And so it begins


I was passing a nursery recently and was pulled, magnetically inside, I rather surprised myself as I left with begonias, which I’m not terribly fond of and PURPLE potatoes, I know I said I would only be growing Charlotte and King Edward…..but come on….PURPLE potatoes, I owe it to myself to give these a whirl, if only for the novelty value.

I’ve found myself sneakily admiring the single begonias of late, and think these two should compliment each other.


So the potatoes are now merrily chitting, and the first of the seeds have been sown, Penstemon.

And NOT in that horrid, squishy tray you see there on the right, I have no clue what festers in there.


It’s that time of the year were I begin to wonder where on earth all the cuttings will go as the seed trays begin to multiply in the greenhouse.


I’ve treated myself to several dogwoods recently, to sit behind the fruit bushes for a little extra interest, especially in the winter.

I also bought a Tree heather- Erica arborea var. alpina, and a Beauty berry- Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii ‘Profusion’.

The problem is, it’s been too cold to plant anything!

Just for you, that was Chloris….just for you….. been reading my little black Latin book I have!!


 My gorgeous Christmas rose- Helleborus niger is now flowering, following Shooting star, and brightening my day!

To hold a blossom in the hand in January is always special…like feeling the heart of a quivering bird!


This is the time of year where the first signs of new growth are appearing.


To my abject horror two of the roses I bought last year for my new borders and bowers appear to be dead….as dead as doornails. They’re both climbing roses sadly; I only bought four so to lose two is something of a catastrophe, Madame Alfred Carriere, and New Dawn have utterly bit the dust, AND I have no idea where they were bought from so can’t demand healthy specimens or money back. FUMING I am, I have nurtured them, whispered sweet nothings and kept them free from frost and bugs. So….


as hubs is STILL away, now for an extra week, I was forced to visit a supermarket as the bread had turned green and the cupboards were stripped bare. I don’t go food shopping, I lose the will to live in such places, but, I straightened my shoulders, womaned-up and got on with the torment of it all. It was hailing and blowing an arctic gale as I battled and fought my way into the supermarket. I swear several huge hailstones struck my eyeballs….but that’s another story….I walked/was blown in and was welcomed by the sight of Roses…..sighs…HAD to get a few didn’t I, after all a few have just died, and it was my reward for carrying 30 cans of dog/cat/hog food, along with other staples, bare necessities, through the flamin’ blizzard! You will be pleased to know that I now have bread, wine, pet food and ROSES…..that’s ALL a girl needs to survive!

And the drains have been unblocked….ah man, who would EVER want that job….I feel weak at the knees just thinking about it!


Now, talking of the weather….it’s been utterly hideous! We still have gales, and I mean the type that has Annie cowering in the corner of the bedroom at night, that sound like a billion tortured banshees screeching around the house, with thousands of souls of lost sailors thrown in for good measure…eerie it is, and all the time I can hear things crashing about, no doubt more bits of the house being blown off…..and the hail….that’s something else!!! That adds a rather interesting drumming that seems to further enrage the banshees….

And I have the most awful, AWFUL flu at the moment, I’ve never quite had flu like it. On the first night my throat was swollen, nose a-running, cough a-hacking….normal flu, but bones an-aching AND eyeballs an-aching….the eyeballs were the worst of it, by far! And all the time I lay awake sooooo horribly conscious of my eyeballs listening to the shrieking banshees screaming around the house….and the crashing and banging….and drumming hail…..

I found my birds, that hubs bought me for Christmas, in the pic above, actually blown over a six foot gate into the back garden from the courtyard….still in one piece though!


Flu or no flu, dogs have to be walked, and as Annie is now banned from running for a few weeks due to having a suspected torn ligament she really needs to go out. Walking them, lurgy-ridden, in the hail and gales has resulted in me feeling positively martyred….

So the ginger cat? Yes, this is the latest critter to sit yowling outside my front door. Now Curly is in….thank God says I now the weather has turned…..this chap seems to have taken his place outside….


