Surviving the storms, The Shack and defying the odds

I’ve lost count of the storms that have torn through the area of late, but thankfully we’ve had little damage. The wooden greenhouse/shed, now formally christened “The Shack” held it’s ground and remained standing. The Shack has been given a coat of preserver externally and now has the potting table installed. The plastic covers protecting …

A blossom or two

An icy wind has been gusting for an age of late, resulting in me barely visiting the garden, so it was lovely having a little potter around today. Hubs has cleared the tree remarkably quickly. These things often look worse than they actually are. This bargain basement, nameless, store bought tea rose has been flowering …

Sam, Curly cat, a wood pigeon, catching cats, a felled tree and shrooms

As usual, I ‘ve taken pity on the plants that are growing in restricted conditions. This poor creature arrived in a rattan ball which has now been plonked on the top of the compost. The roots have grown through the rattan ball and it’s now twice the size it was. The same has happened with …

Wishing you all…

a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Thank you all for reading my blog, leaving comments and sharing your lives with me. Until next time, take care

The weeks that were

Santa has been visited in the woods, this time behind glass, and no presents were given. Struth, the times we live in. The local landscape has changed drastically since the storm, never have I seen so many trees down, in the woods, and along the roads, it’s heart breaking seeing so many stumps where fine …

Wild was the wind

The weather has been truly horrendous over the last few days. We’ve had winds of over seventy miles an hour, lashing rain and sleet and temperatures that dipped to -3. Our icy drive and pavements became lethal and needless to say we’ve barely left the house for days. Storm Arwen hit with a vengeance and …