A walk along the Cheshire lines, a former railway line

The Cheshire Lines, a former disused railway line.

So, a few recent observations and thoughts.

I’ve become preoccupied by reporters hair, the chaps are faring worse than us gals methinks!

It’s interesting seeing their studies, some are staged to within an inch of their lives, giving pride of place to newly released books, guitars, CD’s etc, while others are well used and full of tumbling piles of books and papers.

Some studies have no view at all, just a door frame or a corner of a window!

I also suspect most on zoom are only smart waist up! I’m sure everyone is in lounge pants beneath the table.

Since lockdown, hubs and I have never been healthier! Not a sniffle in sight.

We’re considering buying hazard suits so we can hug Littl’urchin, although that may be off putting for her! We may have to put them on in front of her and see how she reacts, she may just run a mile!

Hubs and I had a brainwave recently. We decided to go on a date night with our own beer to a pub beer garden. Every single one was blocked up! That was the end of that!

I’ve been checking my temperature each day, I’m amazed at how it fluctuates, one minute I’m in the red zone, the next, literally, I’m normal.

Everywhere there are speeding cars and cyclists, one cyclist almost knocked me down recently. Now that the lockdown has eased, the roads are pretty much back to normal and that delicious birdsong has already become background noise.

I’m stunned to see so many people on trains, tubes and buses on the TV, why oh why? Nothing has changed, at all!

I wore a mask the other day while clearing out the shed, it’s impossible to wear one with glasses, they just keep steaming up!

I’m beginning to suspect that most people have been exposed to this virus. It’s impossible not to be when out walking and shopping. I have hopes that by inhaling little bits at a time may build up immunity, or alternatively, a critical mass will result in sickness.

Thinking back, everyone I know was pretty sick around December and January, maybe most of us have had it…roll on antibody tests!

And Finally…

My 81 year old next door neighbour organized a street party for VE day. I declined as there was NO self-distancing at all. She surely must be immune as she has her friends round every day and goes wherever she wants on a regular basis!

Until next time, stay safe!


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  1. Yes, I think the empty roads have some people putting their foot down! It’s odd how many people were really sick from December onwards. Social distancing has kept the bugs at bay! Thanks Anne.xxx

  2. Just really enjoying all your photos of your walks, all the wildflowers and grassy stretches. So tranquil looking….. and then to read about people driving too fast. Sigh. Here too. Empty highways are too tempting I guess.

    Yes, I remember having an unusual bout of flu in December, too. Symptoms did not sound like classic coronavirus but who knows. Good to hear you and John have been healthy as horses 🙂

  3. Such a beautiful area ! … old railway tracks always interest me, but now a days we don’t go anywhere to see them .. always in use ! LOL
    This zoom thing is a hoot .. we never done it .. we don’t even do face book LOL .. we just don’t do the social media .. although it would be nice to see my son and dil .. but I am laughing over your comment about them having lounge pants below the waist .. we have commercials that illustrate it ! LOL .. too funny . OK .. the elderly neighbor is a GAMBLER .. if she got sick who knows what would happen .. does she really understand what Covid could do to her, I am guessing NOT.
    I am wondering about the car too .. did you see that on your walk ?
    Over all I think Canada has done well .. we have been lucky our little city hasn’t had too many cases .. maybe I am living in a bubble ? but I am very grateful for it
    It doesn’t mean I am not concerned for other people though .. I do hope things get better and more organized for you over there .. but you seem to be doing really well and soon little urchin will be able to give you guys lots of hugs !!
    Take care 😉
    PS .. I spent a very long day in the garden so I may not be making a lot of sense ? LOL

    • Disused railway lines arealways delightful, oursruns for miles through all types of countryside. I have social media but don’t really use it, it all changes so fast! I really hope my neighbour stays well, but if she does get ill it’s self-inflicted. It’s wonderful hearing how well Canada is doing, it’s awful here, but all my friends and family are well, touch wood, they stay that way! You are making perfect sense! Thanks Joy.xxx

  4. People are taking a lot of risks. I have made a mask out of one of my Mum’s old scarves. I think it must be vintage judging by the pattern. I’m hoping she’s looking down and praying for us all. Anyway I wore it for the first time when out for my walk today as despite the many woodland trails to choose from where one could wander alone there were many families out and about getting some fresh air after a cloudy few days. Good on them. Hope you’ve managed to see little one out in the park or somewhere similar. Have you seen that video clip where someone has rigged up a shower curtain hanging on a washing line? There are special arms of the same material inserted. Using this contraption he was able to hug his Mum. Not very practical, but a good invention to make us smile. The abandoned railway lines are getting some good use these days. A great place to walk or cycle.