Everytime I go out he’s there, purring and rubbing around my legs…..surely he has a home????

My garden seems to attract lost cats, I looked on the site where we discovered Anthony was lost but no sign of this guy…..


I’ve just finished reading the Forgotten Garden, what a marvelous story!  I finished it in two days……great for those who are lurgy-ridden, and all the while I had Schubert’s Ave Maria sung by Maria Callas, Beethoven’s Moonlight sonata , and Pachelbel’s Canon, along with a little Albinoni playing on a loop….

Now I have started Elizabeth and Her German Garden….I just loved how, on page 1, the owl song was strung along  to music….how quaint!

All bird song should be put to music!


Whilst emailing Laura today, she sent me a pic of Holly, now named Emmi, and her legs are as good as new. She will have her first walk tomorrow.

Pompeii seems to be out as our first weekend away due to overly long flights, so I’m turning my gaze to Budapest, Bruges or Rome….

And finally…..

yes I’m waffling, but hubs is away so I have to ramble on to someone….


I have just designed this tattoo for daughter and I….it means many things to us and shall have the words, Always, forever either side of the figure eight at the bottom.

It shall be my very first tattoo! I’ve always wanted one!


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  1. The roses will help, I have found that seems to be the cure for most things.

  2. I am finally at the end of the bug I think, just a sniffly nose, but that’s nothing compared to aching eyeballs!
    Each day now things shoot up all the quicker, despite the cold, Spring will be sprung before we know it!
    I think the potatoes do stay purple, it will be most odd eating them….I am excited to be growing them!!!
    I did enjoy them on your post….so maybe you planted them in my mind!!! I can’t wait for mine to green up…. yes, they do have white flowers…
    WHAT is it with my garden and cats???? Ginger is a lovely affectionate creature, I’m sure he has a home….fingers crossed! Thanks

  3. I hope that by the time you read this you will be over that ghastly bug ! Practically everybody seems to have it around here (except me. I seem to have escaped it so far…)
    It looks like all your bulbs are poking through the ground and as you said, once it warms up, they will be shooting up and flowering. It’s quite exciting seeing all those buds on the trees too. 😀
    Now I have never heard of purple potatoes. What a novelty ! I wonder if they keep their colour when cooked? Purple runner beans turn green when cooked.
    I notice you have bought a beauty berry (callicarpa). They are gorgeous plants. I wonder if you got the idea after seeing the photos of the lovely ones at The Vyne that I posted recently? I believe they get a white flower before forming the purple berries.
    And I had to smile when I saw the ginger cat. They certainly know the best address in town 😀
    Get well soon and take care xxx

  4. Hahaha….oh dear….I AM sorry about the purple potatoes, to be honest I hadn’t seen them before and shall feel decidedly odd eating them! I am sorry but I can’t stop smiling at your kohlrabi story…you should see the seed catalogues now, there are so many vegetables crossed with different types that’s it’s becoming downright strange! Thanks

  5. I have to tell you, that I, for one, am not encouraged by the novelty of such items as purple potatoes. I recently got some reddish kohlrabi, and they sat there for a long time, as I thought they were beets, though all the while I was looking for kohlrabi to put in my salad. What about us oldsters? It’s hard enough dealing with things we know (but are forgetting). Do we now have to decipher the new editions of the vegetable garden?

  6. I couldn’t help but laugh when I read your list of essential shopping, you have got your priorities right with wine on the list! I really hope you are feeling a lot better, it’s no fun having flu on your own with no one to look after you and take the dogs for a walk.
    You certainly had a wild night with all the crashes and bangs going on, the icy wind is still very strong down here, I have to check each morning that there isn’t any damage to all our trees, so far everything is ok.

