Destructible, indestructible dog toys.

I had a real scare a few days ago. Sam, the greediest dog I’ve ever had, refused his food and went off to be sick. Some of you will remember the occasion, a few months ago, when he ate an indestructible plastic bone, and had to have surgery which was extremely serious. Thankfully he survived, but the cost came to …

A cat extravaganza, face painting and freezing to death

Yesterday, the rescue held its annual cat extravaganza. Each year the cattery is decorated, Halloween style, and opened to the public. My job was to do the face painting [as usual] and to judge the worst witch and best wizard competitions. The kids love the cat extravaganza so it’s always well attended. The face painting takes place in one …

Growing up

Well….it only seems like a few months have passed since I got Sam and Annie. How time flies by! I can hardly believe that Sam has now turned one and Annie is almost twelve months old. I’m getting a little bit more peace these days, as they don’t play all day and night, just MOST of …

Tails from the riverbank.

Every time Hubs and I have planned to go sailing on our narrowboat this year, something’s happened to prevent it. Things like the pups being neutered, individually of course, just to make it more awkward, and  Sam eating indestructable bones and needing surgery, repeat  flu bugs….oh, the list is endless! Last weekend, our boat trip was almost sabotaged again …

Feed me, feed me, feed me ’till I’m fit to burst!

I’m EXHAUSTED! These three blue tit chicks came home with me from the rescue on saturday as they need continual feeding throughout the evening and early mornings. They never stop eating….not ever… you would be astonished at how many mealworm one of these little beauties can put away in one sitting. One will doze off after a feed, …