It’s been hot and dry here of late and the scent of roses and other blooms are almost overpowering.

A picture of the courtyard taken from upstairs, it’s so difficult trying to capture the roses from the ground.

This bamboo in the back garden throws out the most enormous stems, it was only supposed to grow to six foot, it seems to be on a mission to take over the garden!

Manuka, weigela and philadelfphus are bursting with flowers this year

and feverfew and foxgloves seem to have self-seeded everywhere.

My vile smelling dracunculus vulgaris is blooming again and attracting millions of flies, I have to keep a good six feet away! I just discovered that the tutsan on the right is actually a St John’s wort plant, who knew? It’s also classed as a wild flower.

Two more sheep arrived at the rescue recently, one was only eight months old and pregnant. Thankfully she gave birth to a healthy little lamb, pictured here, a day old. Despite her young age, mother sheep is doing well too.

And Finally…

there have been lots of shopping, outings, lunches and meetings with friends of late.

Life seems almost back to normal, although our covid numbers are rising again, fortunately, hospitalisations and deaths remain low. Long may that last. I suppose in the end we’ll just have to live with covid as we do flu and get vaccinated each year.

Until next time, stay safe guys.


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  1. I am a bit late commenting here and seeing your lovely roses makes me sad that June is over with all its glory. I’ve been deadheading today which is always depressing. Do you know the name of that first rose?
    How nice to get out with your family and for a bit more normality for the little one.
    The lamb is just the cutest thing imaginable.

  2. Oh that scent, you will have to come over for the day when it’s in flower next year. Thanks

  3. How does your garden grow??? with cockle shells and roses all in a row. I can only imagine the scent – how. beautiful lis that.

    The lamb is adorable….and it looks like you are all having fun…wonderful:)xxxxxxx

  4. I love that rose in the first two pics. Who on earth would abandon a lamb? Love that pic with your girls on the tractor. Reminds me of farm outings with our kids when they were small.

    • Thanks Jason, it is such a wonderful strong rose. The mother of the lamb arrived pregnant from somebody’s home, an unwanted pet seemingly. You just can’t beat a tractor to keep kids

  5. Hello You ! Who, is having much more fun now a days right ? LOL
    I think it would be so amazing to be surrounded by the scent of roses like that .. I have a thing for wild roses from Nova Scotia where I spent time as a child .. I could never get enough of them.
    That poor child of a lamb having a child herself .. I am so glad mom is doing well at such a young age and the baby lamb is so sweet ! Great picture taking !
    Is Manuka honey made over there as well ? it is supposed to have great healing properties and I know you know a lot about herbs that do .
    We have been up and down with temps and humidity . I am already looking forward to Autumn (aka Halloween ? LOL) .. take care and stay safe, yes Covid will be here just like the flu .. we will learn to live with it.

    • Thanks Joy, oh it’s just great to get out and about again! I just love those small rambling roses, they literally throw thousands and thousands of flowers out and last a good month, the scent is divine and so strong. Everyone was relieved to see mom and lamb healthy, it’s always a worry when the mother is so young. I think most of the manuka honey comes from New Zealand as maunka is native there, it grows really well here

  6. Great post. Fantastic images.

  7. What a gorgeous little lamb and a lucky one too.

  8. That lamb is adorable. I never see a lamb without thinking of William Blake’s “little lamb, who made thee?” And there’s always something new to me in your posts. Today, it’s Manuka, weigela and philadelfphus. Such funny names! I’ll have to go look and see what they are.

    A variety of St. John’s wort is native in east Texas. I’m not sure if the species is the same as yours, but the appearance is similar. Such a pretty plant!

    • Thanks Linda, lambs are so sweet aren’t they, it’s unusual for us to have two in a year! That St John’s wort is lovely, it manages to have buds, flowers and berries at the same time, it’s such an attractive

  9. Gerrie Mackey

    Wow your garden is looking stunning and I bet the perfume from those roses would make a pleasure to be out in the garden. Good for you and your organisation for helping animals the way you do, poor lamb and mother…good to know they are doing well. Yes, I agree, it is good to be able to catch up with friends and family again. There has been an outbreak of cases in Sydney, so they are in Lockdown, but only for a couple of weeks. Interestingly someone had a party and spread the virus, the only people who didn’t catch it were the eight people who were vaccinated. Australia needs to get the hurry up on Vaccines.
    Lovely happy pics and you and your family enjoy these lovely times.