    • Lol….A girl does have to prioritize!!! And where we would we be without wine???? I am feeling better by the day, now if only this cold spell would pass! I think the wind is the worse of it…..the whole country seems to have been battered. Roll on spring eh….thanks

  7. I don’t think there’s many people that have escaped these pesky bugs this year!! grrrr
    Those dogwoods are going to look really good in the winter months. I used to have a ginger cat, well, it adopted me, it used to appear, come and plonk itself in the airing cupboard, if the door was open and just sleep there then go off again for a while. Then one day he went and never came back!! Suzy xo

    • Yes, bugs do love to come out in force in the winter! Hahahaha….cats eh…..they seem to chose their people! I wonder where it went too….maybe it’s owners locked it in! Thanks

  8. Oh….I couldn’t agree more, fresh growth is just the BEST!!! As you say, it’s something you never tire of, spring does wonders for the spirit, just seeing a blue sky is cheering.
    I am horribly behind with garden jobs, the first seeds are sown yet the greenhouse remains to be cleaned….and I can’t do that until I can clear the cuttings, there are hundreds of them!
    I was surprised to see the roses die…how dare they! Oh…you have me intrigued with Arthur Bell, I do hope to have lots of roses this summer…and that is down to you!
    Ginger is adorable, he is almost frantically friendly, he literally leaps up to get stroked…I have no idea where he has come from, I do hope he has a home, I really wish people would put collars on their cats with contact details….Thanks

    • Oh, and I’m pretty excited about those dogwoods you’ve started. I love the way they look. There’s a variety that’s supposed to be suited to my climate, but I have enough on my hands with things that are supposed to do well, much less things that are borderline. I’m so looking forward to seeing yours!

      And, by the way, are you still growing mushrooms? Or do you have to have a new kit each season?

      • I do like the green and red dogwoods together, they are sitting behind the fruit bushes in the fruit patch which is pretty boring in the winter. I know what you mean about buying plants that aren’t suited to the climate, I make that mistake over and over

        Sadly the mushrooms die back after a couple of flowerings…..I would like another kit though, it was such fun seeing them grow!xxx

  9. Seeing new bits of green poking out from the ground is SO EXCITING! Isn’t amazing when we’ve seen it year after year? I love it. And I’m always amazed at how much work you put into setting out seeds and chitting potatoes and planning new roses (!). I’m sorry about the two that dies. Sometimes that just happens — nothing you could do. I have heard amazing things about Arthur Bell, a rose that should flourish in your climate with abundance and fragrance. Good luck with them all!

    Didn’t take long for the Cat Connections to send word that you had a vacancy! The real deal: have you named the ginger boy? So adorable with all that loving attention.

  10. Oh you poor thing….the flu is awful…however, when it passes, and it will….life will seem so wonderful:)
    Yes, we are in the middle of the winter doldrums and so it’s always good to see and feel the beginnings of new life moving around under the ground.
    Days are getting longer, and I swear the air is beginning to smell more hopeful:)
    I dream of visiting you and eating purple potatoes and of course communing with all the animals and you.
    Take care and sending magical hummingbirds in your direction…Janet:)xxxxxx

    • Life is getting better by the day now the flu is on the run, how draining it is! I agree, spring is beginning to push winter aside, here the bulbs are coming up and leaves are appearing everywhere, it’s good to see!
      Now it would be simply wonderful if you could come up late summer….and together we would feast on purple potatoes whilst bouncy dogs play at our heels….a lovely thought!
      Thanks for the beautiful hummingbirds, they weave their magic as I type. Thanks

  11. I love your new metal bird sculptures and am excited at the thought of purple potatoes – do they retain their colour when cooked? A tattoo – apparently Judi Dench is getting one to celebrate her 80th birthday, so you’re in good company! Hoping you feel better soon. x

    • Thanks Veggie Mummy….I have some larger metal birds in the back garden, I think I’ll end up with a small flock!!! The smaller two will join the bigger two when the winds die down.
      I think the potatoes do remain purple, what fun eh!
      Lol….what’s good for Judy is certainly good for me!xxx

  12. I always thought if I got a tattoo it would be of a giant pair of lips right on my butt. 😉 I hate grocery shopping, too, unless I’m buying chocolate and butter so I can bake. I love that Emmi is ok and of course, that cat found you. You have a giant flashing sign over your house that says “I will love and feed you!”

