Buda and Pest

I must say, Budapest is such a charming place, I absolutely loved it. The people were so helpful and friendly and the city is beautiful, clean and safe. I was struck by the differences between Buda and Pest. Buda is the historical side of the river, and is hilly, whereas Pest is flat and the …

The leaving of Liverpool

Christmas lights in Liverpool. I’m off to Budapest on Friday guys, it will be good to escape our awful weather. I’m looking forward to sightseeing and a little shopping at the Christmas markets there, it has to be more interesting than dragging my carcass around the city center in this dismal weather. Having said that, …

Hong Kong

The laughing corner in the botanical gardens. Come on….a girl has to give it a go… It was a shock to the system experiencing the cooler temperatures of Hong Kong after the heat of Singapore and Bali, most refreshing though! Wrapping up and donning boots felt rather strange. It was also odd being back in …


Just loved the sculpture of the five little boys above this boat. WHAT a month it’s been! After three weeks of travelling, we arrived home last week only to find that the central heating had broken down leaving us without heating or hot water. Thank goodness for the log burner! Hopefully it will be repaired …

The hills are alive…..with the sound of water

While at the Lakes, we stayed at our usual cottage, The Stable, which nestles in the heart of Eden. This glorious waterfall is right outside the cottage and the endless rushing, roaring and thundering, is utter music to my ears. While we were there it poured down almost every day, but being the stoical little …