The UK is now in the second wave of covid-19, and a local lockdown will come into place in a few days. I have no clue what a local lockdown will look like as time goes on, to be honest I have no idea what the guidelines are lately, it’s all become so blurred, hazy and complicated, bubbles particularly confuse me, as every bubble seems to be meeting up with so many others.

As soon as the first national lockdown was lifted, hubs and I re-booked our favourite holiday cottage in the Lakes, and were surprised that the original deposit was honoured. We’re due to go mid October, fingers crossed, although we accept that these are unpredictable times and plans can be thwarted in the blink of an eye.

We always take Sam and Annie away with us on UK breaks and kennel Buddy, long-term readers will know why!

But, our vet stopped all but essential consultations during lockdown so the dogs were out of date with their boosters. Getting Buddy sorted first was the priority.

So off we went…..oh, how strange it all is. Here’s how it played out.

I had to call reception once in the car park and wait half an hour or so, then don a mask when the vet nurse came out. Buddy was then lassoed with a rope and dragged away, still wearing his haltie and lead. After a longish wait and constantly moving the car to allow other cars in, Buddy was returned, still lassoed, while the vet nurse had hold of his haltie and lead in her gloveless hands.

Buddy is easy going around people, Sam however, is terrified of vets and I doubt they could drag him in, Annie is a border collie and and simply wouldn’t tolerate it. Sighs…not looking forward to taking them in!

Curly cat also needs catering for if we do actually manage to get away. Given his age I know he wouldn’t cope if he had to sleep outdoors, or be outdoors in bad weather, so after much negotiating with the lovely Barb next door, we reached a compromise. Curly will be a house cat for the duration of our hols and have the run of most of the house. Note to self, buy copious amounts of litter trays, cat litter, cat toys, etc.

Then there’s the food. We don’t plan on eating out in the Lakes or shopping, as we know that will stress the locals out, and we don’t want to take any chances. It’s also possible everything but shops will be closed by then anyway.

So, a food prepping I must go. I need enough food for eleven days, and as daughter and Littl’urchin may join us for a long weekend I’m cooking and freezing meals, hoping it’ll fit into the freezer in the cottage.

I must say, this covid situation is getting old fast. Ordinary things seem so much more complicated, like visiting a pub beer garden and having to wipe down the benches and glasses.

Face masks are not designed for people who wear glasses and visors constantly pop off my head, they’re also a nightmare when using a camera!

It’s awful seeing how many face masks and gloves are being discarded, apparently the oceans are already full of them. I’m often ashamed to be human. Face masks are also littering my front garden, I think that’s due to living next door to a school.

And Finally….

The rescue are now seeing wildlife tangled up in face masks. It’s utterly soul destroying and so unnecessary. We are now appealing to people to cut the straps before throwing them away, but I doubt anyone who tosses them away will do that, it’s a mentality. Reusable face masks are so much more environmentally friendly, so here’s to more people using them.

Until next time, stay safe guys.


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  1. I’m glad Emmaline is docile so her vet visit wasn’t traumatic. Curly would be a nightmare as he’s completely feral around people he doesn’t know. It must have been horrible waiting in a hot car, I’ve never known a vet with a decent car park either!!! It seems we are still, fingers crossed, allowed to travel. Ten days to go, hoping the rules don’t change. Thanks Anne.xxxx

  2. Well, I will say that cats (especially my docile Emmaline) are A LOT easier to take to the vet. But aside from that, the procedure you dealt with was identical around here. And I’m not sure why it is, but all the local vets have terrible parking situations. It’s been really hot here, so waiting in the car with a yowling cat in a carrier, waiting for the assistant to come out to get said cat… it’s a bit of an ordeal. Poor roomie has been to the vet and animal dentist about 6 times this summer…. Best wishes for the other less tractable canines in your herd.

    All those hurdles for a few days do add up. I hope you’ll still have a good time, friend.

  3. I’ve enjoyed your beautiful photos and the feeling of outdoors. We are already in lockdown and completely missing my favorite time of year.

    • Thanks Amalia, oh, what a shame missing out on Autumn. Here’s to the numbers dropping everywhere and a vaccine coming out!xxx

  4. The pandemic has messed up travel plans for so many people. We just realized our younger son will be unable to visit for Thanksgiving in November. Hope you will be able to work something out.

