The courtyard

It’s always difficult trying to describe my little courtyard, as I fondly like to call it, so I thought taking a little wander around it may help to clarify a very confusing space.

Here is an aerial view.

There are two extensions that were built before we moved in, on either side of this space. To the left is the study, to the right is the extended kitchen.

Ground view of the reversed image.

I do like this collection of pots.

If we turn left, a narrow corridor takes us out into the back garden. By the gate on the right are a pear and a plum tree, that have now finished flowering.

If we turn right we head towards the garage. On the right is a lovely pear tree, living in a pot that is happily flowering at the moment. There is also a pine tree on the left that has the most beautiful pine cones.

I always collect the cones, they come in handy at Christmas.

This area needs sorting out and planting up.

If we turn right again, we head towards the new raised beds. All the fruit bushes that used to hang out here have now been planted, more about that another time. I now have tomatoes in pots here, along with the bay trees which I still haven’t planted out.

The enormous beech trees are beginning to leaf up in the back garden, it’s odd how they all come out in turn, with the tree in the front garden always greening-up first.

Now that the plum and pear trees have finished flowering, it’s the turn of the cherry and apple trees to do their beautiful thing.

A self-seeded crab apple tree.

And Finally…

 A few bits and pieces.

I have cut and dyed my own hair, and am pretty pleased with the result, I’ve also cut hubs’ hair.

I discovered that you can easily make toilet paper, all you really need is newspaper.

A robin has nested in my cycling helmet in the garage. It’s flying in and out through a gap in the roof. No doubt I’ll have to release the fledglings!

I heard a dog sprained it’s tail from wagging it so much as it’s owners are now working from home.

There seems to be an increase in road kill, it’s thought wildlife are crossing more often now that the roads are quieter.

Vulnerable people have received letters from their energy company stating there may be blackouts due to staff being off sick and having to safe distance in work, so stock up on your candles and oil lamps guys!

Until next time, stay safe


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  1. Oh goodness!!! You had me laughing out loud re your outfits!!!! Thanks for sharing that! I have to be reasonably presentable given my neighbors can see me, especially during pan banging each Thursday evening. Thanks

  2. I love your courtyard, what a fabulous space to relax in. You have made a little paradise. You cut your own hair? I am impressed. I had mine cut really short just before lockdown but I’m just going to have to go for the wild woman of the woods look. But who cares? It’s quite liberating knowing that no one will see you. I’ve taken to wearing strange clothe combinations. Jeans are far too restrictive but I find long johns worn with one of the Pianist’s shirts very comfortable. And I’ve found a cotton onesie with multi coloured stripes that I was given as a joke present is blissfully comfy. I look like a demented bumble bee but know one sees me.

  3. I love your courtyard, looks fabulous.

  4. Your courtyard is a wonderful space, really charming. I would love to hide away among the greenery there with a good book.

    • Thanks Jason, it is the perfect place for reading, painting, listening, and just watching birds and

  5. Great post and images

  6. Your courtyard looks like a lovely sheltered spot to linger in. I’m amazed you have tomatoes outside already; mine have just germinated (I’m a bit late this year) so are out in the sunshine then brought back indoors at night. And I’m really heartened by seeing that you have a self seeded crab apple – I’m trying to grow one in a pot and hoping it will survive. Ideally it will be planted once I find a spot for it. I’m hoping to have the fruit for christmas decorations (along with the pine cones I pick up from under the wonderful fir trees at Kew). I’m impressed that you’re giving hair cutting a go, you might find you don’t need a hairdresser once the lockdown is over! :o) Stay safe, Dina xxx

    • Thanks Caro, the courtyard is sheltered and sunny. The tomatoes I sowed are beef toms that can be sowed in Feb. Oh…crab apples grow like weeds here. Birds and squirrels love them. Oak trees are popping up everywhere too…more squirrel activity. The birds devour the crab apples, so net your tree if you want the fruit for Christmas decorations. Oh…fir trees at Kew….sighs, lucky you!
      I always cut my dad’s hair, he asked me to cut it when I was fifteen, I ended up cutting it for the rest of his life. Later on, I started cutting hubs’ hair, along with a shed-load of other folk. Totally self taught, courtesy of my Dad. Mine is fine…a little shaky at the back, but hubs is never going to get his hands on a pair of scissors to sort it! Stay

  7. Your garden is wonderful, I would love to come and roam around. Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful space.

  8. Steph / Garden Girl

    Your garden looks lovely, so nice to see it all. Sending hugs, stay safe.

    • How lovely to hear from you. I hope all is well with you both and the kitties. Hugs right back attcha! You look after

  9. Were you balancing on a ladder, or a rooftop, or using a long selfie stick, or possibly leaning out of a loft level room to obtain your aerial photo?

    It is a very homely courtyard and you do make the most of it. Thank you for taking us on a tour of it.

    In general, your garden is looking very happy.

    We’ve been hearing a lark on some of our exercise walks.

    People traffic on two legs, plus cyclists have been more notable than the four wheeled variety of traffic.

    Stay well. xxxxx

    • I was in the upstairs bathroom, it was difficult to get a pic as the window doesn’t open fully and there is a roof below. I love sitting in my courtyard, especially in the morning when it’s warm, the birdsong is just lovely. Oh, I’ve heard the lark is the last bird to sing each evening. It’s the same here, people are everywhere, and the cyclists are becoming dangerous given the speed they are going! You take good care of you. xxxxx

  10. Lovely post and pictures. Thanks for the tour.
    You too. xx

  11. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    I enjoyed your photographs, your garden courtyard looks good.

