Shadows, sunshine and showers

How wonderful a change of scenery can be, especially after eighteen months of lockdowns. It’s probably bordering on three years since we’ve been away, although it feels somewhat longer.

So, our favourite little cottage, nestling in 75 acres of trees, mountains and waterfalls was, once again, the perfect getaway.

The air seemed fresher, the owls louder and everywhere water was trickling, babbling, gushing, roaring and thundering.

Tell you what though, a couple of years of no serious hiking had us gasping for breath, and the endless ups and downs seemed far more punishing than usual, resulting in our calves and thighs taking a right old hammering.

Disaster struck on day three as the sole came off one of my ancient, old faithful, walking boots. I quickly acquired a temporary pair, an enormous schoolgirl error, which immediately resulted in a rash of blisters, fairly spread across every. single. toe.

I then purchased another, very expensive, pair of walking boots which I tried on this time!

Before the aforesaid, pricy new boots trotted off on their maiden walk, I thought it would ease the blistered toe problem if I bandaged each and every individual toe.

Struth!!! That was an even bigger schoolgirl error as not only did the bandages rub on the blisters, making them worse, they also rubbed on the joints between the toes creating even more blisters, in places you don’t even realise you can get blisters.

By this point I was barely able to put one foot in front of the other, and the most agonising pain always coincided with the steepest, or most treacherous walk. Still, I walked, and afterwards, each time the boots came off the relief was palpable.

The gods sure sent us decent weather. Blue skies, shadows and the odd shower. The pups just loved it. Each night they flopped and crashed in front of the log burner.

My next door neighbour, the wonderful Barb, cared for Curly cat beautifully, for the first time as a house cat.

Buddy went into kennels, as he can’t be walked with Sam and Annie given he screams unmercifully in their presence when any dog walks by.

I wasn’t happy with his condition this time though, as he’d lost weight, and almost lost his voice, among other things. Still, at least he was safe, which is all that counts ultimately. I shall be having a polite word though.

Buddy is enjoying the extra food, walks and new dogs toys as I try to make the kennel stay up to him.

Thoughts please, is it just me or is it ridiculous that dog friendly cottages have pale carpets and pale, fabric couches. Even our delightful stable cottage has now followed this trend which means I have to take my own bedding along with throws for each and every couch and chair.

Struth, along with all the dog towels, the washing, once home takes days.

But…goodness, it’s all worth it, blisters and all, to get to see, enjoy and utterly appreciate all that beauty.

And Finally…

I collected my new glasses today and was astonished to be able to see through them.

Oh… how the cobwebs and dust, amongst other things shine out now!

This was outside a pub in Ambleside.

Until next time, stay safe guys. xxx


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  1. What wonderful pictures. Such scenery.

  2. Hello there Blister Queen ! … all joking aside I understand how badly that hurts . Years back when I was doing my walks I had them so bad I had to go on anti-biotics. You don’t forget that!
    I’m so sorry about Buddy .. that is a bit of a gut punch loaded with guilt but it was all you could do at the time and he was safe.
    What can I say about those stunning photos ! … I can’t even wrap my head around how gorgeous an area you were in .. we live in one as well but with different aspects.
    Yours I totally love though .. something very special not a lot of people have the chance to enjoy, but I know you it was even more than just enjoyment for you. There is a deep connection to such beauty isn’t there ?
    Love the sign outside the pub .. says it all about our world still 😉
    You asked about my camera .. Sony Cybershot with 50 x optical zoom with a Zeiss lens

    • Thanks Joy. Oh my, your blisters must have been awful to require antibiotics! You certainly don’t forget things like that. Oh yes, yo do connect with such stunning beauty, you are lucky to live where you do too. That sign did make me laugh, in the end you have to and then just get on with

  3. The cottage sounds idyllic if not the blisters. Poor you. I think pale carpets in any holiday cottage regardless of dogs is a bad idea.

  4. Adventures within adventures. Buddy, boots and toes. I was muttering ooh, ouch with your description of your blisters, and activities with them. I hope you and your best boots will live happily ever after.

    Very atmospheric pictures. The Lake District is, as the French might say, “formidable”!

    Pink!!!! Pet friendly pink! No protective coatings? Honestly, even pink carpet. It’s a walking, hiking, earthy , muddy exploring area. Or have outdoor conditions changed. Sounds like house shoes/slippers will be a must to change into outside the front door. Just don’ sit on anything till you’ve changed clothes as well. As for the paws, doggie shoes desirable. What do you do with doggies natural fur coat? Xxxxx

    • Thanks Menhir. I’m SO pleased to see the back of the blisters, I’m sure feet and boots will now live happily ever after. Lol, yes formidable is the perfect word. You describe the problems of carpets and soft furnishings beautifully, it really is a nightmare walking in wet and muddy, and even if the dogs don’t sit on the furniture dogs hairs float around, especially after being

  5. Tis indeed a beautiful part of the world….Having just returned again from Wales – I miss the great outdoors and beautiful countryside. We NEED it:)

    As for new boots and blisters….oh what a nightmare that is. The good news is that next time you go your new boots will be thoroughly broken into.
    As for creams colours on furniture – where dogs are allowed….I don’t get it either, but given that you were able to take lots of. extra blankets, I am sure all worth it in the long run.

    And now autumn is truly with us…cool temperatures and lovely sleeps under lots of duvets…my kind of weather. Janet XXXXXXX

    • Oh yes, how we all need the great outdoors. I think the new boots will fit like a dream now the blisters are gone. It seems madness to me to have pale fabrics on rental furniture, it’s a disaster waiting to happen. My kind of weather too. Thanks Janet.xxxx

  6. So glad that you got away for a well deserved break. I know how much you love that county with lakes, mountains and plenty of hiking opportunities. Hope the blisters are healing though. Buddy will have been pleased to see you.

