puts it right again, it doesn’t seem to bother him and he can walk it off so I think it must be something muscular. Good on your hubby for giving Veganuary a go, I know we’d really miss meat in this house, Mick especially. Yes, terribly sad about what’s going on in the world just now, we do all need to do our bit, no matter how small. Small gestures make big difference.

    • Thanks Jo. Yes, some people! Hopefully the kittens can all be re-homed together as they seem close. How odd about Archie, glad he’s easily sorted though. Sam is a lot better these days. Totally agree about small gestures, if everyone did something it would make a huge

  25. Such a great post. Good on Hubs for giving Veganuary a try. I sympathise re your birthday – mine is December 28th. I don’t mind it now, but as a child it sucked! You made me laugh about your coffee – when I cleared out the larder in 2018 I discovered 14 bottles of olive oil! As it’s quite expensive, whenever it was on offer I would buy a bottle, but 14! I didn’t have to buy any at all last year :0). I think I shall have to pay a visit to Bills; the food looks yummy. Happy New Year, my friend. xx

    • Thanks Veggiemummy. Oh, another holiday birthday! I know what you mean about it being awful as a child, mine always was too. You’re as bad as me….14 bottles of olive oil indeed! Hahaha. Yes, do visit Bills, some of the vegan options are staying on after January if they prove

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