    • Hahahaha….well of COURSE you would have the lips on your butt!!! I wouldn’t expect anything less!!!
      Oh…shopping….it has to be the most tedious task on earth, and so much choice! Why do there have to be twenty different types of tinned beans????
      Emmi has come on a treat, what a lucky little girl!!! Lol….there is something flashing over the house for sure!!! Hopefully Ginger has a home! Thanks

  13. Your post started out quite gently ~ a couple of dead-as-doornail roses, true and sad… but then, gulp, I read about your horrendous weather, and awful flu and how ill you felt … and then the howling banshee winds, hail and house bits being blown away…metal birds flying out of the garden ….and my eyes got bigger and bigger, and I continued reading about your struggling into the supermarket… but when I got to your aching eyeballs, I was done for… oh my goodness, what descriptive writing… I need to take a deep breath! I think your husband will think it most opportune to be away and miss the lurgy!

    I do like your choice of music 🙂 So happy you have replenished your roses… but don’t give up totally on the dead-as-doornail ones…they may show a little green sprout from the roots later on.

    Glad to hear about Emmi 🙂 and of course cats know where ‘home’ can be found!

    • Hahahaha….you DO make me laugh, and I love how you got straight to the heart of the matter….the aching eyeballs!!! I was most phazed by the whole experience….there is nowt worse in life than being that aware of one’s eyeballs…..especially in the dark of the night when you focus on them even more….
      Lol….your comment is certainly descriptive too!!! Me….I think I may be a drama queen!
      Good music works wonders on the soul doesn’t it….I shall certainly take your advice and hang on re the roses, a gal can hope eh? Thanks for the laugh Glo!xxx

  14. Sorry to hear you’ve been under the weather with the flu. Being home alone and ill isn’t much fun. Some soothing music and a glass of wine was a good move in the circumstances. You seem well organised with your gardening projects. The new dogwoods will look good and hopefully the new roses will do well along with all your other cuttings. Do you think the ginger cat is a mate of Curly’s? I’ve been watching this two part tv programme about the secret life of our pets and it was fascinating. So glad that Emmi’s legs are healed up and she’s able to walk normally now.

    • Thanks Linda….good music and wine always work wonders!!!
      I do love dogwoods and love the combination of the red and green stems, I’m not really organised though, I could do with cleaning the greenhouse out but it’s chock-a-block with cuttings and it’s too cold to put them out….
      Curly is not fond of other cats, so I doubt they’re friends, but as I haven’t seen them together I could be wrong. The ginger guy is awfully friendly towards me, I have no doubt that he’s a tomcat, hopefully he has a home! That programme sound interesting, I must look out for it!
      It really is good news re Emmi’s legs….she is coming on in leaps and bounds now…xxx

  15. Urgh indeed! Things always happen together though I find….I must say I was out of the game for the first few days with it, three sheets to the wind, I am beginning to feel better now.
    Internet shopping!!! Now WHY didn’t I think of that!!! Thanks

  16. Urgh, sorry to hear about the flu – bad enough at any time but with gales, blocked drains and hubby away? I hope next week is a better one mate!
    P.S. internet shopping.. it’s the only sort I can stand.

  17. Tattoos, gluttons for punishment!

    Purple potatoes are not just lovely to look at in a salad, for example, but they are really good to eat. We had a large crop a couple of years ago and a few stored ones late last year. I took a load of pictures which were on my tablet, so they were even more cracking to look at. The guy at the shop who saw them, thought they were a variety of plum!


    • Lol…..I have thought long and hard re having a tattoo, and hope I don’t live to regret it!!!

