I love autumn and when the leaves begin to drop in the gardens, it always feels as though I’m living in the woods.

Each year, individual trees have different coloured autumnal leaves. No two years are ever the same, which is always a delight. It’s all down to the weather, and the weather here is always varied.

This year the leaves have been predominantly red, pink, yellow and gold.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than scuffling through mounds of dried leaves, I actually seek them out while walking the dogs.

I’m not so fond of brushing them up though, I tend to leave that little job to the wind.

Some of the acers have hung onto their leaves beautifully this year.

Now, the garden is racing towards winter and snow has been forecast next week, although I’ll believe that when I see it, given we live on the coast.

There is certainly a chill in the air though, and with it an urge to gaze deeply into the log burner, while surrounded by softly glowing candles and sleeping pups.

Littl’urchin has developed a love of leaf scuffling and shroom hunting of late. She sure will miss those leaf mounds and shrooms when winter kicks in.

And Finally…

Zoom Urban Wildlife/Hedgehog Talks seem to be back on the menu. I’ve done two within a week. It’s far less time consuming sitting behind a laptop, and I can do multiple classes at once.

Thank goodness for advances in technology!

A delightful thank you card from a Zoom school talk.

And, and Finally, thank you all for your supportive comments on my last post re Sam, I really appreciate each and every one so much.

Sam is still doing well and enjoying his days, which I’m grateful for.

Until next time, stay safe guys.


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  1. Lovely autumn leaves, I have been enjoying them too. But I do’t have any little people rolling in mine. You are very lucky. I love the hedgehog card, great that you are keeping up the talks. Whoops, you’ve got honey fungus too.

  2. Thank you for the Sam update. Still hoping he’ll have plenty of happy days left to be loved on and appreciated.

    I know it’s not the same on Zoom, but you’re right that it’s so good to have the option.

    Love that your autumnal leaf fall consist of different colors every year. How fun that H is learning to enjoy the ways of your garden/woods.

    • Thanks Anne. The good thing about Zoom is that is saves time so more schools etc can be fitted in. Littl’urchin is becoming the expert in the garden, especially re herbs!xxxx

  3. Lovely post and pictures. It’s been a really good autumn for wonderful leaf colours. Leaf scuffling is great fun and I still do it.
    Good to read that Sam is still doing okay.
    Thanks, and you too. xx

    • Delighted to hear you enjoy a spot of leaf scuffling, you just can’t beat it when the leaves are in mounds and are dry and crunchy! Thanks Flighty.xxx

  4. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    I did enjoy seeing your Autumnal photographs.
    I did a Littl’urchin today, as I too enjoyed some leaf scuffling on an afternoon walk.
    The cup of tea when we got back indoors was very welcome, the weather seems to be turning cooler.

    Take care

    All the best Jan

  5. Round here yellow seems to be very much in vogue autumn leaf wise this year.

    And you can Zoom in your pyjama bottoms and slippers

  6. Great to read that Sam is still doing okay, and he has caring people around him, which must help animals I always think.
    I love autumn too, but right now we are having a weird cold wet spring, and the hills and fields are starting to look as green as England! (well, nearly!) Littl’urchin will miss the leaves in autumn, they are so much fun.
    Keep well and safe.

    • Thanks Gerrie. Oh, what a shame about your cold wet spring, climate change has a lot to answer for. The leaves are down here now and we’re well into winter.xxx

  7. That hedgehog card is perfect. I realized I don’t know much about hedgehogs, so I just devoted 15 minutes to various youtube videos: hedgehogs waking up, going to bed, being snuggled, eating dinner, etc. They are so darned cute.

    I’m glad to read that Sam is doing well. And, I laughed and laughed at the skeleton in your garden. That’s just funny!

    • Oh yes, Hedgehogs sure are darned cute! Lovely that you discovered a little more about them. Haha, pleased to hear you enjoyed the skeleton. Thanks Linda.xxx

  8. Happy Autumn dear Dina. I love the hedgehog card and think the zoom sessions sound perfect.
    All of. a sudden very cold here…and so as you say time to wrap up and snuggle:)

    Sending love
    Janet XXXX

    • Thanks Janet. It’s turned bitterly cold here too, even the dogs think the weather is too grim for a walk. Here’s to getting cosy! Love and hugs.xxxx

  9. P.S wee correction – *long mild Autumn*

  10. I wonder why wee urchin is into shuffling leaves… 😉

    The Autumn leaf colours show up really well in your post. I was particularly struck by the stunning backdrop to your Monkey Puzzle tree. It really stood out.

    The Hedgehog card is super! A future fund raiser card perhaps? I did hear that there are lots of baby hogs around at the moment, late births because of mild Autumn. Lots of work for the rescue I expect and beneficial zoom training session on helping the babes survive, from you!

    Good to hear how Sam is doing. xxxx

    • I think I enjoy leaf scuffling even more than Littl’urchin! That card would sell for sure. There have been dozens of baby hogs brought into the rescue this year, there are over a hundred at the moment. Thanks Menhir.xxxx

  11. Lovely photos of all the leaves, i love scrunching through them too, we are all kids at heart! Also love the delightful card you received after your zoom talk. So glad to hear that Sam is still ok, may it continue for some time yet.x

  12. Oh, I do love those photos of your Li’l Urchin. Such a doll. The leaves are gorgeous, too. Our color came late and in blazes of glory, now, finally, falling away.

    Your Zooms sound like fun! What a sweet thank you card.

    Love to you and all your beloveds. Glad Sam is still feeling hale and hearty. Smooches to his sweet head.

    • Thanks Kitty. The recent storm has seen off the last of our leaves, still, they were fun while they lasted. The zooms are fun, especially when the dogs start barking, the kids love it! Love and hugs to all.xxxx

  13. I always love the colours of autumn, the fallen leaves, the feeling that nature is bedding down for the winter. And Liitl’Urchin sure is enjoying herself! xx

    • I love autumn too, such a vibrant season. Littl’Urchin is having a ball raking and rolling in leaves. Thanks Gill.xxx

  14. The colours have been beautiful this year, though I fear they’re coming to an end now, the trees seem to be dropping their leaves at a rate of knots, and as the weather is forecast to be so much cooler next week, I doubt they’ll be hanging on to them for very much longer. Glad to hear that Sam is doing okay, he’s been in my thoughts a lot xx

  15. Beautiful autumn pictures. I have to confess that I love a bit of leaf scuffling too! :O) Well done on the Zoom talks. xx

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