    • Thanks Gerrie. Yes, you just can’t beat sitting in a scented garden, it does make you lazy though. I do hope your vaccine roll out speeds up and your numbers stay low, they are flying up here but deaths remain

  10. That’s a very elastic six foot Bamboo, even in old money measure.

    Your angle photo of the roses worked a treat. My three Weigelas have decided to perform for me this year. I hope it’s not a freak event.

    Do you think, in another life, you may have been A Naturopath; St John’s Wort, pungent others, etc?

    The lamb is a very good looking lamb, may be a future prizewinner, and seems very sturdy.

    Interesting post. Xxxxx

    • Thanks Menhir, haha yes a very elastic six foot bamboo! My weigelas can be temperamental too, a lot of contrary shrubs are playing ball this year. If I could use an occupation it would be a naturopath! Little lamb is as strong as an ox! xxx

  11. Your roses are really beautiful, I can imagine what the perfume must be like, the little lamb is totally gorgeous and I recognise the front in Liverpool, were you in the new museum? It wasn’t built when I worked in Liverpool, I was going to say 50 yrs ago but suddenly realised it was 60yrs ago!! x

    • Thanks Pauline, it is a great year for roses, the scent is far stronger than normal too. Yes, we were in the new Liverpool museum, it’s worth a

  12. Wow, so much going on, with all those gorgeous flowers, and your gorgeous granddaughter! I think you’re right about covid, Dina – we will just have to learn to live with it, and keep ourselves safe as is sensible. Hugs xxx

    • Thanks Gill. Yes I suppose it’s up to the individual in the end to take what precautions they see fit, can’t wait for the virus to die out though. Fingers crossed that will happen soon if we all get herd immunity, it’ll run out of people to infect

  13. Ah, what a love of a post! The sweet lamb! The cascades of roses! All those colors and scents: my goodness, what a paradise! I love the blooms with the bee featured in your header.

    The family photos are so wonderful to see… togetherness in person is world’s away from virtual togetherness, isn’t it?!

    Thank you for this glorious post. You always offer vivid proof that this life and our Earth are beautiful. 💕

    • Thanks so much Kitty. Everyone was relieved to see mother and lamb healthy after the birth. You just can’t beat getting together in person, although zoom filled a gap. Huge love and hugs to you all.xxxx

  14. Isn’t it good to be out and about again? Your garden looks wonderful

  15. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Your garden flowers are so colourful, lovely photographs.
    That lamb is just adorable.
    Great family photographs.

    Happy July Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. ADORABLE lamb! Those little patches on its knees! Thanks for sharing those dreamy rose photos. So lovely. And that philadelphus — is this the one that smells like orange blossoms?

    Fantastic family photo, too 🙂 Bet it feels good to do anything remotely normal. Tentative, at first, but so relieving to reconnect with friends and loved ones in person, eating out, traveling.

    • That wee lamb does tick all the boxes for cuteness. Yes, the philadelphus does smell like orange blossom, lovely it is. Oh, how lovely it is leading something of a normal life again, how we all have missed that, yes it’s a relief for sure! Thanks

  17. Lovely post and pictures. Colour and scent is a wonderful garden combination at this time of year.
    Thanks, and you too. xx

  18. Awww, that lamb, so cute. Your garden is a riot of colour, so many gorgeous plants. Isn’t it nice to be able to get out and about a bit more now, I don’t think we’ll ever take it for granted again, we’ve all spent far too much time at home over the past year.

    • New born lambs are so cute for sure. Oh it’s just lovely being able to do things and see people. Yes, our freedom will never be taken for granted again. Thanks

  19. A good way to appreciate your garden is to look down on it from above. Your rambling roses look beautiful – so full of flowers. I love the fragrance of roses. Some that were arranged indoors in a vase are being enjoyed for their perfume as I sit and relax. It sounds as if you have been busy going out and about meeting family and friends. You need that break when the weather is good after your activity- filled working days at the animal rescue place.

    • Yes, a bird’s eye view is always great. I just love rambling roses, there’s something so oldy worldy and natural about them. You just can’t beat the scent of roses indoors. Thanks

  20. Oh that cute little lamb. I was watching a video of an Australian lady who puts woolly jumpers on her abandoned lambs. She bought baby jumpers from charity shops but, during lockdown, people started knitting them for her. They look adorable. Your garden is looking stunning and I’m glad you’re getting out and about again. I’m having lunch with 2 friends today – I haven’t seen them since last year, so I’m very excited! Enjoy the rest of the week. xx

    • Oh, the thought of woolly jumpers on new born lambs, too cute! I bet you enjoyed that lunch, it’s just fab meeting up again! Thanks

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