  7. Lovely post and pictures. Apart from the blisters, I’m glad to see that you enjoyed yourselves and had good weather.
    Good to see that you’re making it up for Buddy.

  8. Glad to see that you had a well earned holiday in the beautiful Lake District, it sounds as though you and the dogs had a wonderful time except for the blisters, poor you! Buddy must have been so pleased to be home with you and his friends once more.

    • Thanks Pauline, it was wonderful to get away blisters and all. Yes, little Buddy is happy to be home, he has been

  9. I’ve found that blisters aren’t so much a problem now as the simple rubbing of boots on aging skin! The last two times I’ve been out, it’s the tops of my knee-highs that have rubbed a painful spot or two right through my skin, even with good socks. If I’m lucky, the same spots will ‘get it’ every time, and I can add a little extra padding.

    Here, the La Quinta motel chain is pet friendly, and their kindness to pets during hurricane evacuations is well known. I never took Dixie Rose with me on any trip, of course — except for evacuations. Instead, I’d have someone come and care for her at home. She always became just as angry, but she was allowed to avoid the insult of other animals, a strange location, and so on.

    I’m so glad you got away. I had to laugh at the Sweet Caroline sign. There’s a whole lot of hugging going on in these parts, these days, and it sure is nice. It’s good to feel human again, and free to socialize!

    Speaking of — are you suffering any petrol shortages, and such? I read in the papers that it’s a problem there now.

    • Oh goodness, your poor legs. Here’s to the extra padding helping! Dixie Rose sounds like such a character, you’ll certainly never forget her! Good to know you are back to hugging again, it’s so normalising isn’t it? We seem to be suffering shortages of everything. The petrol situation has clamed down here now but not in other parts of the UK. I’m sure panic buying will begin any day now as the media keep banging on about toy and food shortages. I’m just hoping the lights stay on. Thanks

  10. Oh, my goodness, what beauty! I’d be falling over gasping all day long, and dancing so wildly in any rain that I’d likely be carted away.

    Annie and Sam look so happy! I bet it was a perfect break for them! My heart hurts for sweet Buddy, though. With all your extra love and care, he’ll likely be happy again in no time.

    Mostly, and despite those wretched blisters, I’m so happy your body, mind, and spirit were mostly refreshed and renewed by all that glory. 💕

    • Haha, it is a stunningly beautiful place, every day the scenery looks different as weather systems roll in. Sam and Annie loved it. Poor Buddy, we’ve more than made it up to him. Extra walks, food and new toys. Oh, everything was refreshed there, already booked in for next year. Thanks Kitty, love and huge hugs to all.xxxx

  11. Ugh. Just reading about those blisters had me feeling achy — Hopefully you have recovered and now have a pair of nicely well-broken-into boots. Your cottage time away sounds magical (minus the blisters). Though I do agree that it seems a bit insane to have light colored coverings while being pet friendly …with the great outdoors right there, ready to be carried in by said pets….

    Which reminds me, when I was researching pet-friendly motels in case of emergency, all of them had a 2 pet per room limit. Ugh.

    • Thankfully the blisters are gone, I’m gently easing my new boots in. I can’t get my head around pet friendly cottages sporting light fabric and carpets. I end up with towels everywhere and sheets covering furnishings. Not aesthetically pleasing at all! Oh….I do hope you find a pet friendly motel!!! Thanks

  12. Oh your poor feet! Blisters make hiking such a pain – literally! I hope the new expensive pair solve the problem and, having invested in some new ones for myself recently, I can sympathise re: the price!
    Your holiday sounds wonderful and I’m glad that the weather Gods were kind to you. We’re off soon and Metcheck doesn’t look promising!
    I’m currently cat-sitting for our neighbours and really enjoying it. Somehow, watering their plants doesn’t seem as much of a chore as doing my own. :O)
    I hope that poor old Buddy recovers from his kennel ordeal soon. xx

    • Blisters do ruin a good walk, I ended up hobbling. They are horrendously expensive, it’s a good job they last for years. I do hope you had a good holiday and got to enjoy some good weather. Ha! How true re watering other people’s gardens. Buddy has bounced back, he is a stoical little dog, nothing seems to get him down. Thanks

  13. Oh, that scenery, absolutely beautiful. I do sympathise about the blisters, I have such trouble with footwear, my walking boots are just about the only thing that’s never rubbed me. Poor Buddy, I bet he was glad to see you, I hope he’s settling back down again now you’re home. I know that Archie wouldn’t settle in kennels so we’ve never left him, it does mean that there’s certain things we don’t do but I couldn’t bear to think of him pining for us, I know, I’m such a softie, haha.

    • Thanks Jo. It’s a beautiful place isn’t it, I envy people having those views each day. I do feel awful leaving Buddy in kennels, it would be a nightmare taking him though and most holiday lets only permit two dogs. He’s happy as Larry

  14. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Lovely that you were able to get away, I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    But, so sorry about your blisters, hope they are now healing.

    Pleased your new glasses are good 🙂
    I’m due an eye test soon, I must get my appointment booked.

    Enjoy these last September days, I can’t believe it will be October on Friday.

    All the best Jan

    • Thanks Jan. I’m getting used to my new glasses and the blisters are now gone. I do hope you managed to book your eye test. Yes, time is racing by! xxx

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