      I have never grown purple potatoes before and am really excited, it’s good to hear that they taste good too…how lovely that you have grown them, I must say it will be most odd having a purple potato dripping in butter!!!! I can imagine why they were confused with plums. Thanks

  18. Sorry to hear you have flu, how awful having to get up and shop and walk dogs when you are ill. I love Elizabeth’ s German Garden. Her descriptions of the Man of Wrath and the Three Babies are wonderful.
    You have your priorities right. Wine, roses and purple potatoes should be top of everyone’ s shopping list.
    I am very impressed that you are using your little black book and testing quite fluent in Latin.
    Get well soon.

    • I agree….a girl shouldn’t have to do anything in the hail and gales when ill…..sighs….especially shop!!!! I loathe supermarkets!!!
      I am really looking forward to getting stuck into Elizabeth’s German Garden…..and just loved that she put the owl’s call to music!
      I am pleased to hear that you approve of my shopping choices….the food was running so low I was contemplating eating the purple seed potatoes rather than hit the supermarket!
      I have become extremely fond of my little black book and feel the memories of the torture slowing slipping away….sighs… Thanks Chloris. xxx

  19. So – you never go shopping! Really! Do you just wave your magic wand and it just appears – I am intrigued! So sorry to hear how ill you are feeling – it sounds horrendous – do you want me to pop round and look after you? Sounds like you have been having a rough time all round, what with the weather and hubs being away. Nice to see the photo of little Holy/Emmi she looks to be coming along nicely, still a cutie. Tattoo eh! Where? I have read all Kate Morton’s books and enjoyed them all – but not Elizabeth and her German Garden – who is it by – is it Elizabeth von Arnem or something? Love your new garden visitor – you certainly know how to attract them. Hope you feel better soon lovely.

    • I must admit to never going food shopping, apart from the odd occasion at Christmas, hubs does it, he actually seems to enjoy it!!! We seem to have swapped many roles, he shops, I decorate….I think if I lived alone I would do it online….just as Jessica has just suggested, shame I didn’t think of that…..but then I would never have bought the roses….
      Now how lovely it would be if you could pop around and take care of me….I would recline on cushions and have you read your novel to me!
      Emmi is coming along well in every way, she has a lovely nature and is getting quite used to people spoiling and petting her, which is always good for a rottweiler…
      Kate Morton is wonderful isn’t she, I shall pop to the library tomorrow and get some more of her books, it’s always good to find a new author. Yes, it is by Elizabeth Von Armen, I haven’t got very far yet but it seems promising.
      What is it with my garden and cats???? sighs…..thanks so much
      Forgot to say….I’m having the tattoo on my inside right ankle….it’ll be about an inch and a half square.

  20. So sorry to hear you have the man-flu…. ghastly! I think you enjoyed the Hammer Horror winds howling around your house though… secretly…. just a bit! I love a good howling banshee wind myself…..

    Hope all your new roses grow and thrive – I love roses too… well who doesn’t eh….! I’ve been reading a wonderful book – still in the middle of it – called ‘The old Ways’ by Robert MacFarlane….have also read his ‘The Wild Places’ too…. he goes for wonderful walks out into the wilds, following ancient paths and byeways and sleeps rough under the stars and his writing is exquisite and just gorgeous – you feel as if you are right there with him in an ancient world of thousands of years ago….. is just wonderful!

    Enjoy the tattoo….. I felt high as a kite after my first one – the endorphins went into overdrive after the pain and I floated off in ecstasy afterwards.

    I like the design – well done… and fancy you and daughter both having it! :)xxx

    • Lol…..the flu is certainly ghastly, the perfect word to describe it!!! To be honest, I didn’t like the wind….I LOVED it!!! It is just the best thing to listen to at night….especially with the owls adding to the orchestra…..the only bit I don’t like is when things crash and bang and fly off the house….I opened a window to hear the banshees all the better, but that set everything slamming and banging in the house.
      I’m going to the library tomorrow so I shall see if those books you are reading are there, they sound right up my street!
      Now what was your first tattoo….eh? and how many have you got? I have always wanted one so am rather excited…daughter has a few, she had me design them all and they are small and discreet. Thanks

      • my first tattoo is the Dove for the Holy Spirit which is over my heart so was very very painful at the time!!! The second is on my right shoulder blade – a deer and the first verse of a psalm.