    It’s another wonderful sunny day in my part of the UK so I’m thankful for that …
    In the meantime stay safe, stay well and keep smiling.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    • Thanks Jan, we’ve had some lovely weather here too, you’d think it was summer. We could do with some rain, overnight ideally. You take care and stay safe

  12. I really enjoyed these photos, especially that aerial view and the one with the beech tree. It was fun to let my eye roam through the photos and find familiar objects, too, like the ship’s wheel. You’ve put so much work into all of this, and are reaping the results now. I smiled at your comment about collecting the pine cones. I used to keep a collection from year to year, and then I realized how silly that was. Now, I throw out what I haven’t used, and collect nice fresh ones as winter approaches.

    That last photo of the dogs is marvelously cozy. Is it still cool enough there for a fire? I’m try to keep from turning on the air conditioning — we’ve turned humid and warm. Here comes summer!

    • Thanks Linda, lovely that you recognize familiar objects! I do love those ships wheels, there is a big one and two smaller ones. It’s lovely collecting fresh cones isn’t it, the pine sap is pretty sticky on these cones though. It’s a little chilly here of an evening, but mostly we just have the flames on without the

  13. veggiemummy

    What a glorious garden. You’ve made it a real little paradise with lots of ‘rooms’ to enjoy. Thanks for the heads up regarding the candles. It sounds cosy but I’m sure power cuts are all we need at the moment! That poor dog with the sprained tail! Stay well and happy gardening. xx

    • Thanks Veggiemummy. The courtyard does have lots of little rooms to enjoy, it’s a great place for pottering. Oh, we can certainly do without power cuts, that would be a real pain! You safe safe too and enjoy this lovely

  14. Thank you for the tour of your garden areas accompanied by doggies. I like the first photo of the courtyard from an upstairs window and the one of the beech trees greening up this Spring. You’re surrounded by different plants wherever you turn. You’ve filled every space with raised beds and pot plants too and I’m sure you’re enjoying the benefits of your garden. It looks cozy indoors of an evening too.

    • Thanks Linda. Those beech trees are certainly something as they begin to leaf up each year. It is lovely and relaxing just sitting in the courtyard with a cuppa and listening to the

  15. Your courtyard looks lovely. Such a cosy place to sit with plants wrapped around you.

  16. Your garden is looking fantastic & everything looks peaceful in your cosy house… you’ve made your home very welcoming… hopefully not too long before your little granddaughter is back to visit.
    Yes the quiet times around here means the magpies in Canberra are strolling around the roads as if they own them & the cockatoos are “working from home” ( on top of our carport eating almonds) but nice to have their company. Stay well & safe.

    • Thanks Gerrie, oh yes, can’t wait to see Littl’urchin again. It’s amazing seeing how quickly the wildlife is moving into quieter places now. You must be having a ball watching all those gorgeous

  17. A courtyard indeed, a most apt name for a lovely restful looking oasis m’thinks.

  18. What lovely pictures, and especially the beech tree one. Keep planting, Dina – chin up, this will soon all be over xx

    • Thanks Gill. I do enjoy those beech trees, they look wonderful all year round. Fingers crossed that this is over sooner rather than

  19. Wow, what a paradise, and to take the tour with the pups and then see sweet Buddy resting like a little Prince by the fire and sweet Sam looking for a companion…what a fairy tale haven you’ve created, Dina!

    The gardens are gorgeous, so far ahead of ours (though it looks like a good week for Things To Happen), so tidy, lush, welcoming, and accessible. Just gorgeous, too! Blossoms and promise everywhere. Ah!

    I am insanely jealous–or would be, if I didn’t love you so–that you can do your own hair and I’m SURE it looks magnificent. I have become skilled with scarves, and will say no more.

    Good reminder for candles at the ready! And yes, bird nests everywhere!

    Love to you. xoxo

    • Ahh, thanks Kitty. I do love my little courtyard and spend each morning out there, weather permitting. Oh….you have me laughing re the scarves. I’m sure you look glamourous!!! Here’s to your garden catching up and some good weather so you can play out and garden. Love and hugs to one and all.xxxx

  20. I love courtyards much more so than big garden….yours is charming, lovely and place I would enjoying being.

    One day at a time…we will make our way through this. Before you know it L’l Urchin will be running with the dogs and cat:)
    Sending love XXXX

    • Small gardens do have a totally different vibe and charm don’t they? I just love sitting in the courtyard in the morning, it’s so serene. Oh…..I can’t wait for this to be over. Love and hugs my

  21. It’s so lush out there, so much greenery packed in. It’s a lovely place where you can sit and enjoy the outdoors too. Our next door neighbours have got a cherry tree which is covered in blossom at the moment, it overhangs our fence and it’s beautiful to see at this time of year. Awww, bless that dog, I suppose that proves the fact that dogs love to have people with them and hate being left during the day.

    • Thanks Jo, the cherry trees are gorgeous at this time of the year. Glad you’re getting to enjoy one. Yes, dogs love having their pack around, I always feel sorry for dogs who are home along all week. xxx

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