Aint life grand

We’ve had a rather lovely week weather wise so it was finally time to release Holly the hedgehog. She has almost dug herself out of the rabbit hutch and is certainly fat enough to survive whatever the weather now. So I left her food and water and merely left the door open, and after six …

Getting nowhere and now, going nowhere either!

A few days ago something underneath my clapped out old car fell off, so it’s back in the garage where hopefully it will be rejuvenated….for the umpteenth time! It’s an old VW and despite roaring along and shuddering like a tank, it’s usually really reliable. So, unless I want to be housebound for a week, …

Of mice, manic motorists and a wounded hubs

Well, it’s a new year and it’s a lovely to watch the stars that shine so brightly on these cold winter nights. Each day becomes a little longer and I hear the song of more and more birds who are beginning to sing, along with sound of the endless drip, drip, dripping. It’s been such a wet year and …

Tears of blood and slowly getting there

Well, Christmas is definitely getting closer and now the world hasn’t ended, I’m beginning to get things done. The decorations are now up, but given how many boxes of things I wrestled down from the loft, I’m always amazed how they disappear throughout the house and seem so few, when up. I’ve had most of my decorations for years …

Destructible, indestructible dog toys.

I had a real scare a few days ago. Sam, the greediest dog I’ve ever had, refused his food and went off to be sick. Some of you will remember the occasion, a few months ago, when he ate an indestructible plastic bone, and had to have surgery which was extremely serious. Thankfully he survived, but the cost came to …

A press-ganged Daughter, a broken digit and other stuff.

Well, last week Hubs was listening to the radio and heard about a brilliant opportunity for people aged between 18-24 to sail in a Regatta of 17 tall ships from Dublin to Liverpool. Daughter was called and the next day she found herself signed up! She was going to learn how to sail a tall …

A sad day….

Five years ago I saw a narrowboat for sale on ebay and instantly fell in love with it. It was like owning my very own floating Romany caravan. At the time we had two dogs that were beginning to age and become set in their ways, which made going on holiday very difficult, so buying the boat was the …