        Do make sure the tattooist does what you ask….. sometimes, like hairdressers… they don’t listen and they do what they think is better… I had an argument about the deer – the lady was going to do what looked like a shaggy goat!!! Daughter’s friend wanted a clock with wings on her thigh and ‘time flies’ ….. and the tattooist did it absolutely huge and daughter’s friend hates it and was utterly traumatised… so make sure the tattoo person agrees with what you want and will comply happily! But it is such fun and one feels EXTREMELY pleased and high as a kite afterwards – I think they are addictive…. I got craving to have another one done… but held off! I still would like more done…. maybe one day… and they do hurt in my opinion too….but the one over my heart was very painful!

        Good luck!! Where are you having it done on your body? Nobody ever gets to see my Holy Spirit Dove really unless on the beach in a low cut cossie which I don’t have so nobody knows about it but me really. 🙂

        • Oh….I can imagine how painful the dove was, how very brave of you, and how nice that it’s a secret one…and the little deer sounds wonderful too…..I like how they represent things for you. I’ve heard some terrible stories about tattooists so will make very sure they understand what we want. We are having the tattoo on the inside of our right ankles, it’s only small, about an inch and a half long.
          It means many things, it’s in part to remember my old wolf who died three years ago aged 17, it’s about angels, strength, connection and love. I think I could happily work designing tattoos…..there are some fascinating ones

          • Well you have designed a lovely one and I do remember about your old wolf being so important to you too… and I’m sure you’ll make sure it is done just as you want…. ouch though… on the inside ankle… 🙂 mind you I think tattoos are just ouch wherever! Just hang out for the after effects 😉

            I think tattoos have to have meaning – just as you say… I hope you’ll share a photo or two when you and Daughter are ‘done’! Good luck!!xxxx

        • I’ll certainly share a pic….and yes, they have to have a meaning for sure! As I just said on your blog….got those books from the library so a HUGE thanks for that….they have me feeling deeply contented before I’ve even read them!!! What fun I shall have delving into

  21. Oh, Dina: Such weather, and the flu to boot! I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so lousy; lots of that seems to be going around this year and it’s no fun at all. Sending love for your healing, and soon, as it looks like your garden is reviving with gusto, despite the gales.

    It will be ages till we see green–in fact, we’re heading into another session of deep freeze-so to look at your beautiful photos and even imagine buying new plants is soooo inspiring: thank you! Spring will come. 🙂

    Love the tattoo: sweet design and hope it goes well for you! 🙂

    Sweet, speedy and safe trip home for your husband and gentle, swift healing to you, too, my friend. Blessings on all your garden dreams. xxoo

    • Thanks so much Kitty, I do think the worst is behind me now, I really hate being unwell!
      There are signs of growth everywhere, bulbs are coming up and buds are springing out on the climbers and shrubs and new growth is forming on the base of plants. Once this cold snap goes I think everything will erupt at once.
      Gosh….how do you cope with the cold for so long, we are spoilt here….but then I know you like the cold, and I must say snow is beautiful, I wouldn’t mind having it for a few weeks a year. Glad you like my tattoo, it will be my

  22. Ah dear… so lovely see how you’re getting busy with your garden again! Ginger seams pretty happy to be around, with Curly inside he shall feel like the king of the garden 🙂
    About the strange weather: here last night was snowing again…
    I had to stay home since I have a bad cough (bronchitis) which is persistent… if I don’t speak is OK and better stay in the warm bed. Today I had all six of them sleeping on the bed with me… quite a lovely companionship!
    We didn’t do much in our garden jet… guess we have to wait, first of all I have to get better and then the temperature has to rise to 15° 😉
    Lovely tatoo, very ispirating indeed! And thank you for the tip about the Forgotten Garden, I’ll get it since I didn’t know this authoress
    Hugs Claudine <3