    • I know, so many people have lost out on holidays and many not refunded. Oh what a shame re your son, hopefully the numbers will drop and he’ll get to visit….fingers crossed! Thanks

  5. What can I say to you, poor thing .. I so hope you get away for the holiday, without too much stress .. you need a break from everything .. a change of scene which I am thinking will be beautiful by the lakes.
    I’m not looking forward to John and I taking Sophie (our older kitty) for her annual check up .. I know we will have to go through the same routine .. calling them from the parking lot etc .. she will be in her carrier but she will be one ANGRY cat when taken out to be looked at.
    Heaven help the staff !
    I can’t understand people just throwing used masks and gloves on the ground *expletive*
    You are right about that kind of person(s) not caring about cutting the straps for the love of natural inhabitants getting tangled up in them .. I haven’t heard of that happening here yet.
    You sound tired and fed up with the virus and people .. I get that .. humanity is a very depressing species at times .. you want to throw the towel in .. but you are such a good person, you keep trying no matter what.
    I so hope you get the holiday you deserve .. and all the creatures will be fine.
    Try to relax when you can .. please don’t burn out, things will get better eventually !

    • Ah thanks Joy. Oh goodness, the vets sound like they’ll have a hard time with your Sophie!!! There is nothing worse than an angry cat, hopefully they’ll have very thick gloves! I do get sick of the way some people behave, I simply can’t understand it especially when bins are everywhere. It will be lovely to get away to such a beauty spot, but these are strange times with new rules every few days. My fingers are crossed.

  6. I’m feeling more than usually grateful to be living where I am after reading your post. I’ve thought and thought, and don’t remember seeing a single mask lying about. It surely happens — by accident, if nothing else — but either people are being careful, or property owners and other good-hearted people are picking up the detritus.

    Despite Tropical Storm Beta lurking about, with the usual flooded roads and a few flooded homes, there’s been very little wind, and even along the coast, where the storm surge and waves have been nasty, it’s not anything remarkable. It’s the sort of storm where newcomers or visitors say, “Oh! My!” and long-time residents yawn and say, “Been there, done that.”

    I hope you’re able to get away, and that all can be worked out nicely with the animals. Are you rehabbing any animals at home now that will have to go elsewhere? So many complications!

    • I’m pleased to hear you don’t have a littering problem! Good to know those storms aren’t causing you too much trouble, they do look scary on the TV! I only have the three dogs and the cat at the moment, that has to be the lowest number of critters in about twenty years! Thanks

  7. Good luck with your October break. Autumn is such a lovely time in the lakes. It will be lovely to have an oasis before we are plunged into winter gloom, doom and more lockdown. I find it hard to keep up with the covid rules . ‘Stay at home!’ ‘Go to work!’ ‘Stay at home!’ And the pubs are to close at 10 pm, does covid just come out at night now? We are just carrying on as usual, not going anywhere, except on cycling trips, and just seeing friends in our gardens. On the bright side, nobody sees the disgraceful state of my house which I can’t be bothered to tidy up.
    Awful to have the world contaminated by used masks now, people are disgusting. Next time I’m choosing another planet with kinder, less slobby people.

    • Thanks Chloris. Yes, the Lakes are stunning in Autumn, so really looking forward to going. I can’t see pubs closing at ten having any impact, people will just go out earlier. Yes, the work message is a laugh!!! You have me laughing re the state of your house, mine isn’t much better, frankly I’m sick of all the cleaning! You and me both re next time around!xxx

  8. I am so sorry to hear that your garden is full of discarded masks not only is that work for you to clear up but the wider implications of that happening are there fore you to see in plain site. It is incredibly sad that we live in a world that thinks this is ok, that people are no longer responsible or able to be responsible for their behaviour.

    I do hope that you are able to have your holiday in October. It is really hard to plan ahead isn’t it? It is my birthday next month and I am making plans but I am not sure if I will be able to go ahead with them…….it depends where you are staying but the supermarkets/food shops are not that busy in my part of the lakes, I can’t speak for the whole county but friends in other parts have said the same too. If if is not the school holiday week, I would expect the cafes/restaurants to be quiet too, it is only the weekends that are really busy now. I have noticed a real drop in traffic since the schools went back.