    • Around here teenagers are gathering in large groups, their parents must know, it’s crazy! We haven’t got any facemasks, just decorating ones, I’ll have to try making some too. Glad you got out and enjoyed a walk using your mum’s scarf. Daughter and grand come into the garden, but we maintain the safe distance which litt’un doesn’t understand. I did see that clip!!!I wish I could make that. Thanks Linda.xxx

  5. Your neighbor may be infected but asymptomatic, I’m afraid her gathering may be very unwise. Interesting how abandoned rail lines have become the basis for parks in many places. There’s the High Line in NYC of course, and now we have the 606 in Chicago. I hope they will be open again before too long!

    • Yes, she probably is asymptomatic! I’m always concerned that the droplets from her gatherings will float over our fence! I loved walking along the High Line, what a pleasure that was! I do hope they open up soon.xxx

  6. There is something wonderful about walking along an old railway line isn’t there. It is so hard not seeing friends and family isn’t it. My daughter is really struggling with this too. I do hope that you are able to spend some time with her soon.

    The temperatures are fluctuating wildly aren’t they, we had three mornings of frosts last week, I am hoping that is the last of them for this season.

    • Oh yes, you just can’t beat a walk down an old railway line. They do have their own special charm. Missing people is the worst of this, thank goodness we can keep in touch via technology. The weather is really unpredictable here too, it’s been blowing a hooty for two days and nights straight here. Thanks sustainablemum.xxx

  7. The photos are lovely. The area where you walked is beautiful.

  8. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    So nice to see your lovely photographs, it’s great being able to get out and about isn’t it.

    Yes, I think some of the VE Day gatherings did not observe social distancing!!!

    Like you I am so looking forward to actually seeing the grandchildren and giving them a big hug and not a virtual one … but we still need to be patient 🙂

    Enjoy the week ahead.

    All the best Jan

    • I’m glad we can still go out, it would be so much harder if we all had to stay indoors. The front line workers are understandably getting sick and tired of people flouting the rules. Yes, patience is needed, but I can’t wait until I can hug people! Thanks Jan. xxx

  9. Glad to know everyone is fine.
    Ha ha, it sure would get Littl’urchin running away from you at first. But I guess she would later return to inspect you in your hazard suit.
    Thanks, and you too!

    • Thanks Jade. Yes, the hazard suit isn’t one of my best ideas! Hope all is well with you all.xxx

  10. Gerrie Mackey

    There are so many interesting parts to your post, that I talked to Paul and a friend about it, and then thought I had sent a reply!!
    Yes, I think people in cars and bikes are speeding too…who know why? Paul and I had a good laugh at you and hubs considering wearing a hazard suit to say hello to Littl’urchin…we feel like doing something like that…it will be good when we can get together with our grandchildren that is for sure.
    We also agree that some of the older people around here don’t seem to get social distancing, and yet it is mainly for the very elderly. I don’t get that!
    Best wishes and stay safe.

    • Thanks Gerrie. I think cars are speeding because the roads have been emptier. I’ve moved on from the hazard suit idea, now thinking of a thin film of plastic over my entire body! We must be getting desperate! The village here is overflowing with older people flouting the rules, it’s mind-boggling!!!xxx

  11. I think the land is healthier too.

  12. Our 70+ year old neighbours have their family round all the time too, it’s so annoying when most people are sticking to the guidelines to protect the old and the vulnerable. I really do think that the virus has been around longer than they’re saying, I was very ill in November with the exact symptoms, I’d love to have an antibody test to see what shows up.

    • What is wrong with people? I’m amazed so many older people take such risks! I’ve heard that cases have been positive fro November, here and in France. Hopefully you can get a test soon, it would be great if you’ve had it. Thanks Jo.xxx

  13. We are lucky to live within reach of lovely walks. I think only 5 % of the population have had the virus, but more in London. I think the chance of catching it out on a walk or bike ride in the country in the fresh air is very low. I don’t fancy supermarkets though, can’t you get deliveries or do click and collect? We don’t watch tv and I try not to read too much C news as it makes me anxious and irate at the bumbling inefficiency of our leaders. I hope you get to hug your little one soon.

    • Oh, 5% is pretty low….hopefully it will die out soon. We are walking in more isolated areas now as most of Formby has joined in our usual walks. We hate going to the supermarket, thankfully click and collect slots are now coming up which is a relief. I’ve cut back on the news too, it’s just depression on a loop! Thanks Chloris, hope this is over soon.xxx

  14. I agree with you feelings about antibody testing to assess how many people have had the virus. It could be a really long time before that is rolled out to the general public.

    Hazmat suits could be quite futuristic in vogue models in all sizes. But hey! a cuddle isn’t the same without the contact warmth factor. Holding hands would be lovely.

    We’ve loved strolling the old railway trails around Edinburgh when we’ve had the joy of visiting the city.

    There are a number of video-meet platforms popping up all over the place. I’ve used Skype, Zoom and Facetime. I’m not in the P.J’s fraternity. My hair could do with a bit of professional TLC.

    In our household it is the male of the species that fares better with the hairdo. Yours truly has become the in-house hairdresser.