    • Yes, it’s funny how there always has to be a cat yowling at the front door….there must be an invisible sign out there or something. I’m sure this guy is just visiting, I hope so anyway.
      The weather seems strange worldwide now….snow is pretty but makes it difficult going out. Ahhhh….you stay warm and take plenty of honey and lemon and don’t speak. How lovely to have all your cats snuggled around you, that must be very comforting!
      I’m glad you like my tattoo, I’m looking forward to having it done soon. You must read The forgotten Garden, it was a really good read!!! Thanks

  23. Sending you some positive energy to help you combat the flu thing. Its hard work when you lots to get on with. Good news about Emmi. Hope Annie makes a speedy recovery. LOVE the tattoo design. I am having my first tattoo at the age of 57..a butterfly which symbolises many transistions I have gone through in life. :-):-)

    Seeing your greenhouse and plants reminds me that it won’t belong before I need to get out a do some tidying etc in my garden too..soon.

    Take care x

    • I shall welcome your positive energy with open arms!!! Thanks for that.
      It’s marvelous news about little Emmi, everything has worked out perfectly for her…..
      The vet has advised that I rest Annie from running for two weeks, it’s hard to do as she has so much energy to burn off….only another week or so to go then hopefully everything will be sorted and she can get back to her endless galloping.
      Oh….how wonderful, we are both about to have our first tattoo…..I do love butterflies! Good luck with yours….Thanks

  24. Ahhhh…Sorry aboout your being ‘under the weather’….literally et al! Hope you are soon fully recovered…Will have to be…with the busy time ahead. Your pictures say it all. Spring is not far away, to be sure.
    So much needs doing…and Tempus Fugit!!!
    Take extra care with the weather being what it is…
    Hugs! xxx

    • Thanks Bushka, I think I’m over the worst of the flu now… does seem to be a rather horrid strain….sighs…I really don’t take kindly to being ill! The winds seem to be dying down a little now and the hail has stopped….as you say, spring is not far away!xxx

  25. I’m sorry to see that you’ve had flu and hope that you feel better soon.
    I like the ginger cat with it’s impressive whiskers, and I also like Holly’s new name Emmi. She sure has a sweet look to her in that picture, and it’s good to know that her legs are okay. xx

    • Thanks Flighty, I think the worst is behind me. The cat does have gorgeous whiskers, he’s ever so friendly too, I think he must have a home, he doesn’t feel thin or look neglected. Emmi is a cute name, I think she suits it too. It’s a wonderful outcome for her and the icing on the cake is her little legs healing, she is a sweet little

  26. I hope you’re feeling better soon. The flu is no fun at all but even less so when you’re home alone and there’s no one to look after you, or the dogs. I love the name Emmi, it’s lovely to see her and to know that her legs have healed, I’m sure she’s grow to be a beautiful dog. What a pain those roses dying, but you’ve chosen some more lovely ones to replace them with.

    • Thanks Jo, the lurgy is wearisome isn’t it….I am beginning to feel a little better now so hopefully it’s on the run.
      Yes….Emmi is a lovely name, she suits it, it seems that all’s well ends well for her! It’s good to get regular updates….
      I was surprised to see the roses die off…..they came as bare root plants, I think those are always more

  27. I like Kate Morton books too, I think I have read all of her books unless I have missed one.
    I also planted the two dahlias that you bought last year and loved then – I hope the tubers survive winter.

    Also it is so good to see Emmi on the mend.

    • This is the first of hers I’ve read, I picked it up in a charity shop, I did enjoy it so shall trundle off to the library tomorrow and get her other books out. Ah….yes! I do recall your dahlias now I come to think about it….maybe that’s what influenced me without me knowing it! I do hope yours come up again….
      Yes. It’s a really good outcome for that little pup. Good that I can keep in touch too. Thanks

  28. Sorry you are under the weather without human companionship. I’m sure the roses will help. We still have snow on the ground but it is quite mild. I’m hoping that this year we will see the snowdrops in February.

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