    • Yes, totally agree with your comment re the littering, it’s so sad seeing creatures coming into wildlife all tangled up. It’s always the animals that suffer from our behaviour. I have my fingers crossed that we get away, we have been to Rydal about twenty times now and always stay in the same lovely cottage. I do love the walks around there. Good to know it’s quiet there during the week. Thanks

  9. A very soulful chat accompanied by beautifully and beautiful calming pictures. Is it worth speaing to someone at the school about the ‘litter’ it might reduce it? The littering of masks seems to be happening everywhere, more in some places than others, but still happening just the same. I haven’t used the couple of single-use masks I have, they are tucked away in reserve.

    The messaging you get in Englandshire is a mess, I don’t think it’s worth being diplomatic about it. There enough apologists for the message givers around who do that already.

    Delighted to hear you are preparing for a trip to The lakes. I used to share care for a cat in the respective homes with a neighbour when I lived in London. It worked ever so well for the cats, and we got on well too. xxxx

    • Thanks Menhir. I spoke to the school once about the litter in my garden, they were not very helpful, they just said they would monitor the situation. Isn’t it sad seeing masks and gloves all over the place, I really pity the wildlife. I do agree with our endlessly switching messages, I have no clue how long we are even locked down for and have lost the plot re the bubbles. Still, it’s all about common sense isn’t it? I hope we do get away, and that Curly enjoys being a house cat for a while, poor thing is really ancient so may even enjoy having the run of the house. xxx

  10. I agree about the masks, chords to choke wildlife, and plastic gloves thrown everywhere.. what a world for our children.
    On the bright side our second grandchild (a boy) was born today!💕 My daughter and family live in Melbourne which has been in severe Lockdown for nearly two months. In order to see them we have to self-isolate for 2 weeks in our own home when we return to Canberra. The police will come and check, or ring us every day of the self-isolation. All this is worth it and we have spent three precious weeks catching up with our family.
    I hope you get To your holiday place in October.

    • Yes, seeing all that littering is heartbreaking. Oh, congratulations on the birth of your grandson, you must be absolutely thrilled! How lovely to have spent three weeks with them all, self-isolating is definitely a small price to pay! Thanks

  11. I love your header image:).

    Yes I too often feel very ashamed to be human! One of the reasons we are heading for a second (possibly total) lockdown is because of the complete lack of any discipline some of the population display. It is heartbreaking and very frightening.

    I was scheduled for Portugal on the 30th but it’s a no go….and I have another date there on the 11th November. One day at a time.
    A wonderful new place has opened with minutes of where I live in Hampton…and so on Friday I was able to give my first live workshop since lockdown. It was fabulous. I will be posting about it tomorrow.

    Hope you have a fabulous time, despite…..and I will look forward to hearing all the news.

    Sending love. JanetXXXX

    • It is shocking seeing how many people ignore the rules isn’t it, lots of people are wandering around shops without masks and you should see the crows outside the school by us, lots of people chatting in large groups. What a shame about Portugal, I do hope you make it there in November. How wonderful managing to run a live workshop again, here’s to many more. Love and

  12. We’ve just got back from a week away, with lots of refreshing walks in the woods. We were very blessed, I think – just made it, before the next lockdown. I do hope you’re able to get away too. We all need it, with the weight of the pandemic pressing us all down. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to go, so long as the owner of the cottage has done the necessary deep cleaning. I read a long article today which says that scientific evidence is showing more and more that Covid does not last long on surfaces, but is carried almost entirely in droplets in the air, and therefore the most important thing is for everyone to wear a mask. Although you wouldn’t have to, if you were on your own in the cottage, and taking walks in the open air! Fingers crossed for you, Dina xx

    • Good to hear you had a lovely break. If we get away we just plan on walking and relaxing. The cottage will be given a deep clean and there are no soft surfaces so it’s easy to wipe things down. It’s good to hear that the virus doesn’t last long on surfaces, not wiping the shopping down would be nice. Thanks

  13. Things are tough for you, including the animals. Masks are only required for public transport here , but encouraged in other areas.

