Wildlife and gardens…..trying to keep up

Have a quick look at the birds on the feeder outside the kitchen window. Over the years I have released dozens of doves, which have successfully bred with the feral pigeons I’ve released, producing some seriously, pretty crosses, and an ever-growing flock for me to feed. The white bird has a few black spots on …

Releasing ducks-the trials and tribulations

This week, Hubs and I released twelve ducks. They came to the rescue as tiny ducklings, in two’s and three’s. Once they were given a clean bill of health, we put them into a water aviary together. Before a release can begin, ducks have to be caught. We have tried and tested many different methods …

Fairy toadstools and hopeless birds

  Billy-Bob, Bella and Ben have settled into a cosy routine. Each day, they’re outside the bedroom window waiting for me to feed them. At night, Billy-Bob and Bella cuddle up and Ben sleeps on the bathroom window sill. They rarely venture far, occasionally, they hang out on my neighbour’s roof or potter around the …

Hounded and harassed….amongst other things

What a week it’s been, reeling I am, reeling! I’m currently covering lots of extra shifts at the rescue and it’s that time of the year when chicks come pouring through the doors. Most pull through, but every now and then we have a truly hideous day. Last Thursday was such a day…….talk about stressful! …