Releasing ducks-the trials and tribulations

This week, Hubs and I released twelve ducks. They came to the rescue as tiny ducklings, in two’s and three’s. Once they were given a clean bill of health, we put them into a water aviary together. Before a release can begin, ducks have to be caught. We have tried and tested many different methods …

A special needs hedgehog, and other news

I have another special needs hedgehog. Drum roll please. Introducing…. Hattie! Hattie arrived at the rescue, as a tiny hoglet last autumn, unfortunately, she has trouble walking. The vet thinks she has a neurological problem, she can use all her legs but has no coordination at all and rolls about. All four legs seem to …

Out of kilter

There has been talk of climate change for years now, and while the alleged experts continue to debate the causes, the weather and seasons become ever more erratic and unpredictable, to the point where the process has now been given a name, “Weather Weirding.” Across the globe, incidents of severe and extreme weather are now becoming the norm. I …

Excellent outcomes, Jacks and mice and tiny fires

We were graced at the rescue this week, by the presence of a tawny owl. It had flown into the window of a garden center. Fortunately, given their talons, they are rather placid guests. Did you know that windows are responsible for the death of trillions x trillions of birds worldwide? Cats, cars and windows are …