Too many tomatoes, bull breed awareness and more youngsters

Yes, it’s that time of the year that finds us out and about in the parks of Liverpool trying to persuade people to neuter and micro- chip their bull breed dogs, for free of course, as there are far too many of these dogs in rescues across the region, one is being put to sleep …

Growing up

Well….it only seems like a few months have passed since I got Sam and Annie. How time flies by! I can hardly believe that Sam has now turned one and Annie is almost twelve months old. I’m getting a little bit more peace these days, as they don’t play all day and night, just MOST of …

But there’s a spider under the table Mum.

Our Doberman pup has developed the curious habit of standing on the outdoor tables at the various pubs we frequent. It’s not as though he isn’t tall enough to start with! As fast as we get him down, he pops up again.  I’m just waiting for the Landlords to start telling us off. Obviously a born …