    • You hear more and more now that it’s suspected that many have had it without symptoms. Hopefully the numbers will drop and we’ll all get back to hugging family and friends! Old railway lines are lovely, there are so many across the UK, I’d love to walk them all and write them up. I do hubs hair too, and my own, I can’t see how straight the back is so I’m happy! Thanks Menhir.xxx

  15. OK…so did I miss something? What’s the car in the ditch???

    Yes, sadly things are getting back to normal, although I have to say where I live it’s still very quiet. Although on the edge of London in Hampton, I have the river, and Bushy Park within walking distance plus lots of small parks and green areas including those that surround my flat/studio. I am very fortunate.
    However, I dread the full getting back to what we call ‘Normal’ but what I call utter madness.!
    It must be very difficult with your grandchild…that’s not an issues for me however, I had to go and visit Jarod and Kendle in the States Virtually as the trip of course was cancelled… To be frank I enjoyed the VIRTUAL travel and as we speak several times a week..I feel as If I have been with them.

    I won’t be getting on any trains, buses etc for a long time…which again is fine with me…and as I chose to stop driving 25 years ago when I returned to the UK…I naturally walk everywhere……
    One step at a time..sending you love and wishes for continuing good weather to garden in:)XXX

    • We just came across that car in the ditch, probably someone driving too fast. The car is now stripped bare! It’s good to know the traffic is still light by you, and seeing the numbers drop in London! It’s sad to think things may go back to the way they were….we don’t seem to ever learn. We’ve barely used our cars, and in future I’ll only drive when it’s essential. Lovely that you are in close contact with your family, glad you enjoyed the virtual visit. Thanks Janet, love and hugs to you.xxx

  16. I laughed a couple of days ago when I read an article about people who have fashioned themselves as “Zoom consultants.” For a fee, they will help you devise just the right background for your conferences. Apparently there were more than a few people who were chagrined to find their dirty dishes and unhung laundry had made it into their Zoom calls!

    I’ve used Google’s Duo for calls to my aunt. It’s much less complicated, and is designed for one-to-one video chats. She’s able to deal with it, and we’ve had some fun with it. But, as soon as the place she’s living in will allow visitors, I’m heading up there. I really don’t like the techie visits, and am ready to give her a real hug.

    • Good grief….zoom consultants? I’ve heard it all now. Oh, just imagine having your dirty dishes broadcast to the nation!!! I haven’t heard of google duo, I must look into that. I’ve used facetime and zoom, it all takes time to adapt too though! Hugs in person is what we are all missing. Who knew it could come to this? Thanks Linda.xxx

  17. We used Zoom to speak with my sister and some friends as an alternative to FaceTime. You can add a false background. I tried the Golden Gate Bridge. I think if I was broadcasting on TV I’d choose not to have my own room showing.

    • I didn’t know you could add a false background on zoom! I don’t think I’d show my study either, it’s full of the cats bits and pieces! Thanks Sue.xxx

  18. veggiemummy

    i love looking at reporters’ / MPs’ studies too – I find I’m very judgemental! :0)
    My daughter had a meeting on what she initially thought was the phone this week. 10 minutes before the start time she discovered it was on Zoom …………she was still in her PJs with bed hair and had to speedily make her top half presentable! Great idea about the pub garden, shame it was closed. Good luck with the hazard suits and Littl’urchin. xx

    • Oh, you and me both re being judgmental! Some are blatantly plugging their wares! You have me laughing re your daughter!!! I’m now thinking a thin layer of plastic over me might work! Sighs….thanks Veggiemummy.xxx

  19. Lovely photos; glad you can be safely exploring and see new views. Also glad you took a pass on that VE Day gathering: For goodness’ sake!

    Hope there will be a way to safely be with your granddaughter, soon. I’m so sad for this loss in your life.

    I, too, LOVE looking at reporters’ studies. Some look so authentic and others phony as can be…and some are just so bare it makes me think they’ve never been home before.

    Now, I must know why that car is in the ditch at the top of the page: did I miss something?! Yikes.

    Love to all; please stay safe and well. Can you get an antibody test soon?


    • Thanks Kitty. I really can’t believe how my neighbour is flouting the rules, I just hope she keeps well. Littl’urchin came into the garden recently and chased me around a tree, keeping the safe distance apart, it’s not a hug but some sort of interaction. How I miss her. She is growing up so quickly. We came across that car in the ditch, probably driving too fast. It’s now stripped bare! I think anyone who has symptoms can now have a test. Next will probably be the antibody test. Thanks Kitty, love and hugs to one and all.xxx

  20. That is so irresponsible of your neighbour – at her age she should know better! I don’t blame you for not going. I wouldn’t either.
    I love old railway track walks. So often they are very atmospheric.
    Stay safe, lovely Dina – and may you hug your lil urchin soon xx

    • I am amazed my neighbour is getting away with it! Oh, really, really looking forward to hugging Littl’urchin again. Thanks Gill.xxx

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