Please release me…


This collared dove came into the rescue as a tiny chick and needed to be hand reared. Once it was able to feed itself it was kept in an aviary, allowing it to revert to wild as birds will do quickly, if left alone. We have to be really careful with crows as human faces quickly imprint upon them leaving them far too friendly towards people.

So, I decided to release the collared dove in my courtyard, but it steadfastly refused to come out of the carry case. In the end I had to physically get it out. Then it simply sat on one of the bird feeders…..and sat…and sat…and sat… for THREE hours, while the dogs whined at the door trying to get out. In the end it flew off when a hungry wood pigeon bullied it off the table.
I always worry about the released birds, but hopefully this one will remember where the food and water is! It’s lovely to see them back in the big wide world though.

These thrush chicks came in a few days ago, along with another seven chicks….one out, nine in!

Next job….releasing two hedgehogs. I took them across the moss where there is a lovely forest that is fenced off and totally private and isolated. I always expect a farmer to come out yelling and waving a gun at me for trespassing here….one of these days he’s bound to catch me!

And so the first one was sent on it’s merry way with half a can of dog food to help it out untill it finds it’s way around. This hog is almost twice the hibernating weight so has a great start, and they all go off wormed and flea free.

I found this little beauty on my front lawn last november, I didn’t think it would even survive…so I feel really happy, yet a little sad to see it go. Be lucky little one.

And this is their new home….ideal for a little hog or two wouldn’t you say?


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  1. Gorgeous pictures! It must make it all worthwhile when you get to release them back into the wild! The forest looks like a great place – I hope they do well out there! xx

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