    • Yes, we seem to be seeing a second wave here, it’s scary how quickly the numbers are going up. We have to wear masks on public transport and in all the shops now. I feel sorry for workers who have to wear them all day.Thanks

  14. We have given up on holidays… at the moment, we are still waiting for the money back from last Easter’s trip to NYC. We also canceled the summer holidays, and there is no question of those for All Saints. I live on memories. Fortunately, I have more than 6000 hours of effective uniformed flight and certainly more than that, as a passenger around the world.
    Our cats do not appreciate that there are other people to take care of them, especially Nabucco who then every two days has to take a tablet for thyroid problems…
    If Massimo goes skiing (two hour from here), well, he will do it with the boys but I will stay at home. Think how nice, for 2021 I will have 65 days of vacation to use… staying in the garden, at most. It’s quite a strange situation, and seams not to get better. I’m afraid there will be covid-20 covid-21 covid-22 and so on… but maybe it will lose aggressiveness. Hugs and take care you too… :-)c

    • I hope you get your money back! Our last holiday to the Lakes was cancelled so we have our fingers crossed this time around. A break would be nice, I do hope you get away soon. I’m not sure how Curly will react to being a prisoner for ten days, but I know if I let him out he wouldn’t come in for our neighbour. At least he will be dry and warm. Oh….I dread to think of covid mutating and coming back each year! Love and

  15. Yes, dear one, it’s tiring to think through all the steps these days. The prep, the execution, and the decontamination…enough to make me weep some days, that’s for sure, but on we go, and I hope your holiday will be carried off in the style you bring to everything. And that Curly and Buddy will manage OK without you.

    I am appalled that, in the midst of a pandemic and with climate crises bearing down on us, some people can still find ways to be destructive to the Earth and our fellow creatures. What energy does it take to place your mask and gloves in a trash bin? Morons gotta moron, I guess. Such a shame.

    I’m happy to see the lovely photos of walks, pups, horses, and sunsets…a good reminder how much beauty remains and that it’s worth fighting to preserve.

    Be safe and well, and keep looking forward to a merry journey to the Lakes. xoxox

    • Oh yes, all these endless restrictions and endless cleaning of things is old now. It’s all so time consuming. Yes, it’s hard to understand how people can toss masks and gloves, and it’s scary to think how much of it will end up in the oceans. I really pity the wildlife. Thanks Kitty, it will be lovely to go on a reading and walking holiday. Love and hugs to you all.xxxx

  16. I haven’t changed my routine over the past six months and will continue as I have done.
    Good luck with the vets, I’m sure that it’ll all go okay. I hope that your holiday goes ahead without any hassle or problems.
    I agree with what you say about discarded gloves and masks, ordinary litter is bad enough but I despair when I see these.
    Thanks, and you too. xx

  17. Our vet isn’t as strict. We ring on arrival. And don a mask. A nurse in full PPE then meets the one person allowed in at the door where I was asked to sanitise my hands. The waiting room is divided by plastic sheets into booths so numbers allowed on are strictly controlled. The vet calls you into the surgery where X marks the spot where you need to stand. I was allowed to hold, Tuby on the table. Exit from the premises is through a side door and payment either made over the phone or contactless through a small window from outside.

    • Your vet does seem a little more relaxed but it still is weird isn’t it? You do wonder how long this will go on for. Thanks

      • Same problem here. Face mask litterring here and there. I think parents should be taught not to throw rubbish everywhere. Because children tend to learn from their parents.. Using recycleable face mask is one good idea!

        • It’s really disgusting isn’t it? It’s the adults who are tossing the face masks and gloves here. I’ve never seen a child wearing one. Sorry to hear it’s the same where you live. Thanks

  18. I hope you manage to get away on your break. I could really do with a holiday after everything that’s happened over the last eighteen months, we didn’t go anywhere last year as I didn’t feel comfortable leaving my dad after my mum had just died so it’s a while since we’ve had a proper holiday. I think your post highlights just a few of the hoops we have to jump through now when we want to go anywhere so we haven’t bothered booking anything yet, it’ll probably be next year before we decide to go away now. Face masks becoming litter is a real problem. I remember when I was visiting my dad in hospital, the car park outside was strewn with them. Isn’t that awful, wearing them inside a hospital and then taking them off and dropping them as you leave.

    • Yes, you really could do with a break. How disgusting to think people are trowing masks away in hospital car parks! Some people only think of themselves. The numbers are flying up now so I have my fingers crossed that we can still go away. Thanks

  19. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    I do hope you are able to get away for your break.
    I read today that they are thinking of having a two week lockdown around the school half term, which I guess will be mid-October. This Covid 19 is certainly not going away, but it seems the rules change almost daily and I agree it is hard to keep up to date with it!!!

    I’m so pleased you posted that last photograph, it is such a beautiful looking sky.

    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

    • Thanks Jan. I have my fingers crosses that we will actually get away this time. The rules seem to change on a daily basis now, it is hard to keep up! xxx

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